Dad asks Kadner sir something that had him right at the edge of that red hot sword again, after he just begged to get off of it for the time being. "Tell me one thing Kadner. If Chief wouldn't have made you call me, I would have never known about your team and mission. Right?"
I would never want any question from dad which ends with a 'right?' It's a bad omen.
He gulped hard before replying "I wouldn't have proceeded for the mission without giving you prior information, sir."
Wait! That doesn't sound completely right.
Dad won't miss that too. "What do you think would have been my response following this info of yours? Would I be keen in you going ahead?"
"No, sir" that's the correct answer, Kadner Sir.
Dad went further into his enquiry "Would you stop in your tracks if that was the case?"
Exactly! There it is. He will get the answer out no matter what.
Kadner Sir looks down and says nothing.
Dad calls him for an answer. "Kadner?"
Sir was still looking down. What are you thinking? Say something, Kadner sir!
Wills was looking at both of them, not knowing what is going on.
I've never seen dad waiting for an answer, for so long.
After his patience is lost, he calmly says "I see. So it's an information and not permission. Fine. Kadner, it was nice meeting you and Chief. We have no more business here. Pack up boys, we'll leave now."
Shit! That turned 180 degrees!
"Sir please. Please don't leave at this note." okay, now you speak?
It was difficult to understand whether dad was hurt or pissed. "Don't worry boy, I'll ensure Chief doesn't add a gram to your schedule because of me."
I don't think that's his worry right now. Or is it?
"It's not about him, sir. I didn't mean to defy you. I would never."
"Aren't you doing it right now, Agent Prescott?" he pressed on last two words, making Kadner sir stop breathing.
"I am, and will always be your moron Cadet, sir. But I just can't wait anymore to kill that son of a bas-... I.. I.. mean.. Damnit!" and suddenly he was on the floor, pushing.
The man just begged my Dad to stop because he pushed hundreds and couldn't do anymore. And here he is, doing twenty more, just because he said half a swear.
After painfully finishing the last five, he got up and stood straight again.
Dad was standing with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Sir. I can't wait anymore to kill Aarham. He destroyed my family. He-"
"You still have your wife, Kadner. Your love is still alive. You think it's just you who lost everything?"
I see where this is leading to.
Kadner sir couldn't do anything but to bend his neck down.
"I agree sir. She is still with me, and I can't thank God enough. I want it to stay that way. His existence threatens my wife and kids. And he deserves a-"
"He will get what he deserves. I'll make sure he does. I'll make him pay for all the breaths my love was left with, in the ICU. I'll make him pay for all the tears my sons shed. I'll make him pay for all the foul words that came out of my mouth for him. I'll make him pay for everything that your parents went through. I will."
Dad, you'll make me cry again.
"Why can't it be WE, sir?" that's not the voice I was expecting.
"Because you haven't even freaking started living your lives! This moron here knows how much is still left for him and his family, still he wants to destroy it all, just for a stupid revenge!"
"Sir, it's -"
"I'm not yet done, Kadner!" damn that tone!
"You have all the right to train a team, lead it to a death zone, push them all into an unknown hell, and make hundreds of innocent people suffer. Go ahead. You don't need my permission to do that."
"But remember, I'll not give shelter to a crying lady, who lost her husband, her son and her daughter. I will not, Kadner, and I swear it today. She will suffer, alone, just because of you. ONLY YOU!"
Kadner sir was on the verge of breakdown. He was breathing fast, his huge figure couldn't hide it.
"Then tell me what should I do!" he burst out.
"Why are you asking me? You are mature enough to take decisions on your own, now. Who am I?"
Dad sure knows how to rub it without any mercy.
He was trying to calm down. "I need your help sir. I can't live in fear and I definitely cannot see anything happen to them. I can't wait for God to shower him with cancer or any other form of old age death. I want to finish him before he destroys any more families."
"So do I, Kadner. But not without a plan."
Kadner sir tries to interrupt but gets shut down with a glare. "Not a reckless plan. A plan which guarantees the outcome but is not such a risk as the one you plan to take. This will happen if you are ready to come out of your butcher mode."
Kadner Sir takes a few moments, nods and looks Dad in his eyes.
"Yes sir."
"You train your team. Train them hard. Tell them everything about their enemy, and his strengths. I will grant you all the info Wills gathered. Meanwhile I'll arrange a mission from HQ for Aarham's hideout. God forgive me, I'll let you know the info about that mission too, and you shall join us after you are done gathering proper intel and destroying enough smaller targets for him to be blinded by rage. But you won't touch a single more family member of his or his HQ. If everything goes right, you shall have his neck. But I need you to control your nerves till then. Will you?"
Kadner Sir thought about it for a few seconds.
"What if HQ turns against us or, worst case, you? He has many people in his pocket! It is too big a risk"
"I'll make sure that it happens right"
Oh trust me, they will have no choice. Now that Dad has said it himself.
"Alright sir. I'll update you on the progress and when it is time, I'll wait for your instructions."
"One condition, Kadner. Kyra will stay out of this."
"I couldn't agree more, sir. But she won't listen to me and Chief has taken it upon himself to prove her worth. He is working on her the most."
"Tell her she has to pass my standards to be in. If she doesn't, she will book her ticket back to home. We shall ensure that a woman doesn't lose everything in one go."
You could see the relief in Kadner sir's eyes "Yes, sir" but if she is anything like her father, she is going to bulldoze her way in. Wills did it when he was not concerned. I don't think Kyra will sit in peace. Then again, how well do I know her? On the other hand, I'm sure these two bull dogs will try to ensure that it never happens. Good luck, Kyra!
"Talking about Kyra, aren't you forgetting something, Kadner?"
That tone is a sure shot promise to hell. What did he do now?
Prescott's POV
I'm so dead.
"Sir, I didn't want to risk the cover and spark her curiosity."
Sir raises one eyebrow and I know he has detected the bullshit in my words. I mumble out, "Darcy does not know yet, sir."
"So, you are telling me that I'm a godfather to a child whose one parent is unaware?" Fuck yes, sir! I know how bad this sounds.
"Y-yes, sir" I can barely stutter that out when he raises one eyebrow to explain. With a sinking heart, I sheepishly say, "She wanted her friend to be the godfather. The man can barely protect his own in a fight. I was not going to let him be my child's protector. So, I kinda told her that we don't need a godfather" Sir bellows a laugh at that and I know exactly how dead I am.
"Oh boy, I need front row tickets to the show where you come clean to her" he says still laughing.
"S-sir, I was aiming for a never. Atleast not till my funeral, sir" I say, knowing he is going to pounce on me in a moment.
"Boy, that is not how you treat a lady. Come clean to her because I'm not having that conversation on your behalf. EVER." He says in a tone that makes my heart stop.
"Yes, sir" I say but there is no way I'm telling this to her. She would hang me by my neck. I'll just write it to her in my 'just in case' letter. That way, both of us are saved from having the conversation and she knows. Though I'll be having shit tons of questions from Kyra now.
"Now, night, Kadner. Boys" and with that, we walk away from the beach to where Miss Jane is sitting reading a book.
After informing Chief about the change in plans, Chief asks me to escort them to their rooms and that is when I realize another fuck-up of mine. Shit! I never considered that Miss Jane would join us.
One look at my face and both the trainers are on me in seconds. "Is this how you treat a lady, Kadner?" I can only look down as my brain works out the solution to this mess
"Or a guest for that matter, Prescott?"
"No, sir, Chief. I'll just ... "
Think! Think! You are not going back alive from here, if you don't find a solution in next three seconds!
"Sir, I'll just arrange her room. Let me show you your room first, sir" I say already working out a plan.
Thankfully, Sir agrees but only after informing Miss Jane what should be her plan of action should she not find the accommodation to her liking!
Once I get a nod from him regarding his room arrangements, I show Miss Jane Darcy's room and inform her, "This was supposed to be the boy's room. I'll just take the extra mattresses away. It is all yours. Please let me know if anything is missing."
I give her a smile, pleading her not to go to Colonel, directly.
She smiles and speaks in a soft tone, "Thank you, Mr. Kadner. I understand you are not here to arrange visits. I am fine with whatever you have provided." and I release a breath knowing that I would have one less thing to worry about.
I pick up the extra mattress I had arranged for and take it to my room with the boys silently following behind me. Once the door is closed, I throw the mattress on the floor and turn to Louis with a glare that has him raising his hands in surrender and opening his mouth to start explaining.
"Drop and push" is all I say interrupting him and he starts pumping, knowing better than to open his mouth while I turn to the famous sons who are standing in the correct posture! Good boys!
"Dear Major Wills, getting a mission sanctioned by going above his head, ignoring his instructions and putting me in a position to have to save your miserable ass while the great Major Nick, here, decides that he must know details of things that his father has purposefully kept away from him by touching things that are sacred to the man and of course, a threatening call to his seniors- is the norm of the day for you idiots, right, Majors?"
Both shiver a little while keeping their eyes trained on the floor but still manage to answer with a 'No, sir. It won't happen again, sir' Lucky bastards are here with the one man I cannot afford to cross right now!
"Did I tell you that he must not find out, Major Nick?"
"Yes sir"
"And what was your response, officer?"
He stutters out, "That I'll take full responsibility, sir"
"Do you see this as taking full responsibility? Or is running away on a vacation and joining us and sitting on your ass your idea of taking full responsibility"
"Sir, I- it- I"
"Are you incapable of speaking now, Major Nick?"
"No sir." I let him be restless for a minute before turning the heat on for Wills.
"How many more ways can you find to defy the man? I don't even know what to say to you, Major Wills?"
"It won't happen again, sir" is all he can offer
I chuckle at his statement "That he will make sure it won't."
"Did you enjoy the chess, Wills?" The way he gulps tells me he knows exactly what I'm talking about.
"No, sir" Oh pet, there is no correct answer here.
"So you are saying you smiled and yet you did not find it enjoyable. Were the questions not enough?"
"It was a mistake, sir. I .."
"Shut up, Wills if you have nothing right to speak" but I make no move to release their necks or let them go to beds yet. I merely turn towards Major Louis and ignore the frightened boys.
"Sit-ups, dog. And please do explain to me why you found it a wonderful idea to not inform me that he knew?"
Louis stutters out, "He had his eyes on me, Boss. If he found out that I had told you, it would have been much worse. Plus, he had my phone."
"When did that stop you from doing things?" I tell him reminding him of the time I got screwed over for his mischief. "And what made you think that you could decide what was worse?"
He immediately sucks in a breath and knows how I intend to kill him "Boss, please.."
I don't let him complete his sentence "And when did you plan to inform me about Miss Jane?"
When he is about to say a 'sorry' I glare at him and he quietly continues his sit-ups knowing he has no way out of here.
"Now, the golden sons, here, have to share the room with us. How many mattresses do you see here, dog?" I say, using the term that is sure to get on their nerves.
"Three" Good that he did not have to look around for that
"What does that mean?"
"That one person has to sleep on the floor. Boss, I..."
"Shut up, dog. You know what he will do if I have a 'guest' sleep on the floor"
"I won't tell him, boss" he says trying to wiggle his way out.
I laugh at his naivety, "Are you fucking blind? Did you not see how that is exactly what happened with Nick here! You will have to wait for your turn to enjoy the confines of a floor, dog. Right now, you get a mattress just like the golden sons here"
"Duck-walks" I say knowing he hates that shit like I do planks.
When he is trying to make do in the small room making for a funny sight, I speak, "You should be very thankful for his presence right now. If we did not have to face him in a few hours, you would have a session to remember. Especially for that smile of yours. I thought we had already gone over the consequences of showing teeth in the academy"
"It was a mistake, boss. We did go over it. I swear, it won't happen again."
"And did you go over it with your dog?"
Louis stutters a quick yes. "Well, he better get a refresher because he seems to have forgotten it. Did he get one on titles?"
"No, boss. I never told him about you"
"Well then, teach him the term 'super boss'. One more sir from him and we shall add more time with you"
Another quick yes is heard along with a breath from both boys. Wait till you know how specific my instructions will get before that night.
"And you better bring your best there dog. One mistake there and you won't survive later, that is if he lets us live"
His face says it all "Yes, boss. Now can we please sleep? KMA felt like a time bomb with his anger. At least now the blast would be done" I laugh remembering my own thoughts moments before and nod at him to get up.
"Is that why you pulled the pin on a grenade there, dog?" I ask remembering his words on Colonel Sir's behalf.
"I nearly lost my thighs trying to save your ass, boss"
"So, are you saying I should thank you? Because we could always ..."
Dog chuckles, "I'm saying nothing boss. I hate sorry and thank you, for and from you and Colonel"
I smile remembering those days when sorry created more trouble than passing out.
"And besides, you have cost me a lot of other things"
All the laughter is gone, "Boss, the posting was.."
I cut him off, "I know. We shall see that later"
I turn towards the boys and speak in a tone that they have yet to see, "Two things boys. I'm letting you two go because you are guests here and I don't want to die for getting my hands on you without Colonel's permission or on Chief's guests. Second, Chief Darhk will definitely want a chance to ride you guys out." I smirk at that thought but continue with my threat, "And to test the famous sons. If that happens, I'll be dragged along and if that happens, I'll not wait for Colonel's permission, that is if we stay alive after Chief's treatment. So ensure that Colonel doesn't fall for any of Chief's proposal. We clear?"
Both are quick to answer a 'Yes, sir' and 'Yes, super boss' but I can see the look of terror on their faces. Sir sure has his wits intact. Before I can turn, Major Wills speak, "I'll take the floor, super boss, please!"
I smile at his guts but inform him in a tone he understands fully, "So, you plan to thank me by getting me killed ?" He looks at the ground and I know he understands the situation fully.
I dismiss them to their beds with a nod while I drop down and start pushing the damned counts so I can sleep. While I'm pushing, dog speaks, "The coffee was great, boss" and I laugh at his tone.
"Already trying to wiggle out of your doom, dog?" Louis is quick to speak, "You know me well boss. If it worked with Colonel, I would have found ways there."
To mess with him, I ask, "Are you saying it works with me?"
His tone changes when he says, "Boss, you know nothing works with you, unless I'm a zombie silently dying at your feet. But your tone definitely changes a little though. The curses fall like incessant rain instead of snow cubes being hurled at my body" Louis won't be Louis if he didn't say the last lines.
I chuckle at his words, "Wait till I get my hands on you. You can tell me all about this rain and cubes then"
I can hear Dog smile when he says, "No thanks, boss. Besides, I don't see our chances of survival here with Colonel present. And then, there is no food and Chief for your future. I would wager that you would be an old man before you get your hands on me, having long forgotten this"
I laugh at his drama-queen tendency "Dog, we have a nice audience here, otherwise I would have shown you how old I have become"
Dog mutters, "Totally forgot that, boss. But don't worry, they heard or saw nothing if they want to live in KMA."
I look up to see them in the posture near the end wall standing without any support with eyes straight ahead. Good boys! It would have been a hell night for them if they had let their bodies touch anywhere before I get to sleep.
I complete the damn Pushups and look at Louis "Counts are exact, dog?"
"You did one extra, Boss." he says horrified.
"Good that you had your eyes open." I smile and get up.
Louis turns to the boys, "Nick, set an alarm and let's hope that your Father is in a better mood" Both the sons say nothing but quickly change and get in bed after I sarcastically say 'Night' to them. Let's hope I can wake up with a little more than 3 hours of sleep.
There won't be much rest after this.
Sir is going to turn this night out into one hell. It's been years since he rode me in the after hours. Dear muscles, please stay with me.
Wills POV :
HOLY CRAP! Boss is Kadner Sir's dog! My super Boss! Kill me already!
There is no reason he shouldn't ride me to death! From saving my life from a mission he had no business in, risking his own life, to sleeping on floor while we sleep on cushioned beds, he has all the right to hang me upside down and have his way.
How could I miss this! Boss's boss! Damnit!
And Nick! He threatened him? My brother is going to be the death of me!
Anyways, these three hours won't make up for the lost sleep hours in last twenty days, but atleast it will collect some fuel to run tonight.
Father's night sessions are harder than they sound. And I'm sure this man on the floor knows it clearly, that's why he dared to ask for postponing. Poor, earned straight 200.
But he looks in bad
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