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Okay so this is my oneshot for Raythewriterforever (who btw writes amazing fanfiction and poetry and is basically the person responsible for my lack of sleep😂) 's competition! I hope it doesn't suck too much. Enjoy

Alex POV:

I was lying in bed, thinking.
Thinking of when my parents threw me out
"You are no child of mine" my father's harsh words boomed through my mind. Thinking, of when I finally accepted who I was, and I could dress the way I felt without worrying about hiding.
Remembering good and bad moments in my life has become a habit before going to bed. It reminds me of all the things I have accomplished, and all the things I went through.
Being misgendered for the first time in 6 months was an unpleasant memory, but thinking of it, makes me realize how much has changed since then.
Explaining my gender fluidity to Magnus is a moment I often think back to
*le flashback*

"-So that's about it" I finished, looking nervously at Magnus, anxious for his reaction.
"Any questions?" I asked, to catch his attention
"Have you ever experienced hate because of your gender?" He asked "except for your parents?" He looked at me,
"Many times" I laughed bitterly "but most ignore it." I sighed "as if I'm contagious and they don't want to catch it by talking to me"
He must've noticed my stiffness because he then said
"People will say things to hurt you. Purposely. But, you are more than this body, you are more than their fixed perception of gender and sexuality, you are more than their hate." He smiled at me. I smiled back
*end of le flashback*

A warm feeling shot through my body at the memory.He was right. He is right. I am more than their hate. There will always be haters. There will always be people out there who are going to purposely misgender me, to hurt me.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not.

You're a joke Loki whispered inside my head. He sometimes visited me, mostly to tell me how worthless and disgusting I am.
"My gender and my sexuality do not define my ability or my worth. I am no joke" I answered, driving him away.

There was a time when I wanted to end it all, my parents didn't accept me, They were thetwo most important people in my life's s they did not accept me, then why would anyone? I had thought at the time, that their opinion was equal to everyone else. I had though that because they thought of me as a freak, the world did too.
Now, I'm glad I didn't. Yes, there are some people, including my parents, who think I am a freak, but there are countless who don't.
Magnus doesn't, Floor 19 doesn't, most of Valhalla doesn't, and many more.

I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes to sleep. Another deep remembering session with Alex Fierro, I chuckled to myself.

AHHHHHH I DON'T KNOW. I think it was okay? I hope it was okay at least. Anyways that was my oneshot for the competition!

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