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The name Lozen, was an Apache war title, given to one who stole horses during a raid. It's been said that during Lozen's time, Apache's used titles or nicknames while in public & seldom used their birth names. This was due to the belief, that not saying the name, allows the person to conserve his or her spiritual power. Lozen's real name has been lost to time, at least for the general public. She was a female warrior, belonging to the Chiricahua Apaches (aka. Warm Springs Apache).

Lozen was born in the 1840's, in the area that is now, New Mexico, Arizona & northern Mexico, which was called Apacheria at the time. Her brother was the famous Apache war chief, Victorio. Even as a child, Lozen showed little interest in the traditional roles females played in her tribe, ie. domestic affairs. Instead, she was keen to learn the ways of the warrior and the art of war. It has been said that she was trained in these areas by her brother, Victorio. Apart from a military education, Lozen studied medicine. Becoming a medicine woman, in addition to her role as a warrior.

Apparently, by the age of 20, Lozen was an expert at stealing horses, which accounts for the title she used in public. Lozen was also a skilled rider, sharpshooter & strategist. She fought alongside her brother, often sitting beside him at council meetings, as well as actively taking part in warrior ceremonies. Victorio is often quoted as saying Lozen was his, "right hand, strong as a man, braver than most, and cunning in strategy. Lozen is a shield to her people"

She is also said to have been gifted at predicting her enemies next moves. According to legend, Lozen would stretch out her arms, palms facing the sky. Then she'd follow the sun, while praying to, Ussen, the Apache creator. It's been claimed that Lozen would know the direction her enemies were coming from when she felt a tingling in her hands & her palms darkened. Which allowed her to aid her people in evading capture, on a number of occasions.

Nonetheless, in 1870, the Apache were forced off of their land & onto reservations. Lozen and her people were sent to live on the San Carlos Reservation, where they tried to escape from harsh living conditions, in 1877. They were sent to live on another reserve, two years later; Victorio & Lozen continued fighting against their oppressors. In 1880, Victorio was killed in a battle. Lozen along with a small band of warriors, sought revenge and began raids across Arizona & New Mexico. Lozen & her forces eventually joined forces with Geronimo, another prominent Apache war-chief. When Geronimo surrendered to the Americans, in 1886, Lozen and the rest of her tribe were first sent to live in Florida & then Alabama.

Many of the Apache couldn't adapt to the climate of their new home and it's said many died of diseases like diphtheria & tuberculosis. Lozen was amoung them, passing away from tuberculosis in 1889. She is said to be buried in Alabama, in an unmarked grave.


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