My heart shattered. I left Leah's house about an hour ago. Drove home and broke into pieces as soon as I got through the door. I just lay there sobbing alone in the dark.
An hour must of passed when I realised that a light had just been turned on followed by Beth walking over with a blanket. She wrapped me up and helped me over to the sofa.
Beth: What's happened Bels?
B: She hates me
I couldn't muster many words because I was choking on my own tears but she never forced me to speak. This was one of the reasons I love Beth.
Beth: She hates you? I'm sure she doesn't Bels. Look at all you did for her today.
B: None of it matters. She got her memory back Beth.
Beth: That's a good thing isn't it?
B: No because she only remembers the bad parts about me and her. She doesn't remember any of the nights we were stood at 2am making pancakes dancing around this kitchen. Or she doesn't remember all of the times that we went out drinking and we had to carry each other home. Or the game days where she'd sit and do her sudokus and I'd video her cheating exposing her.
Beth doesn't say a word. She can see how hurt I am, I feel broken inside. Why me? Why does this have to happen to me?
Beth: Give her some time Bels, maybe some memories are more delayed than others. Have you spoken to her since you left?
B: No
Beth: Maybe message her and try and strike a deal
B: What do you mean?
Beth: Message Leah and say to her if she gives you one day to change her mind on you and it doesn't work you'll leave her alone forever but if it works then you get one more day.
B: That's quite a good plan actually Beth you're good at this
Me and Beth sat and figured out a plan that would make Leah feel the emotions between us that we have always had. We decided on something heartfelt and something that would hit to the bone. This needed to work.
I got into bed after a rollercoaster day and night and messaged Leah.
I know you're mad at me but
I go to sleep not wanting to see the reply tonight because if she rejects me it's going to break me even more.
Waking up the next morning I had notification after notification. Some from Beth and Katie making sure I'm not breaking down again and just checking in. One from Leah and one from Amanda. I was instantly nervous before I even opened them.
Leah: You have one day Bella, not even that. You have a couple of hours. Tell me when.
Amanda: Hi darling, I know Leah's memories have only come back for the negative ones but give it time and I promise you she'll remember how special you are to her. She's just angry. It won't last forever. You're welcome here anytime Bels xx
Amanda was always so good to me. She always treated me like one of her own. Nobody knows about my past. How my parents don't speak to me. I'm an only child. How my ex treated me. But Amanda doesn't care about that. She cares about if I'm okay now, in the present. I'm glad she thinks I'm special to Leah because I'm beginning to lose all hope. I decided to message Amanda back letting her in on mine and Beth's plan to get our Leah back. She thinks it's an amazing idea and wants to help by distracting Leah so we can set up and then bringing her here when we are ready. I'm glad because I really wanted Amanda here to see what I'm going to do.
Me and Beth met up in town at 1pm to get prepared. Leah would be coming over tomorrow for my "hours of truth" so it needed to be perfect. I had made a list of everything we needed to get and it may of took us two hours to get it all but I was at ease knowing this was going to go smoothly.
We also brought a sneaky bottle of wine to have a girls night because we deserve it of course we do. Jonas gave us the day off of training tomorrow because we explained the whole situation to him so we had every opportunity to get wasted before we had to face what tomorrow would bring.
And that is exactly what we did.
Sorry this one is slightly shorter but it is just a filler before Leah's surprise.
Do we think that it'll bring her good memories back? Or will Bella be left devastated after a failed attempt?
Thank you xx
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