"Such a disgrace! I made you do less than one tenth of a soldier's workout, and you are already panting. You really thought you can learn something here? The best thing you can, and you will do is- go to Col James, tell him you don't want to learn martial arts or any such thing here and let us all live in peace."
"But I -"
"I'm done with your test and you failed miserably." with this he left.
I was literally breathless and bursting with anger. He made me do those squats and called me a disgrace!
That's enough.
"Uncle James, he made me do squats and I couldn't meet his expectations. He thinks I'm not suitable for his training. If he's having so much problem, then it's ok. I wouldn't mind someone else teaching me, or no one at all."
"Why? He should not have any problem. It's a trainer's job to build up his trainee's stamina. Anyways. Let me find out if he really doesn't want to go ahead. I will talk to him."
I was really glad. Finally I'll not have to see his face anymore! Bloody pig!
It's 7.30 pm. The pager in my room rings.
It's that heavy voice again. "1935 hrs, on the ground, in track suit."
oh crap I have to change. What is wrong with him now.
I reached just on time.
Oh man. Major Killer is here, hands crossed on his chest, whistle in a loop around his neck, huge figure looking straight into my eyes.
"You know how to do pushups?"
"Well yeah, I have done a few times in gym befo-"
"Show me"
one-two-three- "pause" I stopped and started to get up. A louder version of that voice came "I said pause. It means stay wherever and however you are, in English."
His tone was commanding and I don't know why I followed everything he said.
I got back down. Hanging mid air with all my weight on my palms and toes, I waited for his instruction to get up again. But he had other plans.
He pulled a trek stool and sat right next to my right palm.
A feeling of doom surrounded me.
Then, he started. "The only thing I want to hear from you is- yes sir or no sir. Anything else, and the conversation gets longer, which I think your pretty wrists can't handle. Am I clear?"
"yes sir"
"I told you clearly to tell him that you don't want to get trained by anyone here. Did you say exactly this to Col?"
A long pause, I couldn't frame my answer in the form of yes or no. I had an explanation. But his question is clear, and the truth is, I didn't exactly repeat his words. "yes or no?!"
"No sir"
"Now. because you didn't do as I said, I've been ordered to train you. I have no choice but to train you, but there's no restriction on me as to how will I train you. Trust me you are going to regret not listening to me.
Your training starts from tomorrow at 0600 hrs.
But first of all, since you are so poor in learning how to follow instructions, here's a lesson for you. You will do 50 pushups every night, after your daily lot of training is over, before going back to your room. You will not leave the ground without completing this task. I don't care whether you are dying, 50 pushups means 50 pushups."
My hands started trembling. Not because of that strain, but what was entering my ears. It felt like I was stuck with a thunder. What have I gotten myself into? Did I commit a mistake?
"But I didn't ask him to tell you to-"
"Start your today's count young lady."
"But I- I-". I had no words, I was in shock.
You can say no and leave him right here.
Your ego doesn't allow you, girl. If you leave, he'll go and tell uncle all this and then both of them will laugh at you.
Damn he played smart!
I hit the ground on count of 12.
"c'mon move your shoulders, you have 38 to go. Lift up!"
Thirty what? I can't do this!
"Don't even think of saying that you can't do it. That's one sentence nobody dares to speak after I've given my order. Move now."
I'm dead. "ugh yes sir" I'm so dead.
finally after 6 more bumps of my face on the ground, I managed to finish the damn count.
I had no strength left to breathe. But apparently it was time for the rules.
"Get up."
"A few simple academy rules for you. Any additions will be told to you as and when needed.
First of all, never, I repeat NEVER be late. I will give you a chance to explain yourself in case you commit a serious mistake. But I will never tolerate that you arrive later than the time told to you. You will be paying heavily for every extra second you waste . Am I clear?"
"yes sir"
"Rule number two. A smartass answer or statement or behaviour wins you a smartass punishment of 20 crunches on the spot. So you'll need to learn how to use your brain before using your tongue to speak."
what the- . I can't actually follow him. Is he really speaking all that I'm hearing?
"rule number three. Whenever you get a message through the pager in your room, you gotta show up. You will be called anytime for the practice, and I don't buy any sick excuses. You miss the pager rings, you pay for it. You don't show up, you die for it. Simple.
"rule number four. No mobile phones."
Wait what?
"During training on the field right?"
"During your entire training period, your mobile phone will be deposited at main office. You will be using the academy's landline, after you get my permission, to make a call to anyone."
"Are you really kidding me?" I couldn't hold back this time.
Just then a finger points down towards the ground "crunches"
I realised what happened. Without saying a word, I move my half broken spine and finish those 20 bloody crunches in utter pain.
"Enough rules for today. Rest I'll tell later. Before leaving, a reminder - what's your time to report tomorrow onwards?"
"06 o'clock? it's too early. I never got up so early in my life." I said in frustration.
"well then, let's meet at 0530 hrs."
my eyes popped open and my jaw dropped while he stood and walked away. "Don't be late".
While I dragged my feet back to my room, I took a few moments to realise what all has happened in single day.
He sounded like he's going to kill me. And well, I made him do that, so that was even worse.
Now I was actually afraid of him.
Everytime he looked into my eyes, a feeling of fear would run down my spine.
God! Major Killer was indeed a killer.
But I'm not gonna lose. I will prove him wrong. He will train me against his own wish.
I just hope I get back to this room tomorrow, alive.
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