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Before he changes his mind, Ren snatched the schedule and kept it in her pocket. 
"You challenged the wrong woman at a wrong place at a definitely wrong time. Now lie down on that bed. Your first session is right now"

Ren had solely focused on Killer's ankle. She would pull and twist his ankle in various directions and at different angles, making him grunt while casually explaining to me about the exercise she is doing- ROM i.e. range of motions, and also shopping.  I was peacefully enjoying Ren's chats with a nice view of Killer struggling, grunting and trying to curse. Any time he got near a curse word, Ren would put pressure a little harder and Killer would immediately shut up knowing that right now, his ankle is in Ren's hands. 

You could see the irritation on Killer's face when Ren would ask him to move his foot in similar directions while she animately chatted away with me but one glare from her and he shut up and did the damn exercises until his feet were shaking.

He wants to run and do all sort of heavy duty workout, and here he is, not able to do simple movements smoothly. I still have not been able to figure him out. But I'm happy to see Ren let him go after telling him to report on time the next day with a smile that tells me that I will have a very entertaining time. 


I'm panting like dog, running my fifth round of the ground. The sun has risen high enough.
Killer has started with full-blown assault to my poor muscles.
I collapsed on the floor when he says 'one more'.

They say lack of oxygen in your brain makes you see and do stupid things.
That's exactly what happened to me.
I looked at him with wide eyes, shocked at what he just said. Before I could say anything, I saw a huge glass box moving behind him.

My eyes widened. Killer followed my gaze and turned around to see.
"Holy crap!" he rarely swears, but these days the frequency has gone upto almost once everyday. Twice a minute, in case Ren is around.

"What is it?" I asked breathless.
"My hell!"
He answered annoyed.

I couldn't understand a word.
Meanwhile the huge box was transported to Med Care. Alright, then it must be something related to his recovery.

I got up, refilled my lungs with oxygen and ran the last round. After giving me a three minute break, he started with 'warm up'- situps, pull ups, burpees etc etc with hardly a thirty second time in between.
The moment we started the fight practice, I had given up.

"You are going too soft on your enemy!" he warned me towards the end.
Oh how I wanted to tell him - I could have killed you this very moment, but I want Nick to meet you once before I finish you, so I'm letting you off today.
But, I could never say that out loud.

"I'm trying sir" is all I could say then.
"Work harder on your core. Your reflexes are good, but useless if you have no power." he said seriously.
I hate to agree, but he was right.

"I'll work on it."
"I'll make you, don't think I'm letting you do it all by yourself. I'll add a few things to your chart. Remind me this evening."

Bloody hell! Everytime I think this guy deserves some respect, he shows how big of an a**hole he is.
As if I need to remind him to screw my workout even further. That's his hobby, he'll remember it even in his coffin!

We proceeded for breakfast, where Ren was waiting with a wide smile.
I knew some action is going to start.
"What is it now?" Killer asked her bluntly, sitting in front of her.
I sat next to Ren.

"You just got served right!"
"Come straight to the point, Ren. I know it's a good news only for you."

"Colonel looked at your schedule and has approved it and given me veto power to add any amount of time or workout I wish to. You are given a 'deadline' of next sunday, to improve. So, it will be better that for next 14 days or so, you listen to me and do as I say, so that you don't cut a sorry figure coming Sunday."

He moved a little towards her and said in his low danger tone "You are not my trainer."

"Correct yourself pumpkin, I WAS not, but I am now. And none other than your real trainer gave me this authority, rather ordered me, to do this. So if you want me to go easy on you, you follow me without a squeak."
Killer took a few deep breaths, to calm himself down, knowing he has no other option.

He nodded "Fine. Now can I have my food?"
"Flynn... Get him what he wants!" Ren shouted and Killer just closed his eyes, realising how helpless he is.

After last night, Ren had him to do two rounds of ROM for every hour of the day he is awake. No matter where he was, he would either report to her or Nick and lie down and they would pull his ankle for one round and he would do the second himself.
Every freaking hour, you could hear him curse them! And boy did Nick enjoy adding glares. After a few with Nick, Wills decided to limp from wherever he was because he says and I quote 'I would rather take Ren's unbearable sugar sweet rubbing than burn alive from Nick's glare'

And that was just like my leaving penalty of 50 push-ups. Those did not even get counted in his recovery plan. 

Before every meal, Killer  would report to Ren and she would watch him sweat rivers while doing flexibility exercises. It looked so easy but the curses that Killer muttered told me that it was killing him to keep up with the timer that Ren set. 

Killer would sit with his legs stretched out in front and a towel wrapped over the ball of his foot. Then he would pull it towards his torso. Ren used to set the timer between 20 to 30 seconds and Killer would grunt and sweat crazy by the time it was over.

Ren, would just sweetly smile and tell him to kneel down with his ankle and toes pointed, and gently press upon his foot to stretch the front of lower leg. It was a peaceful sight to see him struggling, keeping up with Ren's orders.

I could see the boys silently enjoy watching Killer come in as frustrated as them for each meal.

This continued for three days and between this, Killer made sure I paid my dues for watching the entertaining sight


When Killer and I went for his pre-breakfast torture for day four, Ren wished him a cherry morning and she giddly told him that they would focus on strengthening his muscles.  I never knew I'd love this. 

Ren would tie a band on his foot and pull it, while he moved his foot up and down, left and right, and round as per Ren's orders. Ren wouldn't leave the band till he completes 30 reps of one motion, before giving him a rest and going to next. Killer would never have dreamt about struggling for strengthening his muscles.

The TETs had started and Killer had no choice but to push through the day and limp back to the med care every hour to report to Ren for his ROM and flexibility rounds for all of the 24 hours because he was awake the whole damn day. When Ren slept, he had to go and sign to mark his attendance, do the exercises and limp back. I had the lovely opportunity to witness Killer curse a dead wall when I stayed awake one night to cheer Ethan up. 

TETs were a grand event!
The boys stayed up for a total of 58 hours, including Killer and Nick.
The Valley looks so scary in itself, add to it all the extra difficulties the brothers could come up with, it was an impossible job.

You would feel pity for these boys who couldn't climb wet ropes and cross oiled bars in one go, without scraping their palms or falling on ground. I just prayed to god all the time that none of them fracture any bone.
The shooting was scary as it sounded. It was definitely followed by a test shot or a very short alarm, giving the boys barely any time to get prepared.

But the most difficult part was finding and bringing the balls. If it was about one or two, it would have been okay.
But five! They kept slipping. Boys didn't have any extra bag or anything to carry them.
'Those are dynamites you are carrying, be careful!' Really Killer? REALLY?

Can't you see that after your oily bars, wet ropes, muddy crawls and chilled water showers, it's next to impossible to hold one ball, forget five!

I'll be damned, but it was funny to see the boys struggling with those balls.
I have to give these brothers full point for creativity.

Ultimately, the results are what mattered.
The last three boys were promised 'Horror nights' in the first week of their next term. I have no clue what this phrase means, but I guess it's pretty obvious.

Uncle James was present during the last round of the trials, and he stood silently watching every boy go through the horrible experience.
The winner was none other than my dear friend, Ethan.

In the end, after results were announced, he made Ethan do twenty Pushups of victory when he was a walking dead, woken up by the god of life.
Though his eyes looked like they'll shut the doors anytime, his face was lit as a stadium light, after getting up from Uncle's feet.

Uncle's words "You didn't let me lose. I'm proud of you." that's all it took for Ethan to cry when he hugged me, repeating his words.

One by one, boys left.
Then suddenly I heard Nick left, too.
He didn't meet me before leaving.
I felt very sad.
I couldn't stop myself and I called him.

"Nick! You didn't meet me! I hate-"
"Jane, I was wrong! Dad had no option. I was so stupid to hate him!"

Thank god!
Mr. Kadner prevented a big disaster.
"It's ok, Nick. Things are fine now."

"I'm glad you stopped me from doing something crazy. And I'm glad you encouraged me to talk to him. Thanks Jane."
"You're welcome Nick. Now use this break to clear your mind, and enjoy!"

"I'll try, Jane. Thanks again."
With that he cut the call and I mentally prepared myself to survive with just Killer around me, partly relying on Ren and Uncle.


A week of ROM, flexibility and strengthening were done and you could see Killer sweat less and less every day. Ren kept increasing the reps until she was satisfied with his work. Last night, she made it very clear to him that his next part of the recovery is going to be hard. Killer looked at her and muttered something under his breath but agreed to meet her pre-breakfast after he oversaw me do the damn 75 push-ups. 

After he finished killing me over the damn rounds and those damned added exercises of my poor core, he walked over to Ren while I joined him to enjoy a much deserved retribution. 

Ren had placed every day items in the entire med bay like mini stools, stairs, ropes, cardboard and made like a kiddo obstacle course. I could see Killer's nerves popping and before he could open his mouth, Ren spoke, "Rotten orange, this is not for your humiliation. This is to train you to walk right. Don't worry, if it feels easy, we will change that very soon."

Wills scoffed at her but the moment he tried to hop over that stool, he wobbled and nearly lost his balance. Ren smirked and gestured for him to continue, knowing that she had won the round. I wanted to high-five her right there. He would step over the larger obstacles and slide his foot around the smaller ones. Ren would walk next to him, despite him cursing her, just to ensure he doesn't fall. She must have 'saved his life' around seven times, but thankless Killer never accepted it.

Besides the pre-meals workout, Killer had no hourly reporting now and he and Ren were free, now that the boys had left! So, Ren started with the best and the most interesting part - Under-water workout twice a day. Killer absolutely hated it! 

A waterproof treadmill or a cycle would be kept in the box, on Ren's orders, and he would use them for only a fixed interval at one go. Wills hated having to take Ren's permission to run or walk and she made sure to use this opportunity to torture him to his core. 

The first week, Ren only made him walk in there. And glare at him for asking anything more. 

Second week onwards, he was allowed to run and bicycle, with water level till his shoulders, for a maximum of ten minutes at a stretch, and taking a break of two minutes before continuing. The time limit was gradually increased and each increase would see Killer struggling but becoming more confident.

Ren, my darling devil, didn't waste this chance to take revenge for all the ab punches.
Whenever he was allowed to enter the box, he would be made to do combinations of jumping jacks, situps, high jumps, butt-kicks, standing crunches, spot jog and burpees.
Any other day, Killer would do all this in his dreams, but now, when one of his limb is too weak, and here, where water produces immense resistance, it was a sight to see!
Killer getting frustrated to the point of giving up, was like a dream come true.


It's Day four of this torture and Killer is submerged in water till his shoulders.
He has a dumbell in each hand, while walking on the treadmill.
The controller is in Ren's hand, who is having fun.

"Ren, slow it down!" he orders, breathless.

"I'll be increasing the speed in next three minutes, be prepared."
"You can't do that! I'm barely keeping up! I'll fall!"

"You'll fall in water. It won't even hurt. Stop cribbing now."
"Damn you!" Killer mutters and jogs faster when Ren follows through her order.

"Eight minutes with this speed. 60 second break after that." Ren says in straight tone.
"Thank... You... My lord!" He just can't control his sarcasm.

By the end of eight minutes he has bent forward with water level now touching his lips.
As soon as the ramp stops, he lets go of the dumbbells and hangs on one of the walls of the glass box, trying to breath.

"You are doing well, according to me. But according to him... I can't comment on that." Ren says, standing with her hands crossed, right in front of Killer.

"Then, up your level." he whispers.
"You are panting like a dog at this level, and you want to go up a level? Are you crazy?"

Exactly! Is he crazy? He's been running for last thirty minutes. It's obvious that he is trying hard to push himself. Ren gives him a break often, to catch his breath.

"I don't care. You know his standards. Prepare me for that."
Ren looked at him for a few seconds, deciding what to do.
"No revenge" Killer answers the question she never asked loudly.
I had to hide my smile at that little conversation.

"Fine. Get back on treadmill. We'll start with the speed we left at, ten minutes, then faster for another ten, then break."
His eyes went wide.
"what?" Ren asked.

"One minute is not yet up!" he pleads.
"Thirty seconds are enough. Now move your butt!"
Damn Ren is not going easy on him anymore.

He turns around, picks up the dumbbells and climbs on the ramp again.

"Two minutes to go before you even dare to slow down!"
"Ren I'll die, slow down."
"No you won't. There's a lot to do before you die. We are not even half way through. Keep going."

After his running time is over, the treadmill is removed from the box.
"I'm not allowed to come out just yet, am I?" Killer asks with a look that says he knows he is screwed.

"You wish. Burpees 20. Start."
I don't think Burpees are bad enough to make you curse every time you get up, except when you do it after five months, and in water holding your breath with dumbbells in your hands. Shit.

"Too slow for the famous Major Wills!" she can kick any ass with her words.

"You've seen him." he says and winks finishing 20.
Ren smiles back. "Spot jog"

"Easy there! No offense intended!" Killer says as he follows the command.
"None taken, honey. But you'll be doing that for a while." with this she leaves.
"Hey..! HEY..!!" he shouts, trying hard to get her back.

She returns after what felt like hours.
"Enjoying that age old technique of controlling your tongue?"
"Yes ma'am." he says with gritted teeth and in half a breath, still spot jogging underwater.
Man, I love this. I wish I could just record all this.

Nick would have enjoyed this, too.
Oh. Nick. He left two days back. I wish he was here, laughing with me.

The day Ren's physio time gets over, and Uncle's real time training starts.

We all are in field.
Killer is standing with his feet apart, hands behind and head high.

"Draw alphabets on ground with your right foot. Keep your hands behind your back."
Me and Killer were equally surprised, while Ren had a small smile on her lips, telling me that she understood what was going on.

Killer got on the job, and drew big alphabets using his right foot.
His physio was done so well, that he didn't have any trouble doing that task. He would have died if he was made to do this ten days back.

After he was done, Uncle went and looked at all the letters, and came back to where he stood.
"Jump on all fours, letter to letter. Give me burpees on each. Drop."

He'll do one burpee on A, then jump to B in pushup position, do two there, then jump on C and give three, and so on. Damn it! What a start!

"Wills. Your rest is over. Your physiotherapy is also over. Now give me the energy I want to see. Don't make me repeat it." That was one hell of a dangerous low tone I've ever heard.

Killer nods with a yes sir and moves his as* faster.

He was on G when Uncle's phone rang. He let out a chuckle and said "Finally..." to himself, before picking up the call.

Killer heard that and almost fell while getting up. There's no way Uncle didn't notice that, because, instead of answering the caller, he shows his disappointment at Killer with "Is that what you call a burpee? An overfed panda will do better than that."

Killer immediately saves his life with "No sir, I'll do better sir."

I was wondering if getting faster than that was even possible, when I bit my tongue listening to what Uncle said next.

"What do you want, Kadner?"
Shit! SHIT!
This is the guy Nick was talking about!
Why has he called uncle? Is it to inform him about Nick trying to contact him?
Shit! Nick you're dead! He will know that you went through his files and got his number.
Damn! what to do?!

I wasn't the only one shook by that name. Killer stopped in his burpee, realising who has called.
Oh boy, Killer, you are dead, too.

"Hold on, my boy. Wills, start spot jogging. Go on, Kadner, what were you saying?"

I wish he put the call on loud speaker so that I could hear everything too.
But apparently, people lose their tongue when it comes to Uncle.
Kadner didn't say a word, annoying him.
"Will you be saying something in this century, Kadner?"

Mr. Kadner must not have completed his statement. Uncle spoke within seconds -
"So, you decided to put more people's lives at stake after making a failed attempt and witnessing another failed one?"

Witnessing failed one? Is he talking about Killer's suicidal mission where he was rescued by the same guy?

"Is that why you wanted to get information out of Wills?"
Jesus! He knows that?!
Nick you were right, your dad knows every freaking thing!!
Killer sucked in a deep breath, in surrender, looking down at ground.

"So, you think it is okay to lie to me?"
Haha! Mr. Kadner, my your soul rest in peace.
This tone and those words are the worst combo ever!

Finally Uncle let him speak for a little more than ten seconds.

"Who is in the team?"
The answer resulted in him furrowing his forehead, indicating that he didn't like it.
I see his lips moving

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