Flynn came back with an omelette and a glass of milk.
"It's too late to have breakfast." he warned uncle with an eyebrow raised.
"Yeah yeah."
Uncle rolled his eyes while stuffing the whole thing in his mouth.
It surprises me even today how this slim fit man hogs food that can fill three tummies together.
"Can you make some good tea for me?"
Uncle asked Flynn whose eyes were sparkling now.
"Someone's missing his favourite student."
That smile said this is not the first time Colonel James is getting teased by this term.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
There comes the second eye roll.
"Are you guys talking about mr. Kadner?" I had to confirm before I make a fool of myself.
"Oh that's Prescott, milady." Flynn said in a made up funny tone.
That somehow irritated uncle more.
"Can you get me some tea now or should I call your Prescott here for just this one job?"
"Fine. Fine. I'll get it."
Flynn turned around and left.
"Did he call you after we left?"
I asked him.
He nodded a no.
After a long gap, he scoffed "I hope he is still alive."
This brought a smile on my lips too. Look at this old man worrying about his student and covering it up with a joke.
"You trained him. Don't you think he knows everything to survive an apocalypse?"
I asked extending his joke.
"I did. That's why I know that his stupid brain is more dangerous than the apocalypse. He has gone for a lot of missions in the past. His experience is vast. All of them were assigned to him. But this one - he is going for it all by himself. And the fact that part of this mission involves revenge, I'm scared he might commit stupid mistakes getting driven by his emotions."
He took a deep breath and continued.
"You can only grow your kids to become adults. Once they reach a certain age, you have to let them be on their own. Same is the case with him. I can't poke much at this stage. It will only put him and his team in danger. I have no option but to sit and wait for his updates."
His loud sigh was paired by Flynn's tea. A small genuine smile appeared on his face again and he took one sip.
Immediately the smile vanished. He crunched his nose and kept the cup back.
"It's not even close!"
He exclaimed.
"You have to forget that taste for once to appreciate this. I can't make it as good as him. He must be adding some crack that has gotten you addicted to it!"
It was Flynn's turn to get irritated.
"I myself would crack each of his bone if that was true. And he knows that."
Uncle said getting into Flynn's face.
"Then how on earth do you think his tea tastes better than every freaking tea I've made?" Flynn replied annoyingly.
"Why would I know that? He makes that for me. If you want to know, ask him to teach you."
Uncle said raising his voice.
"I? I should learn cooking from him? Are you serious?"
Flynn was clearly surprised.
The last thing I dreamt in this academy was - watching Uncle and Flynn fight with each other over Kadner's tea. Now I can die in peace.
"Can I help you guys?"
I said loud enough to get their attention.
It was funny how they responded with the same word at the same time.
"Can I taste this one and see if it's good or not?"
I asked feeling greedy since the moment my eyes laid on that cup.
"Go ahead. Atleast you'll give a fair opinion."
"Yeah. Because she hasn't tasted the best one."
Uncle defended Kadner and it was so bloody cute!
I picked up the cup and sipped.
The taste was really great. He must have added a few spices on top of ginger and perfectly adequate sugar.
"It's great, Flynn."
I said taking another sip.
The silent conversation that those two men had,using just their facial expressions, following my reply was too funny to not keep the cup back down and roll over laughing.
"Get lost you. Atleast I have an admirer now."
Flynn said and Uncle shrugged his shoulder and left.
I'm pretty sure that was his alternative of showing a middle finger.
"I'll make you one anytime you want, okay?" he asked me lovingly, like my mother would do.
I nodded a yes and before I say anything else, Oliver ran to me.
"You have a call."
"Who?" I asked getting up.
I paused for a moment to look at him and then started running.
Nick had called me!
Oh god I was missing him already!
"Hey kiddo!"
Ass. Why did I run for him?
"I'm grown up enough."
"I know. I wish we were still kids." he replied laughing.
"Are you laughing at me?"
"No, girl. I'm laughing at my own state."
"Why? What's going on there? How are things?"
"Not exactly as I had planned."
"Nick you're starting to freak me out. Details please."
He laughed again.
"I knew you'd say that. I have ten minutes so I'll tell you in detail."
"That's my boy!"
"Take care little brother." Willy had told me at the last moment.
He had a mix of laugh and worry in his tone.
I sensed that there was something wrong, but I ignored it - I shouldn't have.
Standing outside Colonel Daniel Smith's office, knowing that this guy is Dad's rival, I knocked on his door.
I've heard his rules from other people - officers of the rank Lieutenant and Captain to enter and do fifty Pushups and Majors to do hundred, before they start talking. I wonder why seniors are grilled more than Juniors.
Nevertheless, I heard his 'Come in' after a few minutes. He could see me through his one sided-visibility glass door. So, obviously he made me wait intentionally.
I went in, saluted him and stood in attention. He was busy in his paperwork that he didn't even look up.
After waiting for him to acknowledge me for a few minutes, I heard him say "You don't know the rules?"
"Sir, with all due respect, I'm here for the mission. I'm not-"
"Add fifty for speaking first."
He said still looking into his papers.
"I'm not here to ask for favours!"
I replied angrily.
"Another fifty."
Well screw you!
'You represent me there.' Dad's words echoed in my ears and I dropped and pushed a straight 200 in anger.
I got up and let my brain work before my tongue does any damage.
"Major Nick reporting sir."
I said formally.
He finally looked up at me.
"Sit down, officer."
I eyed him suspiciously. But did as told.
"So, your father gave a shitty reason for not sending your brother for this mission, and on top of that, he said that you are better than him. Is that true?"
"Sir, Major Wills is a class-I agent, and no I'm not better than him at class-I missions."
I stated the truth as formally as possible.
"Then why did your father challenged me by saying his sons don't break easily, and that I shall try my best? Does he want you to have a demo of what he himself went through? Just for fun?"
His tone was getting angrier, and with each of his words, I could see the path that was coming into view.
Dad you didn't just push me- oh! Willy was laughing! These men!
I sat quietly, hoping that he doesn't take dad seriously and screw my life just to prove him wrong. But everyone knows how thick friends these two people are.
Just then he got a call and said 'Okay, come in.'
His orderly entered with a paper in his hands and pity on his face while he looked at me.
Dan started a series of questions.
"Water supply?"
"Fixed open, sir."
"Bathing and washroom arrangements?"
"On 6th floor, sir."
"Way to 6th floor?"
"Fire exit stairs, right behind the building."
"Third floor mess."
"Drinking water?"
"Again 6th floor, sir. A five litre water bottle has been kept in the room."
"Five its too much. Make it two."
Whoever is going to live in this room is sure going to have hell of a stay.
It has practically nothing in this chilly weather. This list of sufferings was never ending.
While I was talking to myself, Dan threw a pager towards me.
"We start today. You know the rules."
Yeah, report whenever this bloody thing rings and drop and push hundred before I ask him why did he ring the damn thing.
Before I could answer, he took me by surprise.
"So, I see your room is ready. He'll show you the arrangements once. You've heard where to get what. Keep your ears open. Show him his room."
He told his orderly and my knees went weak.
'I' am going to live in that room! In this bone chilling winter! God save me!
I got up saluted him and left. I was about to call his orderly right after closing his door when the pager rang.
What shit on earth?!
I left his room two seconds ago!
I turned back, knocked on his door and stood outside waiting for full five minutes before he said 'Enter.'
I swear I had hard time stopping my fist to make contact with his face right then and there.
Instead, I saluted him, went to the corner, dropped and did hundred, got up and like a good boy, said - Major Nick, reporting again, sir.
The word 'again' had to bear all my frustration.
"I didn't miss your stressed 'again', officer."
Well it was intentional you shit head!
I said nothing. I was about to burst in anger. He could see my nostrils flaring.
"You must have heard - your dad and I weren't great friends back in KMA during our Cadet days. But it was okay. Tolerable. But this time, he insulted me. And he sent you for his payback. I don't know whether to call you unlucky or unloved. But we're here now. So this anger of yours-"
He pointed at my face and continued.
"- this is only going to bring him down. His other son did the same thing a few months ago. And so will you - which exactly is my motive. So keep your anger up, show me attitude, answer me back, don't follow my orders, do all those things your father taught you not to do. That will help me win over him. What say - whose team are you in?"
Whatever he had planned, he wanted Dad to feel ashamed because of me. That is never going to happen because I've learnt the lesson without doing it - Willy's ordeal is a proof what one should expect when he willingly brings down dad's stakes.
And thank you, I'm not ready for it yet - rather I'll never be.
"I'm in Colonel James's team sir."
I said my father's name proudly.
He pulled out his lower lip and shrugged his shoulders.
"As you wish. Atleast I can say I gave you a chance." he said in a calm tone.
Rascal. Trying mind games.
Doesn't he know we practically live with the god of mind games?
He expected me to accept his offer and say something
I stood silent waiting for him to make the next move.
"Alright then. Go to your room and get ready. Welcome to my kingdom, James Junior." he said with last part as a taunt.
But I felt great when I was called by my father's name. I don't think I'm worthy enough, but it felt good!
I left and his orderly showed me how I'm going to live like a stray dog for next god-knows-how-many days.
The room looked nothing less than a nightmare. I'm glad I listened to Ren and got all those items. She truly is my savior.
"Told you. Ren is the best thing that could have happened to you guys!"
"Alright Jane. I have to submit my phone now and can only call anyone through landline, which I'm sure as heck will be taped. So, the next time I call you, think before you say anything, kay?"
"Oh. Thank god you said that. It would have never come to my mind."
"Yeah. You thick skull."
"Okay okay. Sorry. I will- Fucking hell!"
"What happened?"
"The pager. I gotta go. Bye. Tell Ren I owe her. Tell Flynn to keep my mousse hidden from others. Tell my moron brother that I hate him. And don't tell my dad that I called you."
"Totally, Nick! I'll definitely do the last two. Now run."
He cut the call and I just went through what all he said.
I came to one conclusion.
'These men need to grow up.'
Hey Nick lovers! 😉
I'm sorry I vanished, I had a few emergencies to cater for.
But being the great readers you are, please don't forget to vote. 😅
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