Telling the Fans//Dinah

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I stayed silent not knowing what to say and scared to tell her the truth.

"See there is no reason for them not to know" Dinah argued.

"I just don't want them to know ok Dinah"

A hurt expression came over her face and filled her eyes. "Ar-Are you ashamed of me Y/n" she said sadly

"No no no its just....Its just.." I trailed of not not knowing what to say.

"Its just what Y/n" she said getting a little angry.

I stayed silent again trying to come up with something to say.

"Do you not want to be with me anymore" she said just above a whisper.

"No no no I love you"


I actually didn't know why I didn't just tell her. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice a few tears sliding down my cheek.

Dinah noticed and immediately pulled me to the sofa and on her lap trying to calm me down.

"Shh shh babe I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you" She said wiping my tears away.

I just sat there and cried into her arms for a few minutes while she tried to calm me down.
I eventually calmed down and we just sat there in silence until Dinah decided to speak up.

"Can you tell why you don't want to tell the fans now" Dinah whispered in my ear

"I-Im scared Dinah"

"Scared of what babe?" she questioned.

"I'm scared that the fans won't like me and that they will say hateful things to me" I said as I started breaking down crying.

Dinah POV

It hurt me to see my baby crying like this. I didn't know she felt that way about telling the fans but I wont let anyone hurt her.

"Babe you know the fans like you already" I said trying to reassure her.

"What if they think Im not good enough for you and that you deserve someone else better." she whispered softly.

It honestly broke my heat seeing her like this.

"Babe I only want you and nobody else and I promise that they will love you and accepts us together and if they don't I will be here to protect you ok?" I said kissing lips softly.

She started nodding her head frantically.

"Is that a yes on telling them babe?"


"Yes" I said softly smiling looking up.

She smiled before kissing me softly on the lips
"Ok how do you want to tell everyone babe?"

"Anyway you want to do it babe" I said softly.

"Ok how about we do a twitcam?"

I nodded

With that she go onto twitter and tweeted out the link saying she had a special surprise with me retweeting her post.

"Hey guys were going to start so we can get more viewers" Dinah said

After about a good ten minutes we started.

"Hey guys so the reason for this twitcam is because I have something to tell you guys"

After Dinah said that the comments were rolling in about what it could be.

"Ok so the truth is that Y/n and I are dating and have been going out for awhile now and I really love her"

"Awe babe I love you too" I said leaning in to give her a small kiss.

After we pulled away we saw comments about how happy they were for us and that they ship us together. There were a few negative comments but there weren't a lot of them so I really didn't pay attention to it.

After a while of answering questions from the fans we logged out.

"See babe I told you they would like you. There was nothing to be afraid of"

"Yea I know"

Dinah phone vibrated and there were tweets from the fans girls about us.

@Laurenjauregui: Finally you guys decided to tell but seriously I'm proud of you @dinahjane97 and @Y/n

@CamilaCabello97: OTP OTP Y/S/N( your ship name)

@Allybrooke: I'm proud of you guys

@Normanikordei: FINALLY MY SHIP IS UP AND SAILING.. Love you guys

You both chuckled before sending a thanks to all the fans for the love and support. Even some other celebrity friends congratulated you guys

"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too babygirl " I said pulling Dinah into a passionate kiss.


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