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Egon glanced at the clock that read 12:45. Technically after noon. She hadn't said what time she would get there, just that it would be in the afternoon.
Egon stood up, stretching his arms and yawning. He'd been working on improving the trap all day (and had been reading Tobin's Spirit Guide all night). He reached for his mug of coffee and finished it in one gulp before sitting back down.
Suddenly the alarm rang through the entire firehouse. He got up quickly and ran to get prepped.
"The two of us can handle this one if you want to stay here. I know you're expecting company," said Ray as he grabbed a paper from Janine, glancing it over.
"I'm- ugh," he said rubbing his furrowed brows with frustration, "I alone am not the one expecting company Ray, we are, this is a collective research effort between all of us. And really, please let me go. I haven't gotten out for awhile," said Egon.
"Well ok then. Let's catch some ghosts!" said Peter hopping into Ecto 1.
About an hour had passed when y/n arrived at the station. She opened the door and walked timidly into the silent building.
"Hello," said y/n, walking up to a woman sitting at the desk, reading a magazine.
"Oh! They mentioned someone would be coming by. Hii, I'm Janine, nice to meet you," she said in a warm tone, extending her hand.
"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you." "I hear you're dropping off some books?"
"Oh, yes, I was going to discuss them with Eg- with them, are they here?"
Janine raised her eyebrows at y/n knowingly before sighing, "They aren't here, they're on a call right now but they'll probably be back soon it's been over an hour. Here, I'll show you to the lab and you can wait there." Janine said, relieving y/n of one of the many heavy books and walking down the hall.
"Here ya go," said Janine, stopping at the door of the lab. "Thanks Janine."
"I was about to make some coffee, do you want some? Or there's tea and plenty of beer." said Janine sarcastically. "Coffee would be great." The two walked to the kitchen and waited for the coffee.
"So," said Janine looking at y/n, tilting down her glasses. "How'd you get involved in this?"
"Well, I work at the New York public library and they exterminated a ghost for us a few weeks ago and one thing led to another. How did you find this job?"
"Oh ya know, just an ad in the paper." said Janine. "Do you enjoy it?" "I've quit better jobs than this." joked Janine. "Something must be keeping you from quitting," said y/n, adding cream to her coffee. "Well, it keeps me on my toes." said Janine,
"By the way, I overheard something about you and Egon?" said Janine, raising her eyebrows.
"What? From who?"
"Ray mentioned it."
"T-there's really nothing going on. They're just teasing "
"Is that so. Well, I can see why'd you be into him, he's very handy. And very smart, but good luck getting through to him. I've never met someone so smart who was so dumb at the same time." said Janine.
"Haha well that's just fine because really there is nothing going on."
There was a long pause between them.
"Although he is quite interesting isn't he," gushed y/n. "That's how it all starts," sighed Janine.
There was the sound of a car driving into the station followed by voices. "I'll let them know you're here," said Janine leaving the kitchen.
Y/n grabbed her coffee and walked back to the lab. She wandered around the room sipping on her coffee, looking at the different equipment and objects.
"Welcome back boys," Janine said nonchalantly as the boys unpacked their stuff. "Y/n is in the lab by the way."
The three looked at each other then quickly walked to the lab causing Janine to roll her eyes. They burst into the lab, surprising y/n.
"Oh! Hi!" "Hi y/n" they greeted back. "Uh- well here it is," said y/n gesturing to the obvious, large pile of books and essays on the table.
"Wow, thank you so much y/n for bringing all of this down here! It must've been so much work, we really appreciate it," said Ray, starting towards the books.
"It's really no problem, I had a lot of fun actually," admitted y/n. "Well- let me give you a rundown. This is the one I found the footnote about Zuul in," said y/n picking up a book titled Religions and Cults of the Ancient World. "I have the page bookmarked here as well as some other pages that mention Sumer or Mesopotamia. This one I started to read, but haven't made it very far or found references of Zuul yet, although there have been multiple mentions of the rituals they performed in temples which I thought might be of interest to you so I've bookmarked them as well" she said pointing to a book titled The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion. "And I found a few other books for good and essays for good measure, I'm realizing now it might be overkill...I can help you read through these if you want. I'm off work today so-"
Peter and Ray glanced at each other in mutual agreement.
"You know what, that would be so helpful because Ray and I have to run an errand. Only if you're up for it of course." said Peter.
"What errand?" asked Egon.
"We have to go pick up some.." said Peter looking at Ray for help, "Parts for the car! You know I have still not gotten around to fixing those brakes and it's been driving me crazy. But the last store I checked didn't have what I needed so-" "We might have to check every auto store in the city, it could take all day." said Peter.
"Uh huh." said Egon, not convinced.
"But we'll be sure to grab some dinner on the way back," added Peter as the two walked out of the room.
"Have fun with your little research Eegy!" teased Peter as the two left. Y/n chuckled at the nickname.
Egon watched them leave with his arms folded, sighing. "Are you sure about this? About wanting to stay? You've done so much already.." said Egon.
"No really, I want to help. It's a nice break from what I usually do. And besides, it's really interesting!" replied y/n lighting up.
Egon glanced down at her for a second too long but quickly looked away when y/n met his gaze.
"Well let's get reading then," said Egon.
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