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You bury yourself in your sweater and tap your pen on the desk attempting to focus on the work in front of you instead of how cold it is in the library. It's mid fall and the weather has been getting cooler lately but it's especially chilly at the front desk with the constant opening and closing of the doors.
Y/n has been spending the day at the front desk doing paperwork and helping the occasional guest. About a week has passed since the ghost incident and there has been no news from the "scientists'' after their lively exit from the library.
Y/N couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. Whether or not she had a crush on Dr. Spengler aside, she had been looking forward to hearing a follow up on the ghost and potentially getting to know him better.
As a friend of course. Y/N sighed. Every day since then has felt so boring.
You focus on the paperwork when one of your coworkers, Sandra, walks behind the desk, grabbing a stack of papers from the filing cabinet.
"Oh y/n, did you hear that those guys from Columbia are coming back tonight?"
"What?!" y/n couldn't hide her shock. "Why, what for?"
"Apparently now they have a device to actually catch the you. know. what." she whispered. "They're coming right after we close. Isn't that exciting?"
"It certainly is.." y/n says under her breath.
The next two hours passed even slower than before. Eight o'clock could not come soon enough.
Because you were interested in this new ghost catching device of course, no other reason.
You reach for your tea only to find it cold. Well, a watched pot never boils. You get up and make your way to the breakroom and fill up your mug with boiling water. The hot mug feels so nice in your hands. You walk back to the desk only to see none other than Dr. Spengler and Dr. Stantz.
"Oh! Hello!" You were not expecting to see them yet, after all it was only 7:50. "Dr. Stantz, Dr. Spengler, hello." You say calmer than before.
"Hello again Miss L/n!" says Stantz. "Hi," Spengler says, nodding.
"I hear you're here to actually catch the ghost this time. And it looks like you're dressed for the occasion," you tease, staring at their jumpsuits.
"This equipment was not yet finished when we came the first time, if we would've attempted to use it the results could've been catastrophic for all parties," said Spengler.
"Oh that's- great," you say, forcing a smile, not doing a very good job at hiding your apprehension.
"The particle throwers work perfectly fine now! That ghost is as good as captured thanks to these bad boys!" Stantz interjected, tapping on the box strapped to his back.
"How do those things work anyways?"
"To put it simply, the particle thrower is connected to the proton pack, it fires a stream of positively charged ions that counteract the ghosts negative energy which allows us to grab hold of the ghost and force it into the trap, which holds them indefinitely." answers Spengler.
He sure gets chatty when it comes to science.
"Wow, that's really impressive. I sure would like to see this thing in action."
Stantz and Spengler look at each other.
"That's not a very good idea, the stream can be very erratic, especially if the ghost is on the move," Stantz says.
"Oh that's too bad but it makes sense-" "But maybe we can show it to you sometime," adds Spengler quickly.
Stantz shoots him a look.
"Anyways, can we get started?" asks Stantz.
"Well it looks like the library will be closing in two minutes, I'll go let Mr. Delacorte know you're here and tell any remaining guests that we will be closing," you say as you start to walk towards Mr. Delacorte's office, leaving the two alone.
"Maybe we can show it to you sometime? Really Egon?"
"I don't know... with more practice it might be safe enough to show to others."
"And when are you planning on showing it to her exactly?" teased Stantz not waiting for a reply. "But hey, she sure is something isn't she?"
"Something in what way?" asks Spengler.
"Oh come on. I mean I wouldn't mind showing her my particle thrower if you know what I mean," jokes Stantz, jabbing Spengler in the ribs.
Spengler scoffs and rolls his eyes. "I highly doubt a woman of her caliber would go out with a man who-"
"Dr. Spengler, Dr. Stantz. I'm glad you were able to help us again. Shall we?," Delacorte gestures to the basement.
"So you admit it, you find her attractive!" Stantz whispers to Spengler as they follow Delacorte.
Spengler sighs, annoyed but quickly sneaks a glance at y/n who is now back at the desk finishing up the remaining paperwork.
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