Ch90 I.K.

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Not all instructors are officers.
Most of them are inducted just for the post of instructors.
Such people are junior to officers but are senior to the cadets. That's why they screw them so much so that they become good officers.

So in one simple sentence, the day cadets pass out from the KMA parade ground and become officers, the salute comes from opposite direction.

So Kelly is Killer's junior but also his long term instructor.
It will be interesting to see how they regard each other.

"One important quality of a good teacher is that he teaches his students to be punctual. And I'm happy that you've learnt that lesson well."
Came a voice from one side of the training area.

My eyes immediately dart to one person in his early forties standing there with his hands on his waist and a whistle looping around his neck. He was wearing a combat printed T shirt and Cargo pants. His complete attire was screaming 'instructor' despite his calm posture.

Behind him stood Killer in his UCP uniform with his shirt tucked out. Considering the creases on his clothes and the beads of sweat and mud on his face, I'm pretty sure they were fighting or practising till now.

Killer moved a step forward to introduce me to him.
"This is Instructor Kelly. And she is -"
"Miss Jane Stuart of course. She has got her father's features."

Okay. I already like him.
One - he doesn't let Killer talk.
Two - his tone is so friendly.

"Mmm Good afternoon, Sir..."
This is the worst part.
I don't know how to wish him.
There are set norms for cadets and officers. I'm somewhere in between.

"Sir? You don't call me sir, ma'am! Just call me Kelly."
He replied.
Okay that's third point now.

"Only if you call me Jane."
I said and he laughed.


I stole a momentary look at Killer's face and it was constipated.
God I love this already!

"So, what have we learnt till now..."
He turned to Killer and completed
"... Major Wills?"

So Kelly doesn't regard him as Sir.
That's something new. Well it should not be. He has been training him for years.

"Basic combat techniques."
"Non sense."
Kelly said and I sucked up my laughter.

"I beg your pardon?" Killer irked.

"What else? Why would you teach her combat techniques? Is she going on war? Or will she be participating in some sparring competitions?"

"I can teach only what I know, specially when I'm ordered to do so."
So Killer is complaining about Uncle forcing him to train me.

"One can always add some common sense to his knowledge and mould it as per requirement."
Kelly said looking at me with a small smile, making Killer take deep breaths to calm down.

"I'll tell you what you should be prepared for."

"The only thing you should be ready for is a surprise."
"Excuse me?"
Did that make sense, or I'm dumb?

He started circling me.
"Yes. Surprise. A man trying to hit on you, or hit you - by surprise. Imagine yourself walking down a lane all alone someday. Your ears should be sharp enough to hear footsteps of someone following you. Your eyes should be able to see his shadow without you turning around. Your brain should be working on high alert to judge which turn to take next to reach a crowded place. He should not get a chance to come close enough to touch you."

"We can't teach her how to develop a sixth sense." Killer said, realising that all his hardwork just went down the drain.

"You don't need to teach her. She has that sixth sense already. Every woman has it. They will come to know if something is going wrong around her. Specially when it threatens their life. I'm just telling her to learn to trust her guts."

He came and took a halt, looking straight into my eyes.
"Never. Ever. Ignore. Your. Sixth. Sense."

The strong nod of agreement I gave made him chuckle.

"Still, let's see how much has the officer worked upon you. Which workout can you surprise me with?"
He asked amused.

I smirked and answered "Pushups"

He looked really surprised with those raised eyebrows and that gave my aching Biceps and Deltoids some pleasure.

He nodded at me to start and I began doing what I've been doing almost everyday for past so many months.

I was at 70 when he said "I can't believe my eyes."
I laughed to myself and continued till 86. Giving all my strength to the last count, I fell down.

"You have to know this. There are so many boys of your age out there who can't do even one third of what you have done." he said proudly while I got up clapping the dirt off my hands.

Killer would be happy now.

"I'm very impressed. So her stamina is good. How about her reflexes?"
"That's good too. She can block a few series of hits well in time."
Did Killer just say good words for me?

"Let's try that."
Before he could finish, his fist came flying and I ducked in reflex. Boiling with adrenaline, I dropped and kicked his calf with all my strength.
He barely moved. Bloody Bull.

"Good enough." He remarked.

"You can become a good fighter. But for that, you have to work very very hard and may be make a career out of it. Stamina building and staying in shape is important. But for everyday life, you have to be an escaper. And for that, you just have to learn some simple life saving moves."

"That makes sense."
I can't believe why I never thought this.

"You are a very patient student, Jane. Not many people are ready to listen to their instructors and try to understand why they do what they do."
He said with a devil smile on his lips and Killer waiting to scratch his face with his paws.

"But they eventually grow up when they become instructors themselves." Kelly completed.

"Yes. Even then, they never put their students on fire without warning. Because they know the damage."
Killer said in his defense.

"Because they knew that the kids will burn their clothes if they dare to do so."

It was funny to see them argue in third person sense.

I faint coughed and got Kelly's attention back.
He looked at Killer for a few more seconds before finally turning to me.

All the best, Killer.

"I'll put you in different scenarios and positions and you try to get out and escape. In case you can't, I'll help you. Done?"

"Most common is this one -"
He walked and stood behind me with his arm around my neck.
"- choked from behind. This is usually done by someone to catch you off guard and may be added with blackmail using a weapon in his other hand. What will you do to get free?"

I tried to pull his hand away but he was way too strong. I tried slipping down but it was stupid. His grip tightened around my neck and a small wave of panic through me. I tried stomping on his feet to get him distracted. He got distracted momentarily, the hold getting barely loose but immediately his hand was back on my neck, tighter. It was becoming difficult for me to breathe. I tried hitting him on the sides using my elbows, but no use. His body was hard as rock. My elbows started paining after a few hits. His grip tightened some more and now I couldn't breathe at all. I had only few moments for my brain cells to work before I pass out. Not caring about who will think what, I dug my teeth into his forearm and bit him with all my might. He snapped his hand away and I took a few steps away from him, taking deep breaths.

He pressed that bitten area with other hand and laughed.
Me and Killer exchanged looks of surprise and focused back on him.

"That was a good one. Even I didn't expect that."
I looked at him still confused.

"See. The only thing you have to do is surprise him with an injury that he can't recover from within seconds. That will give you time to escape, and that's all you'll need. God forbid if you are caught again, you know enough fight and combats to kick that man off."

"Again, you make sense."
"I'm glad. Going back to that scenario, you had two more options. First - hit your head back strongly into his face. Your skull might pain but not as much as his broken nose or dislodged tooth will. The non stop flow of blood from his nostrils will have him running for his life. Second- attack his eyes. Rub your hands over his face and as soon as you find his eyes, poke your fingers hard. That's maximum damage with minimum efforts but the nastiest one. Even if it doesn't hit at the right place, it will shake him up and may be loosen you a bit. That's all you'll need to kick his shin like you did mine and he'll not get up for a few minutes. Let's try again?"

"You want a bleeding nose or gouged out eyes?"
I said and he laughed.

We were in that position again.

Once he fixed his arm around my neck, he explained why he just laughed.
"You should see the height difference before you decide a move."
Damn it. It was only then that I realised that he was much taller than me. My hands won't reach his face and my head will only hit his chest.

"Point noted."

"So what else?" he asked from behind me and I got the gears in my head working.

"Keep the groin out for the end." he said before my mind could suggest that.

I moved my hands around to find a weak point.
My fingers were on his neck.

"That's a point of some serious damage. Major Wills will tell you why."
My eyes flew to meet the pair staring at me. He hasn't uttered a word since his last defense.

"The carotid arteries are located there. They supply the blood to the brain. Both of them are located at the outer part of the neck."
I moved my fingers a little out and he nodded. I pressed a little hard and could feel pulses on both sides.

"It's pulsating."
"That's the point you have to hit. Scrape your nails, gouge your fingers or just pinch a deep chunk of skin for a few seconds. You might even get your attacker unconscious."
Kelly said.

I tried doing that, only lightly. And made a point to self to remember it.

"Can I suggest a nasty one too?"
I asked feeling embarrassed already.

"Tell me before you kill me."
Kelly said and it was my turn to laugh now.

I nodded and poked my finger close to his armpits.
He chuckled.

"Well you have a lot of options here. Tickling, poking, pinching - everything will catch him off guard. If the guy is hairy, he'll curse you throughout his life."
Kelly said releasing me.

I walked away with one hand on my mouth to cover my insane laughter.

"Enough for one day, I think. Major, can you tell the cadets to report thirty minutes later so that we can practice some more?"

Killer looked at his watch in a hurry.
"Just three minutes are left for them to report!"

"Sir. I don't want to see any Cadet here for next thirty minutes."

Damn this is the fourth and the best reason I'm super impressed with this guy!
Did you just see that?
He used the word 'Sir' to order Killer.

He muttered something under his breath and ran to grab his phone.
The boys must have left already. And Instructor Kelly doesn't want to see anyone.
How is Killer going to stop the boys midway?

I turned around to look at Kelly who was grinning.
I walked up to him and whispered "You are one pain in his ass."

"He asked for it, years ago."
He whispered back.

I laughed a little loud and Killer turned around to give both of us hateful look.

I turned back to him and said "He has taught me a few good moves."
I felt the need to tell him that he wasn't a useless trainer all this time.

He nodded firmly and said "Okay. We'll see that tomorrow."

I nodded back and left the training area.
After all instructor Kelly doesn't want to see anyone for next thirty minutes. 😄


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I don't think he's a bad person. What do you think?

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