Ch83 The First One

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As promised, here is the next one.
@WhoSeeksShallFind you need to trust me equally! 😛


Ren had joined us back for her second beer.
While I smiled stupidly at the family of these three crazy men, I heard loud stomping of feet right outside the bar.

"CEE documents complete, sir."
That was Killer.

"Show me." Uncle said without looking at the door.

For a few seconds nothing happened. I expected Killer to come in and show some papers to him. But he didn't.

"I said show me the documents." Uncle repeated a little louder.

"Can't enter the bar, Sir."
Came his voice from the door.

Can't enter the bar?

"So you want me to come outside for you?" uncle asked annoyed.
Well that is a tricky question.

Another long silence.

"I'm waiting for an answer or the document. You are giving me none, officer." uncle's tone was changing.

"Can't enter the bar with weapon, Sir."
I see. That is why he is not coming inside.

"Then leave it outside."
"Can't leave the weapon unattended, sir."

God what is going on?

"Who the hell taught you that?"

Another long silence.

"So you're not moving, and you're not going to tell me who told you not to move. Great. Did he tell you that you can push along with your weapon?"
"I can, sir."

"Then kindly start pushing. Go on till I come out for your sake."

Sounds of his weapon moving and his combat gear started coming right after Uncle told him.

He turned to look at me.
"Guess who told him that?"
He loud whispered.
I shrugged a no.

"Seniors. It's a verbal rule. You do not enter the bar with any weapon, specially if your seniors are in there. And definitely not when they are drunk. One fire will all it take to end a life." he explained.
That makes complete sense.
And being a senior, the junior won't be able to say no if asked to give away his weapon.

"Then why did you go so hard on him?"
"To brush the basics. He doesn't have his Bosses here. Somebody has to keep him in shape, right?"
He winked.

God he must have been a dangerous senior in his own time. Look at him ragging his own sons!

"That reminds me of mr Kadner." I said reflexively.
"Kadner..." he sighed again with a small smile on his lips.

"He is a good chap. One of the best examples of sharp brain with strong body. I rogered him extra hard because I knew he could take it, and he did take it well. I don't think he knows what an easy life is. His heart resides in Darcy and his heartbeats in Kyra. But that bugger! He-"
Suddenly he got angry remembering something.

Scared of things going bad, I tried to distract him.
"He trained under you, right?"

"Yes." distraction successful!
"He spent three years laboring under me. He would know very well what Wills went through."

"He also underwent IST?"
I asked him, making his face turn serious.

He stared at the roof, and took a long breath.

Then started second tale of the night.
I should mark this date in my calendar as 'lucky day'.


It all started with a lie.
I lied to my boys, that I have never done an IST before.
Kadner was the first boy I trained.

HQ virtually had me at gun point and swear that I will not mention a word about it to anyone.
Despite of my deadly glares, they didn't tell me the purpose of preparing such a soldier.
That was good in a way, too. I had to train him for every possible scenario, be it a fight on earth, in water, or in air.

I had killed Kadner daily from morning to night and had his seniors kill him from night to morning, for years straight.

Poor boy kept begging me to let him call his family for a few minutes everyday. Despite being in near-dead state all the time, he never let it get obvious in his voice while talking to his wife and little girl.

I was ordered to train another such soldier, another IST, right after he left KMA. I refused to do it without an explanation.
The reply I got sent chills down my spine.
"If you don't want to train, you can write and sign. You will be posted to border and we'll appoint someone else to do the job. But remember, in that case, we'll have to clear the soldier you trained."

They were ready to remove any proof of existence of my boy. I couldn't risk his life. I had no option, but to prepare Wills for a similar lone wolf war against an enemy I had no clue about.

Only after Kadner passed out from KMA, and was deployed for a mission to silently destroy Aarham's smallest base, I got to know what I trained him for.
He successfully completed the mission all by himself, executing ten of his man, gathering information about his other bases, without leaving a clue behind. Well that's what he told me, to make me feel utterly proud of him.

Little did he know that it's Aarham, who had stayed with armymen for years. He traced him back and Kadner paid for his little loss.

I thought I had enough training experience with him, and now that I know the enemy, it will be easier to train Wills.
It turned out to be the stupidest assumption of my life.

Back at home, I did everything I could do for him. I cared for him more than Nick.
But when it came to prepare another IST, I wanted Wills.

Training Wills was much harder than Kadner. The fact that he was my lad stopped me from hurting him everytime.

I could feel his pain, see it in his eyes everytime he looked at me. It reminded me of Kadner everyday.
The only difference was that Kadner had a weakness - his family. But with Wills, it was my weakness. He was my family.

Nevertheless I tried my best to prepare him, and he gave his 200 percent to learn everything I could teach him - be it myself, or through the trainers I arranged for him.

Somewhere, the thought that I'm preparing him to kill himself, was always there. I can count the hours I slept during his training, the remorse would just not let me close my eyes peacefully.

Both my sons know about Yazan.
They know how he killed my wife.
Both of them saw it with their own eyes.
Though Wills met her only after she stopped breathing, I thank God, to give me brains, to keep Wills with me. He filled the lacuna in Nick's life and got him back on track.

Nick hated Yazan badly, that's a fact.
But only I know, that Wills hated him the most. Even more than me. He hated Yazan for taking away his father's most precious person.

The day HQ informed me that they're sending Wills for a suicide mission at the main base, I stormed in. There's no way he's going to die.

"The boy will be sent to the main base. Aarham will be informed that he's your son. He will not miss a chance to meet him. So, the moment he meets your boy, they will be executed all together. We will get rid of him forever."

"Are you even listening to yourself? You will do no such thing! He will not go alone, let alone go die."

Wills, for the first time in my entire life, stepped ahead of me "I am willing to go for this mission, at any cost."
He knew there's a chance to finish Yazan if Aarham is caught.

"Colonel, you are nowhere in the channel to make decision regarding this mission."

"I can report about it, and we'll see who makes the decision then." I never thought I'll ever say that.
This is something an officer can do, rather the last thing, because his exit from the forces is sure after he reports any incidence against his own organisation.

"You, Colonel James, are an asset for our army. You know that no harm will be done to you. But you sure as hell know that if you take any such step, all your boys will suffer."
This threat can range from shutting down KMA to execution of all my boys involved in unofficial missions.
I can't risk any.

But I couldn't let this happen either. Wills can't die just like that.
"I want an involvement in the mission. Neither me, nor my boys will be directly involved, but I want a free hand before the orders of complete destruction are given. Otherwise you can find another trainer for KMA, I'll resign right away."

"Fine. But this HQ will provide you no man or arms or logistics. There will be deaths, with or without your outsiders. In any case, we'll not own up. This mission will be purely off the paper and unofficial. Colonel, if anyone other than you is found to have any information about this mission, consider this deal a fail."

This is the reason why I had to keep things from Nick.
To save one son from dying, I had to keep the other in dark.
He would have reported the minute he would hear about it, not understanding the repercussions. He was only thinking of Wills, while I had a hundred more men to think about.

And I don't say that he's wrong in being angry. He deserved the info as much as me. He is right, that way.
But I was bound - between saving one's trust and one's life.
I chose the latter.

Kadner, waiting to seek vengeance from Aarham, was the only name I thought of, while making this deal.
He agreed without a question.

He didn't bring anyone else. He had enough ammunition, above all, he had enough training.
He only needed the location, but Wills!

Ren had planned things I couldn't even think of. She is the reason why Wills is still alive. May be she knew how bad its going to be, so she pressed on letting me do the experiment off the papers.
"I'm implanting this mini chip in your hand, between your thumb and index finger. It will serve two purposes - one is to record continuously. Two- send the recorded data, along with your location, through signals. While you will never get caught for the first purpose, the second one has a chance. You will have no control over the recording, but sending the signals will be your choice. You will have to press hard on the chip for ten seconds to turn on, you will feel a little jolt of electricity pass through your body when it happens. That's how you'll know that the chip is working. While it will take roughly 2 minutes to send a 24-hour recording, it will only take a few seconds to send the location. The receiver is set up at KMA in Col's office, and HQ will not be told about it."

Wills nodded at her but I knew he was thinking something.

"What are you planning son?"
"I'll try not to disappoint you, sir!"

I knew that it's his last priority to make it back. His first motto was to get Aarham killed.
I knew my boy too well.
I patted his back and begged him "Come back alive, I need you here with me. Don't make us wait for more than 48 hours. I repeat, 48 hours, and you shall turn the chip on."
He just nodded, and confirmed that I was thinking right.

Nick was told that he's proceeding on a solo mission, with all the orders directly from HQ. No mentioning of location, and the target.

As expected, Wills was caught.
Aarham's people came to know that he is an army man, so began his torture to bring out secrets. Aarham's brother was the base-leader. He made Wills go through a series of sufferings.

One day he was blindfolded and shifted to another location. This movement was not tracked by HQ appointed soldiers who were around the base, waiting for orders of destruction.

Nobody knew where he was. Whether he was dead or alive.

I had given up the hopes of meeting him again. Guilt had started to eat me away and it got worse the day Nick said it all out.

I couldn't sleep for nights straight. Walking non stop in my office, waiting for a beep, just a sound to ensure that my son is alive.
But it didn't.

After spending sleepless nights in my office, I heard it - the alarm of tracker getting activated. I rushed and called Ren and her team. They found out the co ordinates of his location within minutes and Kadner was informed.
He wasted no time.

To his surprise, Aarham was not there. Only his brother was.

Wills was rescued and brought to All Forces hospital.
I had requested Martins to not let anyone meet him before me. I didn't want the HQ officers to see him before we remove the chip.

Martins agreed and I met him during his admission into the hospital. He was in no state to answer anything. My boy was beaten from head to toe, blue and black. There were hundreds of marks on each of his limbs.

He didn't tell anything about Aarham to HQ. Only about his brother, whom he killed himself, while getting out of that place.

They were not satisfied, but let him be on his own. Wills was kept in the hospital for weeks, while I went through the recodings.

It was a painful experience- listening my son's grunts and cries and beatings. It was the most difficult thing I could have done willingly.

But the audio did have some serious info. Aarham's other bases, his past, his channels. Wills, though being tortured, used his words smartly to bring out info from his enemies.

He kept the chip off for so many days because he was sure that Aarham will come meet him, specially after his shift. But the day he ordered his men to finish Wills, he let us know.

Kadner risked his life to save my son, and I don't know how will I ever pay him back.

Nick was kept in dark till now, because none of us had the strength to tell him about this.
It was going well, till Kadner couldn't control his hormones to kill Aarham, and sent Louis for the interrogation.

I had thought of telling Nick about the mission, and the enemy, after Wills returned back. But I decided not to tell Nick any info that he got. He, otherwise, to take revenge for both his mother and brother, would take a stupid step and cause havoc.

Nor I wanted him to catch hold of the audio data. He would never bear it. So telling him as to how we got him was a difficult question to answer.

Anyways, Yazan is dead. The revenge is over. And with Chief Darhk training Kadner and his team, I'm sure Aarham will be finished soon, too.


Oh boy.
I had goosebumps all over my body.

"Jane, this is a classified information. You shall never speak of it to anyone, not even your father. I told you because you've been around us for long and I don't see you going back to Stuart soon. I'll take every bullet to save you, but in case you still fall alone, remember everything that I told you, and trust only the people I've mentioned. You heard me?"

That is scary!
"You are scaring me, Uncle."

He chuckled and patted my head.
"Don't worry. I'll not let it come to that point."

He got up and walked out.
His shouts and scoldings were audible till Killer was allowed to get up and run to the firing range.
I hope Nick has arranged the range as told, and that both the boys perform well.


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So this was the Flashback story of my most favourite character on wattpad. Thank you topper93 for introducing me to this man!

I hope you like the past that connects both mine and topper93's books.

By the way, do you guys know who is the inspiration behind this hell of an 80-chaptered book of mine?
This devil person wrote few chapters of 'Heaven in Hell' and then disappeared. I couldn't wait anymore so I started writing myself, and here we are!
So you know whom to thank.

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