Chapter 248 - Dwarves

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As I recall, Curse King Malfarth is a dragon like a plague. My mood worsened even when I was just next to him.

I would not say that he has high combat power, but he clearly saw the weaknesses of the enemy, which was why he was an annoying rival.

– Drug Hero, Malfarth at the present time is the Queen of Wisdom Malfaricia. As you can tell by the name, now it is a woman

– Queen of Wisdom Malfari

(p / p: pun from the main character. Basically, he called her a gadfly.)

Wise and beautiful Malfari?

I cant imagine this!

The dragon, scattering its curses to the right and left, and trying to destroy the world, was now on the Isle S, where the largest number of dwarves lived.

Using the coordinates I have stored in my memory and the Snow Womans pen, we got to this place in no time.

– Hey, how did you get here?

We got to the right place.

I came face to face with a beautiful girl, alone in a huge bath that combined luxury and art.

She didnt even think to shout or cover up her nakedness, but just looked at me and the dummies with an impenetrable expression.

But you cant be led her feigned calmness.

This girl is a dragon from marrow to bone. And they have no specific gender since birth.

So the dragon in front of me has no reason to be embarrassed.

▷ Race: Brown Dragon

▷ Level: 999+

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▷ Specialization: Seamstress (Concentration → Sewing ↑)

▷ Skills: Earth (ZZ), Magic (ZZ), Sewing (ZZ), Charisma (ZZ), Cooking (Z)

▷ State: Interest

Her skills were completely different from those of the Curse King Malfart that I remember.

Can you say she specializes not in combat, but in housekeeping?

The gender was also not male, but female. They had nothing in common other than the brown hair that is the hallmark of the Brown Dragon race.

-> Warning: How you ended up in one of the Five Disasters, does not correspond to the natural course of events. You must have met by chance while traveling. Next time There isnt much left until next time, so take note.

It seems that this woman is the Malfarth I was looking for.

-> Confirmation: This is the appearance of the King of Curses Malfarth before how mad he was. To impress her beloved, she honed her housekeeping skills. But after losing him, she fell into a rage and made every effort to maximize her combat skills, becoming a completely different person.

A completely different person?

I disagree with these words.

Unlike the locals who just get top-ranked skills thanks to the system, I went through the fire, water, and copper pipes to go up from F to ZZZ-rank.

In order to raise Giftedness to ZZZ-rank, I had to learn and hone a lot of production skills.

But I can say with confidence that my nature has not changed at all.

Skills are just skills.

Moral Fall and Madness can affect emotions, but they also do not just happen They appear and grow due to certain actions.

In other words, this dragon has an extremely evil nature

– Spirit, harpy, demon What an interesting combination. If you dont mind, I would like to hear the story of your journey in your home. I will provide you with a hearty dinner and overnight stay.

Apparently this vile dragon decided to pretend to be kind.

– Good.

But I decided to pretend that I managed to deceive.

If you do not forget that this is an evil dragon, then this may not be a trap, but a chance.

My name is Malfaricia, she introduced herself as she emerged from the bathtub and dressed with female golems made of mud.


It feels like Malfarts name has been slightly changed to sound more feminine. But if the names are so similar, then

– Malfaricia! You are beautiful as always!

– Hmmm! Mistress Malfaricia!

Are these your guests? Nice to meet you!

As soon as we left, the dwarves showed up.


The race that gave up on appearance and decided to focus on skill.

The tallest dwarf did not even reach a meter. Low and wide in proportion, they were ideal for working in mines.

Like the giants, the dwarves had only males in the race. And in order to preserve their race, they definitely need women of the human race who are capable of interracial crossing.

And this is where the problem arises.

Giants are attacking human villages, thereby obtaining women, but dwarves do not specialize in battles. They wont be able to take a woman away from a strong man.


– Amazing – burst out from me.

I didnt say this because I saw the dwarves.

The buildings they built were comparable to works of art.

The dwarves weapon is their skill.

They cannot abduct a woman by force, like giants, but they can win her heart with a beautiful ring or necklace.

Sounds like some aristocrats strategy, but for dwarves its a battle of survival.

Therefore, all the things they create must have soul. As the literary heritage of some artist.

– Be careful not to get lost here. This is a city of dwarves. Those who visit this city for the first time quickly fall behind and are lost, staring around, said Malfaricia, who was walking in front of us, laughing.

This is not just a warning.

The Snow Woman almost fainted from such a picture. If low-ranking spirits hadnt taken care of her, she would have already been abducted by the dwarves and beautifully divided into parts.

Brisket, wings, legs, ribs

As I said, Island S is the land of dwarves.

But this place was not their last bastion after the humans drove them away, as happened to the elves.

Dwarf skill is like the goose that lays the golden eggs Because even after they get married, they work hard like slaves.

The land of the dwarves is like an academy.

Because no matter how gifted you are, self-study has a limit. Dwarves come to this Shrine of the Dwarves to learn new techniques from their ancestors and teachers, to create even more beautiful works of art, or to meet a better second half.

Naturally, as well as any state has its own ruler.

– Is this a royal palace?

– No. This is my home and the royal palace is nearby.

Looking at the spot Malfari was pointing at, I suppressed a smirk.

Is she talking about a house that was more luxurious than a royal palace?

Throughout this house, you can see the insides of a dragon that does not like to lose, no matter what. If you think about how many dwarves shed sweat and tears to build this house

– Oh! Miss Malfaricia! Youre early today!

– Look! I redid the window, now its even better!

– Better look at my fountain!

– Ive been building it especially for you for a month.

Dwarves came running from all sides on their short legs and began to talk about their creations, interrupting each other.

There was not one or two dwarves.

From the garden to the chimney of the house, there is no place left without a dwarf.

– Many thanks to everyone for worrying about me so much. I would like to inspect everyones gift, but guests are waiting for me, Malfaricia apologized, pretending to be kind.

The dwarves, without any objection, moved and opened the way.

Their weapon is the skill of hands.

And the result is a work of art.

They think if she likes something, then she herself will ask for more details.

Such is the pride of the dwarves.

▶ Surprise: You know a lot about dwarves.

Naturally, Miss Trainee.

In the 1st playthrough, there was a Dwarf King among my companions.

If I knew how to create a nuclear or hydrogen bomb, we would get along well, but, unfortunately, only basic chemistry and physics were taught in high school.

Curse King Malfarth in the 1st playthrough loved dwarves and hated humans.

But ironically, the dwarves betrayed Curse King Malfarth and sided with the Hero due to the fact that they could not keep their race without humans.

The fight was not so fierce.

Armed with the treasures of the Dwarven King, the companions were confident in their victory, and I, as befits a squad leader, sent them into battle, giving them strength with instruction spiced with 500% exaggeration.

The determined companions fought with special zeal.

And thanks to their noble sacrifice, I was able to defeat the King of Curses Malfarth.

– My moo no, Sir Hero, are you really that scum? – Ssosia said with a grin, who was holding my hand, as she could not stand normally due to a dislocation in the lower back.

– Nobody asked you to read my mind.

Beautiful Miss Trainee, this is for you.

▶ Shyness: Is this also a compliment spiced with 500% exaggeration? Senior Ssosia is much more beautiful than me

No. I say this, judging completely objectively.

My wife is not beautiful, but cowardly.

– I hear everything, cowardly Hero.

– Listen, listen.

At this moment Malfaricia intervened:

– Oh! Man and demon. You have such different races, but you are so close. So close that you can only communicate with your eyes! I really envy your relationship.

Is this what she calls close relationships?

Ah! Exactly! Does our hostile relationship look cool in the eyes of an evil dragon?

(Sir Hero, you just cant accept the compliment?) experience of life in society.

And I am an expert in this.

– Oh! Madam Malfaricia, youre early today. I didnt know you would be back so early, so Im not done cleaning yet, said the dwarf in an apron and cleaning supplies.

There were many dwarves outside the house, but inside this dwarf was the only one at home filled with art.

Is this the housekeeper?

– Prince, everything is fine. Its my fault that I came without warning.

So its a prince!

Can a prince clean someone elses house?

– How can you say that, Mistress Malfaricia! It just cant be. Ill quickly finish cleaning and cook dinner

– Ill cook dinner tonight.

– As you please.

Hey dwarf, the prince of the state shouldnt be so humiliated. How will he even survive?

I wonder if this dwarf is really a prince.

Formally, he may be a prince, but isnt it some kind of mistake, since the prince works as a housekeeper in someone elses house.

System, what do you think?

-> Denial: This is not a script error, but a historical fact.

So it really was in the past I just have nothing to say.

-> Explanation: It is because of the death of this prince that Queen of Wisdom Malfaricia will go mad. She will regret until her death. About inviting him to visit, which is why that fateful meeting happened.

Are you talking about the Elder?

But now you dont have to worry about him. Because he drowned in the sea. He couldnt even ask for help.

Because the sea mermaids must have sucked all his strength out of him, which made him unable to swim away.

– Dear guests, please wait in the living room while the food is being prepared. Due to the fact that you need to cook for a large number of people, it will take a long time. A! Exactly. To make it less boring for you, you can examine the paintings. The esteemed prince drew them for me.

Is she not afraid that we will steal something? Or does she have so many pieces of art that she wont even notice if something goes missing?

I sat down comfortably, leaning against the back of the sofa.

– Sir Hero, wont you look at anything?

– You can watch for yourself if you want.

– Good ~

The Snow Woman, accompanied by perfume, enthusiastically began to examine the paintings.

I would like to say that she should not be worn like this that feathers flew in different directions, but Im not her nanny, so I just kept silent.

– Although the floor is different, this is definitely the same dragon.

All these paintings I saw in play 1.

I thought Curse King Malfarth forced the dwarves to paint these paintings because of that he missed his beloved, but who knew that this girl was him!

So, the King of Curses is a daffodil?

– Arent you distorting the facts? She keeps these pictures not to admire herself, but because her beloved man painted them. Although how this cant be understood by someone who does not know what love is.

– Actually, I know. Love is conquest.

– Thats why you dont hey, it hurts!

– Cowardly demoness, stop talking nonsense. Youd better figure out a way to defeat the dragon.

– You yourself know the easiest way.


I know very well. Even children know about it.

– My mons- Sir Hero, you dont know anything. You are worse than my father, and you are pretending to be kind. But I understand everything. There is no other race like a human that would be so capricious.

– I do not pretend to be kind, I am truly kind.

When companions drunk with victory, they looked only forward, I always looked back.

Widows who have lost their husbands, parents who have lost children, girls who have lost a loved one, sons who have lost their fathers, teachers who have lost students, and just people who have lost friends and neighbors

They blamed me for everything.

Many locals fell victim to my companions, who rushed to fight shouting: Whoever kills the least, pays for dinner!

It was not me who killed them, but I had to listen to the threats of the families of the victims.

All this is due to a rabble of savages called the Heros Group.

They could not be controlled, but they conducted their activities under my name.

– Cowardly Hero, stop remembering this. And even I feel uneasy. I already understood the reason why you are crazy.

– I am not crazy.

– The madman does not understand that he is crazy with

– And here you are that still crazy bitch.

– Oh, you! Ill tell my dad everything!

While we were thinking about how to deal with a dragon that pretends to be kind, but in fact exploits dwarves, the smell of something delicious hit the nose.

– Simply incredible.

You can even get enough of only smells.

Judging by the smell, we waiting for something great.


– What a smell!

– Wow! I cant wait for tonights dinner!

– Everyone run to the kitchen!

There were voices of hooligans who ignored the stairs and just jumped off the upper floors down.

When they saw us in the living room, they immediately got angry.

– Oh! You

– You are that tyrant from the northern continent!

– Why are you on the eastern continent?!

Along with Lanouvel, who always pretends to be cute, there were several other people who, as it turned out, did not die.

Including the Elder, incinerating

History does repeat itself.

Representatives of the old Heros Party arrived in the Dwarven Kingdom and became guests of the Wisdom Queen Malfari before us.

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