It was another Holy Sword.
Ive never seen one, but it seems to attract someone elses power, thereby charging, and then ejects all this power.
But all the collected power, like sand, was dispelled by the loud cry of Captain Fantasy, because of which the Holy Sword became an ordinary club.
– What is absurd Kha ?!
– This was expected.
I grabbed Potato by the neck between the 6th and 7th vertebrae.
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An attack that absorbed the power of others is incredible, but Captain Fantasy was larger than all the living creatures gathered on the festival planet, so such an attack is simply nothing to him.
Name: Captain Fantasy
Nickname: The Greatest Child
The essence of the project Captain Fantasy , which started with the idea of a super robot that all men dream about, was large size.
If you fight against ordinary dragons, then size does not matter, but to resist the Supreme Dragon of Oblivion To Noebius at the end of his years, a huge body is not a choice, but a necessity.
– Wow ~
I never thought that instead of a super robot I would have a huge child at my disposal, but thanks to human power has reached its original goal.
Its big, very large.
Captain Fantasys wings could replace the sun itself.
[Human ]
Child of GGG rank with limitless growth opportunities.
We can say that Captain Fantasy was the embodiment of the divine power Human.
And I supply him with energy, like an atomic reactor, thanks to which the aircraft carrier starts to move.
– It seems we are finished
The final battle with Lanuvel has not yet happened, but while I was dealing with the angels, the planets and satellites remained intact, so I did well.
The Souls of Angels will now be taken over by the Fantasy system, after which they will have to wait for rebirth.
As teaching aids.
– What the
I clicked my tongue when I saw a naked resurrected Bananael in the sky.
Due to the peculiarity of the race Second Angel he managed to avoid death.
And not only that.
– Gh
– Oh
Milk and Potato paired with Bananael pink rays of light, also did not die.
It seems that this was due to the fact that they divided the damage among themselves.
But not everyone who was united by these rays survived. Even the split damage was too much for normal angels to withstand.
Therefore, only two angels survived.
But this will not be long.
– Wow.
– Kx!
– A ?!
Captain Fantasy before he didnt even fight that.
He just rolled on his back from side to side and screamed.
But due to the difference in weight categories just by doing so, he caused enormous damage.
Being hit by the soft palm of Captain Fantasy, Potato met his end.
What about Molokael?
– Wow?
– Kya ?!
Taking her for a rice cake, Captain Fantasy happily grabbed her and threw it into his mouth.
Looks like he never thought of spitting it out or swallowing it.
– Only you are left.
But Bananael doesnt die because hes second.
He replied:
– Dont be arrogant. This is just the beginning. Lanuwerk whispered to me that she would be back. She said she would destroy everything. Adventure! Those who give up adventure will face death
– So she is not here.
Then there is nothing to do here.
– Adventurers from a distant planet full of adventure will arrive here. Thousands of Fantasy Heroes will come together and fight bravely, but they will all perish. And we are angels we will become slaves of adventurers. Everyone will kneel before the truth of Lanuwerk Khe-khe ?!
– How much you talk.
Not knowing how to deal with this like an undying cockroach, I began to look around and fixed my gaze on Hanjo.
She was confused.
– W-what?
– Hanjo, this banana belongs to you now. You can chew it or lick it, I dont care. Do whatever you want with this banana.
– Chew? Lick? This is too too ahem, anyway, thanks!
Flushed Hanjo tied Bananael with a rope.
– Untie me immediately! How dare you, born of an angel, oppose me ?! I am the Second Angel Bananael! The second noblest creature!
– I know, Mr. Bananael. My father always envied you because you took everything just because you were born second.
– Who is your father Hmm ?!
Hanjo shoved a gag into Bananaels mouth and smiled.
– Mr. Bananael, we have many nights ahead when we can talk about your interests. With you I can surpass my father. I will prove that I have chosen the right king.
– Mmm!
This is where the showdown with the angels at the Festival is over.
The angels, having lost their commanders, including Bananael, just scattered around. You can tell about this to the trainees who were busy with ttantamokki.
(p / p: Ttanttamokki is a childs game, according to the rules of which marks are put on the ground where a pebble will bounce from a blow with a finger, and the one who grabs more land wins.)
Like street vendors gathered at a festival, they fought for the best piece of land for their shop.
Among the trainees there is definitely one who who will lay eyes on the city of angels.
So you can slowly prepare.
– The army of adventurers
Pretending to be sweet Lanuvel, most likely now she was traveling through space, collecting adventurers and driving them into their heads the idea of that they should strike at the FFF-rank Demon Lord.
The universe is an area unknown to me.
I dont know how many strong warriors Lanuvel can collect by persuading them to destroy me and the Fantasy world.
Therefore, you need to be prepared.
If Lanouvel is not here, then I cannot trace her, because I cannot go beyond this dimension.
So what remains for me is just prepare until Lanuvel brings in adventurers who want to challenge me.
– Wow ~
– Good. I can only rely on you.
I seem to have forgotten about something, but this is definitely something insignificant.
As soon as the Festival of Heroes starts, the alumni will try to defeat me.
I wanted to punish their vertebrae, but now I found out that Lanuvel is gathering adventurers to take revenge.
We need to make sure that the graduates protect this place from the Lanuvel gang.
It is required to discuss this problem with a cowardly wife.
– Handsome hubby! Did you miss Ssosiel that much?
– as I understand it, you are completely wild without me?
– N-no! I didnt miss my handsome husband at all, pleasing myself every night Tts! I didnt say it!
– Heres how.
– Oh
Busy Ssosiel as soon as she heard my challenge, she immediately rushed to me at the speed of light.
After stroking the cowardly pelvis of a wife who is crazy about her husband, I asked her:
– Have you ever thought about children?
– of course I thought about it.
– Then choose some cute kid that looks like Captain Fantasy.
– Do you think a child is a sports car that you can choose in a store ?!
– You yourself never gave birth, but you pretend that you know everything. p0>
– Oh
I brought up this topic due to the fact that I was slightly pricked by my conscience.
Haris, who was born by the Princess of the Sword, could not help but be born at that time, and the twin daughters whom Thalia gave birth were not at all part of my plans, so they are like a miracle for me .
I have not had a single child from my legal wife, but I have three children from two other women, who can be called cohabitants.
For peace in the family.
I suggested this in order not to destroy my family, as the Fugitive Elder did.
– Well?
Im ready to uncover my 21st finger.
And this time will be special.
I have conceived children Princess of Sword and Thalia, when I was not yet God. But now not only me, but also the cowardly little wife are deities.
And a child born between the deities will also be God?
Even if not, it will definitely become extraordinary.
– No.
– Are you afraid of having a baby?
– Yeah.
– really?
– Truth. Because Im second. My child should also be second. But you already have four children.
– If I give birth to a child all other children, except Green Cake, who is adopted, will die. And if Green Cake also dies, then my child will be the first, and he will also die. Such is fate.
– Oh!
I never thought that the curse of being second was so terrible.
– P-wait. Do you think of other ways to calm your upset wife? Maybe some other ways More ordinary They are looking at us!
– The real Hero is not worried about other peoples looks!
– But they bother me!You dont think about that, but I still need to work with these trainees!
– If you are against, push me away.
– you are too sneaky
The body of Ssosiel, who stretched her lips forward, became more pliable.
Still, my wife takes a lot of energy.
Sitting on a bench in the city park, I told Ssosiel, who was distributing documents to the assembled interns:
– I learned that Lanuvel is going to attack us with an army of adventurers.
– We need to check if she really got out of the Festival dimension.
– Ah right.
Bananael said that Lanuvel left the dimension, but this is just his view of the situation.
Even if she escaped, Lanuvel may be hiding around here.
Ssosiel said:
– But if Lanuvel is really not here, then you dont have to be the prey at the Festival.
– Then what?
– We have already found those who will replace you. Parmael, Bananael and many other angels will stand in the way of the Heroes who will take part in the festival.Hanjo will direct their actions, and General Chromatigus will take her place.
– Red.
– Ah!
– I won her support in exchange for returning Boris to his original appearance.
– Ah my Boris
I wanted to make a real super robot out of Boris in the Captain Fantasy style, but my cowardly wife took him away from me.
– Its okay.
– He almost killed me!
– I know
– Im disappointed! Youre taking the side of the man who nearly killed your husband! And how can you call yourself the first wife!
– S-Im sorry! I didnt think. The first wife shouldnt do that. How can I side with other men? Apparently, my mind went out for a second. Forgive me, the most handsome husband in the universe!
- I forgive you because I am handsome. But dont do that anymore.
– Uh-huh. No more.
The interns stared at us, confused.
What? Are you delighted?
This is how a real husband behaves.
I stroked the pelvis of Ssosiel, who rested her head on my shoulder, and asked:
– Whats up with Fantasy?
– Im finished. Due to the fact that you have killed many important angels, they will need to be redistributed, but the head teacher Faker Lee will take care of this.
– Just think, head teacher Bakery
– Hes very useful Although, of course, not worth your nail!
– Heres how.
Of course. How can someone who took someone elses son hostage compare with a fair husband of Z rank?
– By the way, fair hubby. When you fought the angels, did you see the third angel leader? Her name is Molokael. They say she is not on the list of the dead. The thing is, shes very smart. Not worth my little finger though! It can be a hassle if left alone.
– Strange. I definitely caught her.
– Really?
– Tell the useless Bakery to check again. It cant be that Ive lost sight of her.
– Yeah.
I dashed with Ssosiel across the festival planet, finishing all preparations
So, after finishing everything for a few days, we headed to the Great Temple, where the festival began.
To meet the inspection team.
Because this is the main entrance to the Education Fantasy Center for outsiders.
- why are you so noisy?
– Wow?
– Why are you whining all day? You havent eaten some nasty stuff, have you?
– Wow.
– Well, if not.
Mollansofts inspection team arrived soon.
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