Ch86 Hi And Bye

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"But why?!"
I asked uncle, irritated.

"Because he didn't do as ordered."
Came his cold reply while he walked away.

"He was told by you to teach me basic self defence. Didn't he do that?"
"Not exactly."

"Come on! He taught me everything I did today! It's all because of him!"
"It was because of the good reflexes you have, and not him."

"What do you mean?"
"He didn't teach you as seriously as he was supposed to."

"So he can teach me now. Why this punishment?"
"Jane." uncle stopped walking and turned towards me.

"You wanted to learn something?"
"Yes I did, and still want to. But -"

"Then he will teach you. How when and where is upto him. He knows better than slacking in his job."
He said angrily.

Before I could speak anything else he brought his index finger up and finished the conversation.
"He will be marching whole night. Whatever you say to defend him, will not change that, rather, might add. Anything else you want to talk about?"

That was his Colonel tone that he just used on me.
I nodded a no and he left.

Meanwhile Killer crossed us in full combat gear. Poor man is going to stay awake all night. I felt terrible, realising his state is because of me.
Though he told me not to care about him, but still I tried to talk Uncle out of this.

"Go sleep." I heard Killer say loudly.
Like I could do that. My adrenaline was still high from the action.


His voice echoed and I kept looking straight as he had ordered.

Ethan was looking at me attentively. He was waiting for my move to tackle me. I stayed calm remembering all the fights I've seen here.
I waited for him to lose patience, but that bugger didn't budge.

We kept moving round and round when I gave up. I moved a step ahead and without giving me a chance to make a move, he bent down. Firmly placing his foot on my foot, he caught hold of both my arms from under me and threw me back.
Thank god for the mat, otherwise I would have broken my jaw within five seconds of the fight. I rolled twice and something stopped me from going further.

Opening my eyes, I saw Killer helping me stand back up. I got back to the mat and swore to be careful here onwards.

The rounds started again and this time he was the one to give in first. He took two slow steps towards me.
Keeping whole of his figure in my sight, I looked into his eyes.
In a flick, his eyes moved towards my left foot and suddenly his whole body bent down and his hands reached for my foot.

I had expected this. Right before his hands could touch me, I stepped back, fell on his back, and caught him in a choke.

He stayed frozen for a second but suddenly took a turn and this time his elbow was on my neck while both his knees pinned my hands.

While I struggled to get loose, Uncle said in a disappointed tone.
"So you didn't teach her to always keep an eye on the enemy, to go for the kill without wait, and to cover her face all the time."

That's not true!
"He did!" I said from the ground defending someone other than me.

"Doesn't look like that, girl."
His eyes had the darkest shade of black which immediately shut me.

This is not going to be good.
I used all my power and jerked my abs up, hitting his lower back, causing Eth to lose his balance.
His knees barely moved and rolled over my wrists. I cried out in pain because of the sudden pressure but struggled to get tiniest of space. His imbalance almost broke my bones but gave me a small gap and I slipped my hands free.
Pushing his chest hardly, I got him off me and rolled over again. His eyes went wide in surprise. He definitely didn't see that one coming.

This time I'm not going to wait - I told myself and tried to wind both my arms around his neck.
But that mini hulk toppled me over his head and I cursed silently for the pain that ran through my back and shoulders.

With a loud thud I fell and close my eyes right before the impact.
"Eyes!" Killer shouted and I blinked open to see Ethan's foot coming towards my face.

Right before it could touch me I brought my hand in between and pulled his foot with all my might.
He lost balance again and slipped.

While he did the landing, I skidded and got over him.
We were now in the same lock we were before. Just that we had exchanged our positions.
My elbow was approaching his neck and both his hands pinned under my knees.

Killer shouted and I paused a moment before I could dig my elbow.
Breathing heavily I took a few moments, then got up and stood a few steps away from him with my hands close to my face, in a defensive position.

All this time my eyes were on him, ready to defend myself from any of his moves. He got up quietly and did the same.

"Good come back." Uncle said and I saw Ren smiling from the corner my eyes.

I hope it's over, I can't go for another round.

"Wills, you have whole night to make a list of what all you missed. You need to work on your job as a trainer. I'm disappointed with both - this fight and the trials. There's too much scope for improvement and I don't like it. Get your act together before I need to step in."

"Yes sir."
Killer accepted whatever was thrown at him.

"But-" before I could tell uncle anything, I heard Killer whisper from behind.
"Shut up."

I did as told and stepped aside.
Well thanks, but I'm not coming between the two of them right now.

"Get your gear for night march."
Killer took not more than a second to salute him and run.


Ren pulled me by my hand and I let her take me.
"Don't spoil that pretty face!" she pinched my nose.

"He is-"
"He is there not because of you. Or just you. In fact he should thank you he got away so easily."

"What do you mean?"
"Didn't you hear Colonel? This is his pay back for your lessons and the TETs. Nick escaped and Wills is the only one paying for their combined defeat."
She winked and I felt so much better!

It could have been worse, but he only has one night of marching to do. He can definitely survive that after what I've seen him go through.

"There you go." Ren said.
She is really a keeper. I don't know how these people would survive without her being around. Atleast I can't.

Ren walked ahead and I followed her.
I took the turn for our complex and suddenly felt a pull from behind.
Whoever it was, had a strong hold.
He caught both my hands behind my back with one of his hand and his other hand covered my mouth tightly.

I tried getting loose but I was already exhausted from the sparring.
The only move that came to my mind was to kick backwards.

He must have sensed my next move as I shifted my weight to one leg when, as soon as I lifted my other leg, he kicked it aside, twisted my ankle with his foot and stepped on it.

I screamed into his palm, my voice muffled. I couldn't even dare to move a little or hit him anyhow, otherwise his whole weight will come on my twisted ankle and I'll break more than one bone in a moment.

I stood still waiting.
Suddenly I heard Ren's voice calling me. I found some energy and started shouting her name, but no use. My voice was not crossing his hand which was tightly pressed against my lips.

After what felt like eternity, she appeared in front of me.
As soon as she saw my state, she froze.

The smile flew away from her face as she looked at me and my capturer.
I expected her to get into her Ninja mode but she stood frozen.

What is wrong?



Why is she doing a reverse countdown?
My heartbeats skyrocketed with each count and I prepared to die at 2.


I expected him to slice my throat or something worse.
But all I felt was air.
Air through my mouth.
I was breathing heavily through my mouth!
Did he free me?

I looked at my hands which were free now. Then I looked at my right foot which was on the brink of getting crushed a few moments ago. That was free too.

I looked up to see Ren who still had no expressions.

With trembling hands and sinking heart I turned around and saw who did this to me.
The face I saw made me angry, I punched hard without guilt.

"You fool! How dare you scare me like that, Nick!"
Nick was pinching his nose which was now bleeding.

"Just wanted to know whether my brother truly deserves that punishment or not." came out his words in nasal voice.

Anger was surging through me.
"And what do you think?''

"Excluding the punch, I'd conclude that ass taught you nothing. But-"
He removed his hands for a moment and blood gushed out. He pinched it tightly again "-But you punch hard, boxer!"

He kept another hand on my shoulder to calm down and earn some sympathy.

"You deserved that." I barked at him.

I turned around and looked at Ren with flared nostrils.
She moved her hands up in surrender.
"I'm loyal to him first." she winked.

I controlled my urge to laugh and sprinted towards her. Making a loud yelp, she ran away.

Nick stopped me from going too far.
"Hey! I'm leaving tomorrow!"
The words hit me like chilled air.

Suddenly my mood changed and I was sad.
"Why do you have to go?" I asked clinging to his arm.
He laughed and hugged me from one side.

We walked a few steps in silence.
After ensuring that his nose wasn't bleeding anymore, he spoke.
"I'll be back soon. Don't be sad. My only worry right now is your Killer."

"What about him?"
"He has lots of jobs now- training three batches of cadets, preparing for next batch's admission, keeping up with Dad for his own training, then on top of everything - you. Specially now when Dad has told him to take you seriously, he'll have to invest good amount of time and energy on you. I'm not saying you should consider yourself a burden. It's all doable for him. He's been through worse, and he'll not even once whine about his condition. But I know he'll be tired and exhausted. I just hope I'm back soon so that I can share some of his load."

The concern in his eyes looked so genuine.
"You know all this because you've been through all this, right? When he had gone for his mission, and then his recovery, you did all this over and above handling your own emotions - you really care for him."

I said rubbing his palm that was placed on my shoulder.

He smiled "I'm the senior instructor here - I'm expected to deliver all that. He's here for his own CT. But he'll be burdened too much."

"I'll try not to screw his life." I winked and he laughed. Bringing his forearm close to my neck he said "If he cries because of you, I'm gonna kill you!"

I looked at him with utter seriousness for three seconds. Then we both burst out laughing.
"Like that's even remotely possible?" I said.

After talking for a few more minutes, we exchanged our goodbyes and I left for my room.

It's Sunday tomorrow.
Cadets are expected to report by noon. Finally I'll have Ethan, Oliver and their whole gang around.


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