Ch50 These Boys

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I woke up to sunlight gently touching my face, making it warm. I was slightly disoriented.
My head felt light.
I tried to sit up and saw a tablet, a glass of water and a can of fruit juice kept on the side table.

These guys care more than family, I smiled to myself.
I took the tablet and decided to brush my teeth before drinking the juice. I just had light headedness. I wasn't in a hang over.

I went to the washroom and came back to settle on my bed, remembering last night of peace.

Suddenly I remembered the last part.
They were hell drunk.
And they were ordered to start pushup when they could barely stand straight.
I looked at my blue clock. 10.

I got ready in a hurry and rushed towards the only place I feel safe, the med care.
I entered and saw Ren keeping a finger on her lips as soon as she saw me.
I stopped myself from greeting her loudly and nodded instead.
Looking behind her inside, I saw Nick and Killer lying on beds with fluid bottles connected to their wrists.

Oh my god.
What happened. I asked Ren with my eyes.
She came and sat close to me and started whispering.
"I have no clue what happened to them all night and this morning, but Nick arrived at 8, and Willy came with hypothermia, just twenty minutes back. Both were severely dehydrated and about to fall unconscious. Willy was in a worse state than Nick."

My heart was beating loudly.
"That was Major Louis, the boss?"
"Yes. Wills is supposed to call him Boss, since his training days. He was his special junior. Initially he had a grudge against Wills but later they became very close, like brothers."

"What did Nick mean by "paying the debt?"
"Sir Louis, like all other seniors, wanted to take revenge from colonel's sons, for the grueling training they underwent and some punishment I don't know. But instead, he was ordered to protect them from such a thing during his KMA stay. He did his job well, back then. But he had promised that the day he returns he'll even out. He went for 3 years of Border posting, two years of Foriegn posting, and again two years at the Border. He waited for seven long years patiently to meet these guys. I guess his patience proved quite painful for my boys."

For the first time ever, I think, I looked at sleeping Killer and felt pity for him.
Poor man got screwed all night instead of just sleeping and waking up with a bad hangover.
I'm not sure if I should ask Nick any question, this time.

"You know four of Killer's secrets?!" I looked at Ren and she chuckled.
With a devil smile she nodded a yes.
I was impressed that she's still breathing.

Me and Ren proceeded to have breakfast after Ren checked their pulses, and tucked their blankets like a caring mother.

In the mess, I greeted Flynn and thanked him for all his help yesterday. He just smiled like the silent guardian he was.
I realised I never did this before. I never used to apologise or thank anyone, I never felt the need to.
We had servants back at home. Who says thanks and sorry to them?
I guess I'll do from now on. It's a good change that I feel in myself.

I was having first piece of my breakfast, when suddenly Ren stood up in attention. I looked up to see a tall guy with a stubble. I wondered if he is allowed to keep such beard in army.

Then I connected the points. Deployed back directly from border to Headquarters and then from there to KMA. He obviously has the excuse.
So this is Louis, the Boss.
"Continue your breakfast." he told Ren while looking at me. I knew he was wondering who am I and why am I here.

"I'm Jane, daughter of Colonel Stuart. He's on a foreign posting, so I'm staying here." I answered the question he never asked.
He looked at me with surprise. Then he started laughing, loudly.
"You. His daughter. Still alive. Dog hasn't killed you yet." he said in gaps.

It was my turn to be surprised.
Why is he laughing? Why did he say 'his daughter'? Which dog is going to kill me?

He calmed down and proceeded to sit on the table next to us.
"Why don't you join us Mr. Louis?" I said, using all the authority I had. I need to know what he meant.

He smiled and nodded and came and sat in front of me.
Before I could ask him anything, he asked me "You have met Major Wills, right? You were there at the roof last night?" with a curious face.

"Yes. He's helping me learn self defence." I replied hesitantly, thinking whether or not should I tell him.
His eyes went wide.
"HE is helping YOU? Is that true Captain Renne?" He laughed and asked Ren.

"Sir.. Yes.. Please don't ... " Ren was trying to give him some clues. I could see that clearly.
Louis only laughed in response and kept looking at me in between.
I was getting impatient. There's something these two know, which I don't.
"But still, HE is letting her live here?" he asked Ren after his own patience ran out.
That's it.

"So what is wrong with it?" I blurted out.
He laughed and moved back in defence. "Nothing is wrong. It's just surprising."
"What is it?" I asked Ren.
She just looked at her bowl silently, with a straight face. Louis was still laughing, and it was annoying.
"Why don't you ask your teacher what's wrong?" he finished his breakfast and left me at the peak of frustration.

I turned to Ren and before I could speak, "Don't ask me anything, I know nothing."

"You know something I'm interested in knowing, and yes, you'll tell me." I threatened her, though I had nothing to use, to threaten her.

"I will stay shut, I'm following orders. There's no point wasting your time in me or Nick. The only person that will answer all your questions is your Killer."
Damn it. Nick won't help too.
Killer will never tell me.
It will be a secret forever.

I looked Ren at anger. "I can take your anger baby, I'm shit scared of his. So, sorry not sorry."
My eyes softened. Of course, who on this earth is not afraid of Killer?

We went back to med care. Both of them were sleeping like pigs. I asked Ren more about this Boss, and she gave me extremely filtered information. The guy sounds quite moody, but caring. But damn I have to appreciate, seven years man! I'll forget faces of people in seven years!

It was around 2 in the afternoon when Killer stirred. I tapped on Ren's hand to tell her. She jumped up and reached before he could remove his iv line, himself! That guy is crazy!
"I knew you'll attempt that stunt. Now stop right there and lie back down." Ren warned him holding his hand with hers, with all her strength.

He looked at her for a moment and whispered "But Boss..."
"He's in his room, sleeping. If you want to wake him up and greet him, I will remove your iv myself."
He tried to assess what she meant and as soon as her tone became soft "Sleep now, Willy" he fell back into a deep slumber.

I could not help a chuckle out, he's too off to hear it.

Next to wake up was Nick, but he did it with a jerk. He looked around and saw Killler and took a deep breath.
"Thank god Ren, you sent the stretcher." Nick thanked her with all the strength he had.
"I didn't?" Ren was as clueless as I was.
His eyes widened. "Then how did he come here?"
"He walked.."
Nick was out of his mind by now.
"I didn't tell you that sir told me to tell you to send a stretcher for Wills after forty minutes? Shit! When did he come back?"
"ONE HOUR and forty minutes after you came, stupid onion!" Ren was angry at him.
I was still shocked.

Is that sympathy growing inside me? Is it, really? For Killer? No! Never!
He's a jerk, he deserves it.

"He'll kill me. God I killed him already!" Nick's face was in his hands. I felt bad for him.
"Don't overreact now. He had a good reunion with his boss, courtesy you. I don't think he'll mind much." Ren smiled.

"What's the time?"
"It's 2. Sun crossed your head. Get up now and do some work."
He nodded and got up. He coughed to get Ren's attention. "I have taught you so many times!" she replied in an irritating tone, but a smile that he couldn't see.
"And I've told you so many times that I will not do it. Now please come here."
Hahah. Poor Nick.

Ren went and removed his iv line while he looked at the roof.
"Your dear father will not like it."
"You'll never tell him, he'll never know it." He said with a smirk.

Ren punched his shoulder and came back, took a tablet from her drawer and gave it to him. "But with lots of water. You two were very dehydrated."
"As you wish, ma'am."

"You want to know what happened, right?" he said while passing me.
"Yes!" My eyes brightened.
"Not gonna happen" he showed me his teeth.
I made a straight face. "You have a favour to return mister." now I was the one smiling.
He looked at me with suspicion.
"You remember Killer choking your neck and letting you go, morning after your first fumes? You could have died." I said in a scary whisper.

He had a straight face now. "Fine. But I hate you."
I just laughed and he pushed my face on the table before running away with a series of 'Ow ow ow'.
With that he left the med care, massaging his shoulders and biceps.

"Goddammit!" I heard that heavy voice I hate.
"It's 4! Why didn't you wake me up!"
Ren could not win the sprint this time.
He was already on the floor. And not a single drop of blood was spilled anywhere. If I was him, I would have spilled rivers of my blood.

Before he could storm off, I tried a shot.
"What?" he snapped at me, like always.
"I need to ask you something. Why did.."
"Not now. Evening may be." And he went.

"Are you really going to ask him?" Ren was surprised.
"Since my own friends won't help me, I have to go to the source directly." I stated the fact.
"Woman! Are you not afraid of him?!" she asked me, and I asked myself. Am I being too daring?
"I shouldn't?"
"No way! He ordered us to keep our lips sealed, so obviously, he's not going to tell you anyhow. Why are you requesting for an earful?" I realised she was right. There's no point asking him.

I let out a sigh and said "Alright, I won't. But I still want to know which dog wants to kill me." she laughed loudly.
I eyed her and she quickly covered her mouth.


So that brings us to a half century!
Can't thank you guys enough for being with me!
All the readers are special for me!

Keep reading and voting and commenting!

A reminder to newly joined readers - there's another book I'm regularly updating - 'Will's past. Will's words.'
Please read it too, you'll enjoy, I promise.

Next update, next week.
Sorry in advance.
Ok bye..

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