Chapter 84. Is this golem...

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No matter what this vile alien woman said, I was innocent, but still it is possible that some stupid Earthman will understand everything wrong.

A natural disaster that shook the whole Pacific Ocean, was secondary damage caused by alien spousal spat.

It had nothing to do with me.

– I really cant tell What are you thinking, Kang Han Soo.

– Cant you say what? I am 100% justice.

It had nothing to do with me, but I could smell the conspiracy.

How could I not spot a conspiracy as an A-rank hero with a strong sense of justice?

Ill solve this problem for them.

– Hmm- Suspicious

– Come on! Lets go!

I went into the captains cabin with Victoria, who looked at me with suspicion.


The alien woman I expected to see naked while she was being searched and put on a torture chair with all four limbs bound, actually

Conveniently lying on a clean bed under a blanket.

My eyebrows involuntarily frowned at such a lazy and cheesy way of treating a woman but I calmly forgot about it, as the general mood seemed to be approving.

First I checked her face.

It was Miss G.

No, after looking closely, I thought she looked like Miss B.

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Since I immediately pierced their bodies, instead of carefully examining their faces, I could not remember exactly which of them was in front of me.

Anyway, it wasnt Miss Yo, Im sure.

Well, can I take a look at her Status?

-> Race: Mermaid

-> Level: 857

-> Specialization: Black Mage (Blessing = Dead Soul t)

-> Skills: Song (S), Dead Soul (S), Immortality (A), Blessing (A), Interpretation (A)

-> Condition: Resurrected, Alarmed, Heroic Soul, Depleted, Golem

I thought I had completely got rid of the harem old prince, but this young miss had all the conditions forreturning to life.

For starters, she was a mermaid.

She could not drown, even if she fell into the Pacific Ocean in a powerless state.

With the Black Mage Specialization, she specialized in the manipulation of corpses. On top of that, she had A-rank Immortality. This set was downright designed to defy death.

If I had seen her Status from the very beginning, I would have killed her twice to be sure, but

– She has a difficult State – muttered Victoria, seeing the status of an alien woman, like me.

The man who arrived here before her replied:

– We assume that she died once during a major battle near this area, and then barely resurrected with the skill. As you can see, we take good care of her, but she does not speak because she is afraid of us.

The speaker was not the captain of this cruise ship.

He was a Hero tasked with guarding the ship.

Now he looked more like a mercenary with supernatural powers than a Hero. The same was true for Heroes on the continents of Fantasy.

After all, Heroes are not needed in a world without the Demon Lord.

No matter how great power you have, if there is nowhere to use it, you can only be a criminal or a guard stopping these criminals.

– Clear. Nice work.

– Nothing special. I get paid for this, – the hero responded lazily.

Although things were not so bad for him. He was a full-time employee hired by wealthy Victoria, not a temporary mercenary who was simply working off a days wages.

Real order reigned here.

However, there were groups that rejected this correct social life.


Heroes from nothing to do got together to create armed units called guilds.

Their goal is to unite together?

Defend your rights as those who have been socially ostracized.

This was due to the fact that politicians and people who were originally in power feared their uncontrollable power.

Heroes who returned after defeating The Demon Lord Pedonar on the Continents of Fantasy were more dangerous than armed robbers.

If these Heroes had wished to demonstrate their strength, they could kill absolutely any person, be it a member of a conglomerate or a president.

If the Heroes decided to take a tough stance, Earth would have become a second Fantasy long ago.

Or, perhaps, she could become something even worse?

– Come to think of it, Im wondering how my classmate is doing?.

Although I collected some information myself after arriving to Earth, most of what I knew came to me from Classmate A, whom I met by chance on the continents of Fantasy.

It was hard for me to believe in his words then, but seeing the Heroes commanding other Heroes, I really felt that the Earth had changed a lot.

Victoria gave the order:

– Everyone, please step aside and leave this to me.

– Chief Director. Who is this person?.

The hero decided to find out who I am.

As soon as I was about to answer, Victoria, without batting an eye, began to invent a story: – A reliable comrade. I vouch for his identity, so dont worry too much.

– I should be worried

A comrade by whose will? Where is your conscience?

I never dreamed of having such a weak comrade as Victoria.

But if I were to deny it here, I might have to go through an identity check. Since that would be very tedious, I decided to leave this topic for a while.

Victoria smiled again, apparently in a good mood.

On the other hand, I felt very uncomfortable.

– Well, if you say so, the chief director

All crew members, including the Hero, left the captains cabin, after which they stayed just me, Victoria and the alien woman.

Victoria spoke, cautiously approaching the bed:

– Hello. I am Victoria, in charge here. I know youre uncomfortable, but can we talk for a minute? I promise not to harm you.

The alien woman carefully opened her eyes.

And found me.

– Hello. Miss Mermaid.

– Kyaaa-!

The young mermaid answered my greeting with a cry.

Crap! Tink!

When the mermaid, whose race was famous for her strong vocal chords, screamed, all the glass in the captains cabin shattered.


I did not hesitate to summon Holy Sword 2.

I was contemplating how to kill this living witness naturally, not suspicious, but still did not think she would cause such a stir. All that was left was to say thank you.

This time, I will definitely deal with you so that you cannot resurrect.

– Everything is fine! Calm down!


I stopped my hand when I was about to swing the Holy Sword 2 because Victoria wanted to protect the young mermaid.


The door to the captains cabin opened and a recent Hero entered. He seemed surprised to hear the cry of a mermaid as he waited outside.

– Director! You- Oh, you bastard!

The hero rushed at me like an angry bull.

The fact is that I was standing with the Holy Sword 2 raised over Victoria, which made the Hero think that I was trying to attack her.

Although the reason for this picture was Victorias interference, there was no time to kindly explain.

It was too much to kill him

So I decided it calm.

– Dont interfere, statistician.

– Who is this statis- Ah?!

My side impact hit the heros lower back.

Exactly between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae!

This blow perfectly took into account the structure of the Heros body.

He must have suffered a herniated lumbar disc without any serious consequences.

– Crew Member A. Get him out of here instead of just watching.

– Huh? Yes!

Crew A, who entered a second later, tried to help the Hero who was lying limp on the ground to get up, but the Hero stubbornly shook off his hand.

– Let go! I myself can get up- Kha— ?!

The hero grabbed his lower back when he wanted to gallantly rise, and fell again.

Although I did not showed openly his delight, I was very pleased, confirming that he had definitely received a herniated disc.

I was a little worried after failing last time against a young lady, but my skills still havent rusted.

Unmovable Hero carried out on a stretcher.

Thus, only three remained in the captains cabin again.

– Oh

The young mermaid was trembling violently, covered herself with a blanket up to her head.

She stopped screaming.

Thanks to Victoria, who consoled her like an older sister.

– Yes, calmly take a deep breath. Youre doing well. And you, Kang Han Soo, please put your weapon away! Oh! Indeed How did you summon the Holy Sword when it is not in your State?

When Victoria asked, I clicked my tongue.

And activated the Black Box

Although I didnt want to go that far, I didnt have a choice to calmly settle the situation.

– Victoria. Look me in the eyes.

– Yes, you also look me in the eyes and tell me where you got this unusual Holy Sword from?


Instead of answering, I erased Victorias memory and got rid of everything that happened after she met me.

The plane was destroyed in the air due to a surprise attack from the old prince, and the only survivors were her and me.

The plan was to erase Victorias memories and pass it off as amnesia, and claim that the young lady mermaid is the culprit.

By doing this, I could legally deal with the young mermaid.

In addition, the truth behind the incident in the Pacific would forever remain hidden from the world.

– Victoria. Do you know who I am?

We need to check if Victorias memory is completely erased.

– Kang Han Soo. Why are you suddenly asking?

– Hmm?.

– Um, your face, its too close! Too close, I tell you! Ill close my eyes to the question of the Holy Sword, so please back off a bit! Faster!

Victoria begged, blushing and stepping back.

What the hell?

I had to erase her memory, but Victoria was fine. I tried a second time, but she didnt forget anything.


An unknown phenomenon has occurred.

-> Race: Arch-Human

-> Level: 1

-> Specialization: Sorceress (Willpower – Affliction1)

-> Skills: Willpower (SS), Sorcery (SS), Fencing (S), Immunity (S), Vitality (A)

-> Condition: Agitated, Demon Sword, Confused, Oblivion

Victorias level has dropped as low as it could.

And it wasnt just her.

-> Race: Chaos Man

-> Level: 1

-> Specialization : Playboy (Woman → Charm!)

-> Skills: Divinity (Z), Dark Energy (Z), Blessing (Z), Invention (SSS), Fighting Spirit (SS)

-> State: Holy Sword, Holy, Golem, Oblivion

My level also dropped.

Although my skills were not sealed with my level, like when the old prince used that purple eye ray, my level dropped to 1 like that time.

And my specialization changed to Playboy.

– Ive never seen such crazy status!

Call me a playboy, when I lived 17 years on Earth with dignity and very honestly?!

As if it wasnt outrageous enough injustice that I spent 17 years in captivity in a barbaric fantasy world, it seemed to me too much.

How did this happen?

– Status? Uh Huh?! My Level?!

Victoria tilted her head when she heard me muttering something under her breath, and then she was stunned by checking her Status.

However, I still felt better than her. Although it was somewhat shocking that my specialization changed to Playboy, I was able to accept it calmly, as I knew that the status would gradually return to normal.

Indeed, how did it happen that I was named playboy when I wasnt even dating someone properly?!

Something was wrong with that.

– Strength Hero

The young mermaid, sticking her nose out from under the blanket, muttered something under her breath.

She seemed to know something.

It wasnt that this young mermaid was special. It is very likely that she had information known to all the aliens I killed in the Pacific Ocean.

For them, this is well known

But information unknown to us.

In this case, I decided to postpone her murder for a while.

– Miss Mermaid. Close your gills and listen carefully. If you answer my question quickly and clearly, I will kill you quickly and without pain.

Of course, I was not going to spare her.

It was necessary to make it clear that the natural disaster that occurred in the Pacific Ocean of the Earth was caused by a spousal quarrel between aliens.

Victoria complained from the side:

– Kang Han Soo! Who will answer if you threaten them like that!

– Okay, – the mermaid answered my words.

– Does this suit you?! Listen! Dont give up your precious life so easily!

– If Im destined to die anyway, I want to die peacefully

Young mermaid, trembling made a smart decision. Shes pretty good for an idiotic fish head, isnt she?

– Were not going to kill you, so dont worry.

Victoria started Say stupid things.

As a righteous hero, I would not lie, even if I had to suffer losses. But it seems that Victoria intended to calm the young mermaid by saying that she would be spared and then deal with her after extracting all the information she had.

What a truly frightening woman.

– Really? And this scary man?

– Of course. Until you are completely disarmed and ready to cooperate. First, please summon your golem and move it to that corner.

She even requested disarming for an easy kill.

– Good.

The silly young mermaid believed in the words of the sly Victoria and obediently summoned her golem.

She voluntarily gave up the best weapon and shield she could use in your jaded state.


A beautiful female-type golem appeared, wearing no clothes.

It was the Valkyrie, the main force of the aliens. But since this model was intended for personal use, its power was higher than that of mass-produced models.

Status, however, was a little surprising.

-> Race: Old Golem

-> Level: 1

-> Specialization : Prince (National Strength – Willpower t)

-> Skills: Willpower (Z), Injection (Z), Charm (S), Laundry (A), Massage (A )

-> State: Possessive, Exhaustion, Oblivion, Despair

Anyone could see that it was an attractive female type, but the specialization listed Prince, and the skill set was extremelysuspicious.

I stared at the golem as it moved into the corner.

The golem was secretly avoiding my gaze.

– Are you really

– Im a house golem. I dont know anything.

This is not a consolation round, but we met again.

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