Ch71 We're Back!

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Louis, Nick and Killer were standing in a row on the ground. Well, not standing on their feet, but on their hands and head, upside down.
I don't know how they managed to balance their weights in such a posture. The neck and forearms must really strain.

We came back an hour ago, and they were ordered to come here right after they got off the convoy.

Uncle was no where to be seen, still these men didn't move an inch. It looked like a peaceful routine yoga schedule.
But their faces showed opposite, specially Killer's. They looked drained and exhausted.

After waiting for a few minutes, Uncle entered the ground and their faces were back to straight, expressionless.
This man's hold is never loose.

He came and stood in front of them. The boys must be getting a good view of his shoes, in that state.

"Good evening  boys."
"Good evening, Sir." they mumbled, with their heads about to get buried into the ground.

The next expression on uncle's face was not a good one. "I thought we were clear about how to wish a trainer back. Or is there not enough blood in your brain to respond properly?"
Damn. You screwed them so much, now you want them to wish you like they just woke up from a fresh sleep?

"Good evening, Sir."
What is said, shall be done. So here it is, a loud and crisp reply.

"That sounds like an evening . Now about what happened in last two days.."
Yes. Now we're talking.

"I'm sure you all think that you have come back clean. Is it so, officers?"
His low tone sounds so gentle to others. Only those three people know how deadly it can be.

"No, sir."
"Good. Because I don't see it as your pay back in any form. It was just a visit to my old student's place, and despite not seeing me for past so many years, he proved to be better than all of you."
This is not going right.

"He made me proud. And you three disappointed me."
A deadly silence filled the air.

"Now, all of you have not just performed poorly, but have also committed mistakes, crimes I'd say, that you know I won't let slide easily. Do you agree?"
"Yes sir!"

"Glad to hear that, makes it so much easier for me." ah the sarcasm in that statement!

He moves and stands in front of Killer's boss.
"Officer, flat and plank."
Louis just falls back and lands on his toes and forearms.

"I really wanted to wash you inside out as soon as we get back. But looks like you are a little high on luck today. The first command I got here, was to send you back to HQ for your next posting. I wasn't expecting this. Did you have a word with anyone at the Headquarters, Major?" that sharp edge accompanied the question.

"No... sir. I didn't... contact anyone. I didn't know anything... about it." his tone said he was in extreme pain and utter fear.
"If I come to know that HQ got a clue of this meeting through you, you will pray for a quick death, am I clear?" damn that threat.

"Cryssstal cleear sir."
"Now about your deeds. You will get off my hook as soon you step out from KMA today. But remember that we are not yet even.You owe me an explanation along with an apology and you know how generous I am, at forgiving people. If you need any help or any favor from me ever, you have to pay this debt first. So, prepare yourself mentally and physically, and present your sorry soul to me, in future. Be it a day or a decade, I don't care. Will you remember, or shall I send you reminders, officer?"

"I will re.. remember, sir."
"I hope so too. Three rounds of the ground, front roll. Start rolling."
He will be leaving KMA with a broken spine, guaranteed.

"Now you two. I still can't decide which offence is more grievous - going against my wish, or going through stuff I've locked as confidential."
There was a silent gap, and you could see the sons looking worried.

"Are you two on talking terms now?" he asked suddenly, surprising them as much as me.

They took a moment when Nick repeated after Killer "Ye-yes sir."

"You two are in enough trouble already. I don't think you want to earn more by lying. Are-you-two-on-talking-terms?"
He sounded scary in the last words.

They stayed silent.
Hell Nick, forgive him already! You stupid!

"I see. Drop back, plank. I have a solution for this. After you are done swearing to your souls that you'll not repeat your mistakes ever again, we will have a question answer round. And this time, you'll be asking, and I'll answer. Specially you, Nick, you wanted to know a lot of things, right? I'll tell you whatever you ask. And then you two can decide what to do to each other. I don't want to see this cold treatment once you are finished with your tantrums. It is fine?"
"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Let's begin with the grown-up matters first. Start pushing."

By the time he reaches their childish matters, they'll curse themselves to get angry at each other in the first place.

"Major Nick, what is my favourite punishment for cadets who enter the out-of-bound areas?"
"Making them chew either -"

"Up. Get both. Ten each."
Nick looked horrified but helpless. He got up and ran away.

"And finally Major Wills. What happens to cadets who don't follow orders?"
"Unofficially, they are -"

"I'm asking the official punishment, boy." God that tone is scary.
"They are summoned for an enquiry done by senior officers, and if found guilty, it is documented in their dossiers, as a case of indiscipline."
"What would happen if such an entry is made to an officer's dossier?"

"They are denied allowances for hard duties, removed from trainer positions, if any, and.."
"Yes? About the missions?"

"They are never sent on class 1 and 2 missions. For class 3 and 4, they are kept on last priority."
"How is it looked upon in the army, officer?"
"Insulting and humiliating, sir."

"Glad you are aware of all this. You can choose yourself and put up a list of officers you want to answer in your enquiry."
"Please, Sir. I- I am regretting my decision from the bottom of my heart since day 1. All that IST for Class 1 Agent will go down the drain. I beg you, sir, please give me one last chance. I will not disappoint you ever again." Killer was literally begging him.

Uncle stood silently while he pushed non stop.
Just then Nick entered and placed a few lemons and red chillies on the ground.

'Make them chew either - lemons or chillies?!' are you kidding me?

"I want to see you crying and screaming for an apology today. Get on the job, boys. I don't want any leftover."
Uncle said calmly.

I wanted to clap at the ingenious punishment. They would choose a lemon or a chilly, chew and swallow it raw, and run one round of the ground with their teeth and ass literally on fire, return and pick up another and run again.

By the time each of them had 5 chillies and 5 lemons down their throat, they were a mess.
I have never seen Killer in such a pathetic state-  a tomato red running nose and burning red watering eyes, tongue out like a dog, groaning loudly.
Nick was no less.

"This should remind you of the consequences, the next time you enter a forbidden area. Go freshen up and report back here in an hour in UCP. Leave."

I've come to realise that UCPs are not a good omen.


I took the turn for med care and saw Killer storming his way in there too.
I quietly rushed and peeked through the window.

Ren was alone, doing some paperwork.
As soon as the door banged open, she looked at angry Killer, knowing that she is in trouble.
"What did I do now? Why are you-"

Her words were replaced by a loud screech and then, a sudden silence. She was standing stuck with wall, almost hanging on Killer's hand which was pressing her neck tightly.
Ren's eyes were about to pop out anytime, he was choking her.
She used all four of her limbs to hit and get his hand off, but he looked least bothered by her hits.

"What did you tell him?" his dangerous tone confirmed that Ren is not getting any air to breathe.
She frantically hit on his hand for a few seconds, when his hand moved just enough to let her take half a breath.

"I... didn't.. what.." she was still struggling, but I'm sure, a person who is not able to breathe, will not lie.
"Tell me the truth, Ren. I'm asking you for the last time. Did you tell him anything about her?"

"No!" it was just a whisper, and suddenly she fell on ground like a sac, breathing loudly. Her face had become red, and his finger marks were evident on her pale neck. Truly a Killer he is.

He bent towards her "He said - you haven't started living your lives, and then he talked about having a family. Why would he say that?"
"Any father would say that to his sons, you garbage!" she said annoyed, catching her breath.

"He said this to only one son." he said as he pointed towards himself.
Both of them shared a look.
What the heck is going on here?

Killer moved another step towards Ren and she tried sliding back, while still on floor.
"You told him, didn't you?" he was still angry.

"You think I want to die so early at your hands ? Ofcourse I didn't tell him! You know I didn't!" she was begging him to trust her.

"Then why?" he asked himself, confused.

"Did you tell anyone else?" Ren started getting up.
"No." he barked.

"Did he say anything else?"

"Then he must have simply said it. May be, you think he meant something else, but in reality, he didn't."
"I know him very well. He means business when he looks into your eyes and talks. I hope you are right and I am wrong. Because if he has found it out, I'll be dead soon. I can't have any distractions. Dammit!" he runs his hands through his head, trying to think hard.

He looks at her angrily again. Ren raised up her hands in surrender.
"I didn't, I swear." she repeated, scared.
"Hm. Alright. I'll wait for any other sign then."
He left glaring Ren one last time.

While Ren was trying to overcome the trauma she just had, I entered the scene.
She covered her neck suddenly, hiding Killer's marks. Smart move, Ren, but too late.

"Who is she?" I asked her straightaway.
"Who she?" she asked innocently.

"The one Killer was -" her hands sealed my mouth suddenly, and before I knew it, I was being dragged towards the store.

She looked around to ensure there's no one, then she let me go. I took a few breaths before charging at her.
"Honey, I just survived an attack I wasn't prepared for. And I'm in no mood to go through it again, so please seal your lips!" she was serious.

"Alright, then tell me the whole thing, and I'll be on my quiet secret way." I said in a teasing tone.
She laughed at me.

"You didn't hear me. I said I'm in no mood to go through it again."
I started thinking what to do next when she stopped my train of thoughts.

"You can come up with anything to blackmail me. But keep this in your mind- nothing can scare me more than his secret slipping off my tongue. So, nope, you are not going to hear this story, and I'm sorry about it." she winked and turned around.

"Then why did you pull me here?" I asked her confused.
"I was saving your ass, cherry. He doesn't like to be spied on. And he could have killed you on the spot, thanks to the anger he is carrying right now. You are welcome, by the way."
"Thanks..?" I said, trying to understand what she meant.

"Do you know her personally?" I ask.

"Have you met her?"

"Has Killer broken any of uncle's rules because of her?"
"Thankfully, no, not at all."

"Then why did he sound so terrified?"
"His emotions are more dangerous than his actions. That is what scares him."

"Is she Killer's-"
"Stop right there. I'll have to kill you myself if you finish that statement correctly. Please, let it go!" she said violently shaking me.

I looked at her, surprised. Why is she behaving like this?
"What is it?"
"Jane, promise me you will not say anything to anyone." I smiled in joy.

"No, I'm not telling you anything." there goes my smile.

"This is his personal life. And I think you know how happy he gets when his personal life matters are discussed. So, my suggestion would be - act like you didn't see what happened, and don't try to dig around. You'll end up making him angry and you wouldn't like that, would you?"

"No. Angry killer? No." I asked myself - is it worth it?
"Wise decision." I think it is.

Alright, I'll kick it out of my mind.

"So? Is Colonel done with both of them? Bloody ass had time to strangle me, but not update me."

I chuckle at her angry face.
"No, he just got started."

"As expected. He won't leave them too easily. Nobody breaks his rules, and when two of his ex-cadets do it, he rains fire."
I just nod in agreement.
'Stupid boys' I tell myself.

Before we change our topic of discussion, we heard a heavy voice.
"You have learnt to follow the rules properly, and I'm happy to see that."

Ah I know who this is. Ren standing straight in attention, and sucking in a short breath confirms it.
"Good evening, sir!" this was much better than the boys.

"Hello uncle"
"Good evening, girls." he said politely.

"Captain Renee, you had any trouble in my absence? I've called back all the people who had asked for me. Other than that, anything you need to tell me?"
"No sir!"

"You did a good job, I appreciate it. I hope your classmates don't do anything to put you in such a position again."
"Thank you, sir. I hope so too. "

"Yes uncle?"

"I got a call from Major Philip Martin this evening." he said questioning me.
Oh freak!

Gosh this man will kill me.
He called me one week after our meeting. One week! Yea!
After talking about my health, he came to the point. Well, almost.
'I'm going for a study course day after tomorrow, and I'll be back only after three weeks. I'm really sorry, I had promised to take you out this Sunday, but..'

I don't know why but I found it really sweet. He could have just not told me all this, and I couldn't have done anything about it. But he tried to explain me.
'It's ok. You should go for that course. We can meet some other day.'

'I promise when I get back, the first thing I'm going to do is call Colonel and meet you.'
I just laughed at his tone.

"Your red face and that smile tells me that I took a right decision."
Uncle's irritated voice brought me back to ground.

"What.. What decision?"
Shit this is embarrassing!

"I have informed his commander about you and him. Also, I've warned that Major to stay away from you. I'll ensure that he gets posted to some god-forsaken place, for pulling off this stunt. His princely treatment must have started by now."
He said angrily.

My heart shattered into pieces.
Uncle James, how could you even think of doing this?
He is a nice guy, and you punished him for something he didn't even do.
I don't know what to do!
It's all my fault!

"Uncle, he did nothing wrong. Please don't do this to him."
He looked at me with furrows on his forehead.

Suddenly I heard Ren giggling. I turn around and saw her laughing now.
"Yes!" she exclaimed happily while I was on the verge of crying.

I looked at uncle who was grinning ear to ear. "Fine, your beer is on me." he said raising his hands.

They can't be serious!
"What the heck?" I said.

"Sorry, girl. We placed a bet on your reaction. She said you will defend him, I said you'll stay quiet. She won, now I have to pay for her beer, and share a drink. You are a smart woman, huh, captain?"
"You just didn't!" I said angrily.
But I couldn't stop my smile from appearing.

"What? You enjoy the most here. I should get a chance, too." Ren said, winking.

"On a serious note, Jane, Martins is a great man. I'm happy with your choice." he said smiling proudly.

"Please tell me you didn't do any of those things you just said and sign this great man's death warrant?" I asked him innocently.
What? He can do anything!

He laughed loudly "Not at all! He saved my son, I can never do that to him! Atleast not till you two go for that cursed Date." he said with a devil smile.
Time to hide my face.

"He'll come pick you up tomorrow at 1930 sharp. If he gets late, he will have his dinner alone." and he is back to being The Colonel.

"And no security? Just the two of us?" I asked him surprised. He won't let me get off his sight even when I'm inside KMA.
This is not possible.

"You wish, girl. My eyes are always on you."
"What's a date with no privacy?" I look at the floor and whisper to myself.

"You are right. Well then I'll call him and tell him I've cancelled this -"

This time their laugh is louder, as if it's even possible.
Second time!

I'm going to kill Ren for this!
I can't, she knows fighting, AND duh! She's a doctor!

After uncle left, I turn around to look at the white devil.
"It was his idea!" she defended herself.

"To pay for beer and have drinks together? Yea, I totally believe it."
She laughs again "I knew you won't believe me. You can join us in bar tonight to see a different man."

I thought about it for a second.
"Ren, frankly speaking, more than my date, I'm interested in this bar meeting. I'm totally in!"
Let's see what 'God of death' does when he chills, if at all he chills.


Here it is!
Sorry for the long wait.

By the way, I have a task for you all - get in Nick's shoes for sometime, and think of all the questions he might want to ask.
DM me if you get any.

Also, you have a lot of time to do that, since I've got an assignment which will take nothing less than three months.
I'm not saying I'll be off Wattpad, but I might not update during this interval. So please bear with me and my helplessness.

I promise, next chapter, whenever it comes, will wash my sins 😉.
I'll be replying to DMs, so ask away your questions and place demands.

Hit the 'star' button before you start cursing 😄.

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