– Hubby, the situation is not very pleasant. If other bugs entered the system in the same way, they will be very difficult to find.
– This is definitely a problem.
It would be nice if if the inhabitants of Fantasy could resist the attack of the bug, but he is able to replace them, removing them from the system, and this is possible only thanks to divine power.
Wrath of Fantasy.
Fake Elfheim said that he received this power from the Wrath of Fantasy.
And that mercenary from space who was the former owner of the sexually screaming stingray also received an order from this creature.
This is not just a coincidence.
I turned to Ssosiel, asking what she thought about this.
– I already checked the mercenarys personal file, but there are gaps The face and voice of Fantasias Wrath is completely hidden.Plus, I havent found any traces that suggest my aunt transferred administrator rights to someone.
– What about Lanouvel?
– She is on the eastern continent. Alone exploring the tombs of the Heroes.
– Hmm
I was very suspicious of the pretending sweet Lanuvel, but she was always presented as an archaeologist. And to my surprise, she did exactly what archaeologists do.
– Do you still suspect her?
– Of course.
Only the one who survived it, will be able to understand.
She deliberately steps on a trap in the dungeons, and if you suspect her of something, she immediately pretends to be cute.
This is really creepy.
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– Keep watching her.
Sir Hero, leave it to me – as if agreeing with me, said Shadow A.
Serious ?
Putting her divided soul together will be problematic, but if you do it seriously, then in a matter of hours it will be possible to send her to the festival planet.
She may again find herself in the arms of the wretched king of elves, who, sitting at the window of the city hall, watches the breasts of women of the human race passing by.
But she wants to postpone it?
Yes, Im used to waiting.I promised that I would do my best to help you, so that you send me to him. But instead of helping, I ended up causing the bug. I feel like I have to make amends.
There was no point in giving up such help.
Also, I thought there was It would be nice if someone could follow Lanouvel in real time.
Ive notified my wife.
And the strict dictator, who does not allow her husband to grab another womans neck, happily agreed.
– Hey! Dont make me look like some crazy embodiment of jealousy! Plus, you have a moral problem if you think grabbing women by the neck is okay!
– Come on faster.
– Shopping center. Everything will be done now!
It happened instantly.
Shadow A has been moved directly into Lanouvels Shadow, ignoring the laws of physics.
Im pretty sure there wont be any more mercenaries now.
As soon as Shadow A sees signs of a call, we can visit Lanuvel and clarify the situation.
Fshuh! Fshuh! Fshuh!
I moved forward at high speed, squeezing space.
Recreational Giant Lands, Giant Fishing Grounds, Giant Fields, Giant Salt Farms
I slowed down a bit to look at objects of scale exceed common sense, but it was only for a couple of moments.
In no time I arrived on the eastern continent.
– It seems not here problems.
Except that thanks to my best friend Noebius who didnt kill the dragons, there are now more dragons living here than in 4th Curriculum, and that one of the Five Disasters, which was the embodiment of the plague, is now an ordinary housewife.
Nothing has changed.
– Hubby that the dragon, formerly one of the Five Calamity is now living a quiet life – a pretty big change.
– Its just a lizard.
Quite hardy and difficult to catch, but not a threat in battle.
– Its easy for you to say
– It is.
I managed to defeat her, although the surprise attack did not succeeded due to the carelessness of my companions.
– So where are you headed?
– Guess.
– I dont know.Most of the companion candidates live on the eastern continent. You can check everyone, if one of them is a bug
– Why check them?
– Hmm?
– I dont know what the power of the bug is, but if it does not go beyond common sense, you can leave it alone. He will block the path of the disciples, becoming a great enemy who took the place of the disappeared Five Disasters.
– Ah so you want to use him for your own purposes?
– Exactly.
Ssosiel, who realized the essence of my plan, looked at me with respect.
We headed to Island W, where trade with the central continent is most active.
Its actually too big to be called an island.
Is America called an island on Earth?
From the point of view of the Earth, the eastern continent is a huge continent consisting of four small continents and several archipelagos.
So Thus, the local culture differs from island to island.
– Buy elves!
– Sell an experienced warrior who defeated many demons!
– The best product for seafarers! Womens urine to ward off the mermaids!
– I will urgently buy a healthy elf!Not a female, but a male!
– Sailing soon! So I sell the elven female for half the price! Dont miss your chance!
There were many slavers in the port.
Slavery on the eastern continent, which is legalized here, was special.
Only with the owner who bought it, the slave is in a vertical relationship, and with the rest of the people – in a horizontal relationship.
So there were many slaves who were lucky with their owners, and they lived even better than commoners.
– Nothing has changed here.
– In general?
– Ah! The percentage of women among seafarers has noticeably increased.
– This is good! This means that women have achieved greater rights.
– On the contrary.
– Why?
– You seem confused because the information from Earth that you receive through Mollanfon has influenced you too much.
Fantasy is different from Earth.
There are no beautiful mermaids on Earth who are professionally engaged in kidnapping men.
We achieved more rights, because the number of women increased – sailors?
Women had to take on hard work because there are not enough men on the eastern continent.
I doubt women were happy to take on a job with high mortality rate.
Moreover, at sea, the mortality rate of women is much higher than that of men.
Because of the mermaids.
Mermaids show no mercy to a woman drowning in the sea.
Males who disappear after getting into the water sometimes end up on the shore after a month or two, but the females have a 99.99% chance of dying.
– By the way, Ssosiel.
– Hmm?
– Why dont you know this? Your age allows Ugh!
– Dont mention the womans age. I was active only on the northern and central continents.I didnt have the opportunity to go into details like my husband did.
– You traveled with the Elder Fugitive, right?
– This idiot just noticed that there were many unmarried beauties on one of the continents. And I was not interested in why there were so many of them.
– The Elders talents never cease to amaze.
I took Ssosiel and Green Cake to a tavern near pier.
No wonder so many sailors have gathered here.
The waitresses were surprisingly mermaids.
Wolves among sheep.
They didnt even pretend to be human. They did not hide their webbed ears and blue skin.
With all their appearance, they said: Gentlemen ~ I am a mermaid ♥.
Ssosiel again poked me in the side.
Whats the matter?
– If mermaids are a problem, as my handsome husband said, why dont people fight them?
– Its not that simple.
Everyone considers mermaids to be weak creatures and allies of people.
After all, this is an imperfect race that is not able to reproduce without the participation of people.
As a result, for everyone around the mermaids are harmless creatures that save the crew members from drowning for free.
Im familiar with this.
The cowardly fallen angel also knows little about life on Fantasy.
– Dont find fault with me.
– Ssosiel, if you dont know something, then happily absorb new knowledge, and dont swear.
But just by looking at the results, you can see that mermaids are not that harmless.
Among people who have fallen overboard, only men survive, and women die.
In addition, men rescued by mermaids for some reason return to the shore only after a couple of months, completely exhausted.
So why are all mermaids are not considered dangerous anyway?
There are no people who would directly accuse mermaids of something. Thanks to the painful lessons our ancestors left behind, we know that catching one or two mermaids will not solve the problem.
Dont anger the mermaid race.
After all, all sea routes will be completely blocked and isolated.
– Yes, it would cause a lot of problems.
– My ignorant wife is finally thinking.
– This is not ignorance! I just didnt know that the influence of mermaids on the eastern continent is so great. If you give me time, then Ill quickly master everything!
– Okay.
And at this moment
On the head of Ssosiel, who was sitting at the table, a lot of food and water spilled.
The mermaid waitress immediately said:
– Oh! Sorry madam.I just could not take my eyes off your handsome husband I will bring you a towel and a change of clothes ♥
– It will take a little time , but if you want, we will compensate you ♥
- its okay. Such is the karma of the woman who is lucky to have such a beautiful husband. I hope youre not overly jealous.
– Tts
The defeated waitress hastily left.
Looking at Ssosiel, I said:
– This is the essence of mermaids. By the way, Ssosiel, Im surprised youre not angry.
– Hmph! Dont look down on me. I learned to control myself on Fantasiart. Those women are much worse than mermaids.
– Indeed.
Ssosiel didnt even lift a finger to wash her face.
Instead, Master Mollan took over from her chest.
The great creature walked from head to toe, completely removing moisture and stains.
And then it returned to the cowardly chest.
– Hubby, have you seen? This is Mollans real ability. He cannot teach others by making them deities.
– Dont be ridiculous. Master Mollan just cleaned up his hideout.
– Just admit that Hey!
– Gods ♥
The clothes that Master Mollan graciously cleansed have become dirty.
If I were in her place, fish heads would already fly, but my wife just resigned herself to what is happening.
I dont know why .
– Because Fantasy is the place that my mother left me. To be honest, Im a little annoyed, but I feel responsible for all residents.
– Its hard for me to understand this feeling.
– So hubby, why did you come to this tavern? To cause trouble for your wife?
– No.
You just got to know the local culture.
And then the most important thing.
Cowardly wife, conjure up some money and give it to me.
– Why do you need them?
– To spread the word.
I hit the round table with my palm and stood up.
The eyes of the visitors were immediately turned to me.
The Fair Hero, who is an expert in fabrication and propaganda, loudly addressed the crowd:
– People! Today was a good day for me! Whoever asks why
– Why?
– A glass of beer to this daredevil!
– Ha ha ha!I thought you were a new visitor to these parts, but you know our traditions!
Now I have completely captured their attention.
– I met ruler of the seas!
– How did you meet?
– And you have a beer! But it doesnt matter how we met. Do you know why?
– The outcome of the meeting is important!
– Haha! Another beer! Lots of great beer hunters have gathered here! Its all about the treasure!The ruler of the seas told me about the location of the treasure!
– What is this treasure?
I shouted out the name of the treasure:
– Legendary ship, which is called the cruise ship of the gods. Flying Ship Laurite!
– Wow!
– Wow!
– Great!
By the way, the flying ship was stolen long ago by the guardians of the northern continent, but stupid sheep were gathered here, so it didnt matter.
Hmm? The cowardly wife had a strange expression.
It resembled the face of a mermaid who saw an outstanding man.
– Ssosiel, why do you look like this, as if you saw the face of a handsome husband for the first time?
– So it is. This is the first time I saw you in a good light.
– Huh?
Whats wrong with her?
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