I kept tossing in my bed all night, thinking about Martins.
I felt bad, I'm the one responsible for all this. He has such good rapport with Uncle. All that respect came down tumbling - all because of me.
I should apologise to him too.
'I'm sorry. And thanks for trying to get me back.'
I text him at 4 in the morning.
His reply came almost instantly.
'Nothing was your fault. I did everything that made Colonel angry, against his orders. You are no one to be blamed. Don't feel sorry, dear. And I will win his trust back and then I will take you out again. This time, we'll elope before he announces the rules.'
I could practically see him winking at the end. This man is crazy, no doubt.
Before going to mess for breakfast, I thought I'll take a look at Ren' s elbows. Her voice reached my ears before my eyes could reach her.
"Ow. Ow. OW!"
"You said you'll see to it, eh?"
Killer is ridiculous.
How Ren stands him, I'm yet to understand.
"If only you stop hurting me more, and tend to my wounds gently, I'll be able to see to it like I said- Ah fuck!"
Killer is unbelievable! How can one be so cruel while dressing someone's injuries?
"Such a cry baby."
He mocked as he finally taped up the bandage over her elbow.
"Your first jaw break will be done by me. I promise."
Ren was getting angry. And Killer was having too much fun getting on her nerves.
"Oh really? Then I'll have to wait for atleast six lives. Comeon Ren, I can't wait for you forever!"
"You Fuc-"
I stopped Ren from cussing again and she looked at me with absolute disbelief.
What? Everytime she's swearing, Uncle appears from somewhere and she gets a good dose.
Killer laughed. Loudly.
Yeah he did.
Even I looked at him like I saw a snow leopard in desert.
"You need to control your tongue, Ren. You'll fall in some serious trouble one day."
Killer completed my statement, still laughing.
"Come, have breakfast."
Killer called both of us and my surprise went one level up.
He is in a good mood it seems.
All of us were at Mess savouring the food. Killer was having almost equal to what we have, while his diet is more than double of ours - his body needs it. To compensate for the requirement, he is taking upto three glasses of that egg-milkshake these days.
The moment his glasses were kept on table, I felt that nauseated sensation in my throat.
Ren was equally disgusted.
"Excuse me, sir, Ren."
I got up before I throw up right there.
Killer looked at me like he understood why was I leaving in a hurry.
He nodded and silently permitted me to leave.
I rushed out and took a few breaths in free air.
Wills' POV -
"How can you even drink that once, forget everyday?"
Ren asked with disgust, again.
"It doesn't taste bad anymore."
"Because you've been drinking it for years straight!"
"Yes. Now it gives me energy to push through the day. It used to taste like shit before. Now I look forward to it. Specially when when my diet has been halved."
Yes, the last time I served Father Chinese meal, he rejected it and my meal was cut down to half.
"Oh poor. When are you planning to give him the next one?"
"I can't decide. It's a double edged sword. If I do it today, and he accepts, I'll be back to my normal meal and definitely better prepared for the schedule. But if he rejects today, then I'll come down to one fourth and everything will go down the hill. And then I'm just screwed. It's been almost a week since I'm on half diet. I should have attempted earlier. Now I'm feeling stupid."
"Then you should wait till this is over. May be try later."
"I'm thinking so too."
"Did you inform Major Philip?"
"No. Father said he'll do it himself."
"Mmm Willy... Did Colonel say anything about me joining you guys?"
What? Ren? Why?
"No. Why would you think that?"
"He called me to his office and asked me if I can do the schedule. I thought it was one of his trick questions. I said I'll give my best. Then using his serious voice, he asked the same question again. I said No sir, I won't be able to complete it. Now I'm afraid that I've pissed him off."
"Blessings be with you, Ren. The schedule looks horrible to me. I hope you survive if he adds you in, at the last moment."
You never know about this man. He's so unpredictable.
"I'll stay away from you guys as much as possible."
Ren and I both laughed at it - the fact that it was impossible to stay away if he calls you in.
She left and I was left with two more glasses when Flynn came and sat on the opposite seat.
"All set for the plan?"
Flynn mocks at me.
"Do I have an option?"
I say disinterested.
"Yes you have."
"Interesting. What is the other option than just do as ordered?"
"Do it better than what others expect. Specially when you have an audience."
"What do you mean, Flynn? What audience. Is there anyone coming from outside?"
Flynn smirks and suddenly I feel my guts knotting.
"You have another participant and audience. Competition gets tougher. And you can not afford to lose this time."
"Another participant? Lose this time? What do you know, Flynn?
I ask him seriously. This guy is shady. He'll give you a piece of information that nobody has, and you'll pull your hairs off trying to understand.
Flynn only laughs in response and I just wish to smash his face on the table and keep it there till he starts speaking. I'll be dead next moment, though.
"Are you gonna tell me -"
My phone rings before I threaten him.
"We have guests coming. Arrange two rooms for next two days."
I listen to Father while my eyes are fixed at a smiling Flynn, as if he knows what I'm hearing.
"Any specific arrangements, sir?"
"Nothing great. Rooms should be clean with basic facilities working. They'll be dining in our mess, so no need of room service. Tell Flynn too."
"It will be done, sir."
I wait for him to cut the call and then kept my own speaker down. Throughout, my eyes were fixed on this one person.
"Mmm?" he replied casually.
"Who are they? And why are they coming here?"
"Stop panicking, Major. They're just guests. Haven't you had guests before?"
"First. There have never been any guests about which you know before me. Second- Colonel rarely asks me to arrange the rooms - only if they are VVIPs about which I'd be knowing as soon as he comes to know. Third - no guest has ever participated and been an audience to a personal session of grand screwing. Forth - Colonel will tell me who is the guest, atleast the gender, while asking me to make necessary arrangements. Five - Rarely had any guest been allowed to dine in our mess. The list goes on and you being the first one to know gives me enough reason to panic. Now spill the beans already Flynn."
I said in one breath.
"Did Colonel tell you who it is?"
I reiterated my five reasons in my head again.
"No. I just told you that."
"Then why on earth do you think I'll tell you something that your father isn't telling you?"
He asked with one eyebrow raised and a devil smile on his face.
"You look really happy Flynn. Do you know the guy personally? Or are you just excited to meet him?"
He got up with a "You'll know soon." and left.
I sit there for a few moments getting my brain cells on work. Who can it be that Flynn would be so interested in meeting? Has to be some VIP that father is making me do the arrangements. May be an officer from the HQ? But then why would he be allowed for the schedule?
Giving up, I get up and go out to do as ordered. Usually he gives very specific instructions. This time I have to use my brain. I hope I don't miss anything that the VIP needs. I don't want to face anything after that schedule.
Doing no workout till evening gets me hot under the collar. I go to football field to sweat a few drops and warm up my body.
Running ten rounds at a same pace gives me much needed relief.
I contemplate whether to run ten more and get nicely worked up.
Just then my phone rings.
"Rooms are done, Wills?"
"Yes sir."
"You need a reminder to report?"
Damn it! I should have guessed that he needs to be informed about the rooms. After all he's hosting 2 VIPs. Shit!
"Negative, sir. I'll be there in a minute."
He didn't say anything, just cut the call. Darnit Wills! How do you manage to piss him off so often?
I rushed to his office and knocked.
"Get in."
I salute him crisply, like always.
Without looking up from his papers, he pointed a finger to the ground and said 'Hundred'.
Yep, still pissed.
I dropped and got on the job.
My phone started ringing and immediately I pressed the mute button. I didn't want another hundred.
Looking at the screen, I saw who's calling me - the senior guard. It's not the reporting time yet. Why is he calling me now? Something is definitely wrong, I can sense it.
Before I could ask him permission to attend, the call got cut. The very next moment, father's phone rang and I heard him say something that got my ears up in attention.
"I know. Don't Shoot. Let them in."
Don't shoot?
Let them in?
Who are they? And where are they?
They are definitely in the 'Shoot at sight' area of KMA.
I'm the security officer, and my pants just got on fire. There's someone entering the academy illegally and father has ordered the guards not to shoot at sight.
My counts get over and I quickly get up. I feel the urge to run and see for myself who is it.
"Sir.. I.. got a call from my guard senior. I need to -"
"No need to go anywhere, Wills. I'll handle that. Now tell me the status of the rooms."
I look at him with disbelief. The security of this place is under question, and all he cares about is his guests' rooms?
What has gotten into him?
Nevertheless, I follow his order and give the report.
In the middle of my details, someone knocks his door.
"Get in."
He says again.
I don't turn around to see who came in, and was about to continue my report, when I heard a familiar voice.
"Good evening, sir."
That was the last thing I expected to happen today.
What. The. Hell.
I've made a list of all the demands you guys placed. I'll cover them one by one as and when I can.
Sorry, requests are closed now. 😂
Till then, guess the VIP!
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