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Looking down at the phone screen, my jaw completely dropped. Down the ground, slipping right through to the Earths core. I expected a message from her mum or even this mystery girl but no the notification said

(iMessage from Lucy Bronze: Is it done? )

Me and Beth looked at each other intensely not sure on what to do next.

Beth: Do you know her passcode? I feel like you need to know the back story of that message.
Bella: Of course I know her passcode. It's 2903. Her birthday.

I unlocked her phone and clicked on the iMessage chat with Lucy.

Lucy Bronze

Lu: I'm gonna tell you this
once and once only Williamson
end it with Bella. Tell her you
have a girlfriend or something
make her hate you or I'm going
to make everyone club country
and fans hate you. Trust me I keep
receipts of EVERYTHING

Le: Just because you couldn't love

her properly it doesn't mean some
one else shouldn't try Lucy. Its your
loss honestly. Leave me alone.

Lu: You will regret that Leah. Do you
really want everyone to know that you
pushed me into cheating on Bella all
because you wanted her to yourself?

Le: Lucy you know that's not true. If
you want to create lies about me to
make yourself feel better for losing that
perfect girl then do it, but I won't hurt
her even more.

Lu: I know it's not true and so do you,

but all I have to do is put it out there
the fans will do digging and see how
close you and Bella are and believe me
automatically. Make your choice.

Lu: Is it done?


Once again I am sat in tears. Leah doesn't have someone else? This was Lucy blackmailing her to leave me just to hurt me some more? Where is Ella? I need her right now. And with that her sixth sense to know when I need her must have gone off because the front door slammed and she came running up the stairs.

Ella: Where is she? Where's Leah?
Bella: Els stop. You need to see this.

I handed her the phone and I could see her face change completely when she read the messages. She crouched in front of me pulling my head to her chest telling me over and over that it would be okay.

The more time passed the more worried I was getting about Leah, she had no idea that I know the truth. She had no phone and was out somewhere in the car. What if she's in danger and has no phone to contact people? I'm really stressing out.

Ella: So let me get this straight. Leah broke your heart out of fear of breaking your heart because of what Lucy was blackmailing her with?
Bella: Yep looks like I was getting hurt either way really
Ella: How do you feel?
Bella: I am starting to really like Leah, I was telling Beth earlier that I didn't realise it until she told me there was someone else and my heart sank.
Ella: Yes I understand you. You and Leah have had this connection for so long and now Lucy is in the way again and you're not even together anymore.
Bella: I just wish she'd come home. I need a hug and I need her to know that I know the truth.

Beth puts her hand in mine and gives me a reassuring squeeze before leaving the room and making a call. She quickly re enters.

Beth: I just spoke to Amanda Leah's mum, Leah is there with her now. I did ask her to ask Leah to come home and it's very important so she should be here soon.

The three of us moved downstairs onto the sofa where I laid with Ella. Between her legs and she was playing with my hair. She knows that calms me down when I'm nervous. And believe me, nervous is an understatement. What am I supposed to when Leah walks in? Hug her? Scream at her for letting Lucy in between us? Either way I'll be in tears whilst I'm doing it.

It made it easier knowing I had my two best friends behind me whilst I went through this horrible experience. I had never known love could be so evil. Or Lucy could be so evil in fact. But this girl was a living devil.

My ears pricked up when I heard the familiar sound of Leah's car pull up on the driveway, probably swearing at Ella because she parked in her spot. But moments after we heard the engine stop, the door slam and the door handle turn. I sat up waiting for her to step through the door, as the door opened I did exactly what my heart was telling me. Number one) cry and number two) run and give her a massive cuddle.

Leah: Bella I- what was that for?
Bella: I know the truth Leah
Leah: You er... what truth
Bella: I was looking for you and when I realised you weren't home I called you. Saw your phone was on the bed. When me and Beth were speaking it went off, I read the message because I saw Lucy's name. I don't want you to feel like I snooped.

I started crying hysterically from all of the heightened emotions so Ella had to carry on speaking for me.

Ella: If I'm honest I was coming down here to whoop your arse but seeing what I have seen has made me realise you are as much of a victim in this as Bella is. I can't believe she asked you to do that or forced you to do that. You'd think she's hurt Bella enough without pushing her into this state. She's been crying all day.

Leah just looked at me. Disappointment in herself written all over her face.

Was there a way back from this for me and Leah? Would we eventually see where this goes? How could she let someone else make her give up on me? If she liked me or even cared about she would never have hurt me.

I don't know if this is fixable for me, mentally. But I do know that I have feelings for Leah, growing feelings. Right now I just need space.

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