[Y/N] = Your Name
[L/N] = Last Name
: = Dialogue
Now let the story begin.
In her lab in Nuvema Town late one evening, Professor Aurea Juniper is sitting at her desk looking over some research she's been working on before her Xtransciever begins to ring, a look of confusion appearing on her face after noticing that the call is audio only when she answers it.
??? : Hello? Aurea dear? Are you there? Am I coming through fine?
Upon hearing the voice on the other end, Aurea smiles and instantly recognizes it as her father Cedric Juniper.
Professor Juniper : Yes. I can hear you papa, I just can't see you.
Cedric Juniper : Really? Oh well, at least that's something I suppose. I swear I'll never get used to all this new fangled technology you younger people fawn over nowadays. Enough about that though, how are you doing dear?
Professor Juniper : I'm doing well papa, although I'm surprised you're still awake at this time.
She tells him as he lets out a hearty chuckle in response.
Cedric Juniper : What can I say? I've become a bit of a night person as of late. Now, you're probably wondering why I called you, and the reason is that I'll be arriving in Nuvema Town tomorrow to pay you a visit!
Professor Juniper : That's wonderful papa! It's been so long since we last saw each other.
Cedric Juniper : I know it has, and I'm sorry about that dear. We've both just been so busy lately that neither of us have had time to catch up, but that changes tomorrow. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that [Y/N] will be coming with me for my visit. You don't mind that do you?
[Y/N] [L/N] is a young man who works as her father's assistant....whom she has romantic feelings for.
Professor Juniper : Of course not, it'll be nice to catch up with him as well.
Cedric Juniper : I figured you'd say that, especially considering how close the two of you are. Maybe during my visit you'll finally confess to the boy.
Professor Juniper : Papa!
She exclaims with a small blush on her face as he chuckles again.
Cedric Juniper : What? Aurea, I know how you feel about him. [Y/N] is a good guy, and just know that if you do want a relationship with him, you have my full support.
His daughter smiles at his words.
Professor Juniper : Thanks papa.
Cedric Juniper : You're welcome dear. See you tomorrow!
He hangs up as Aurea decides to take her father's words to heart and tell [Y/N] how she feels.
Professor Juniper : I cannot wait for tomorrow.
She says to herself before heading to bed, silently wishing that [Y/N] will return her feelings.
In the late afternoon the next day, Aurea stands outside her lab and greets her father and [Y/N] when they arrive.
Cedric Juniper : Ah, it's great to see my daughter in person again!
He says with a jovial grin on his face, which she can't help but chuckle softly at.
Professor Juniper : Likewise papa.
The two pokémon professors share a hug before Aurea pulls away and invites her father and his assistant inside.
Professor Juniper : [Y/N], I'm really happy to see you.
She says to him with a warm smile, to which he offers her his own in return.
[Y/N] : Same here Aurea. When your father told me we'd be paying you a visit, I must admit that I got excited at the prospect of seeing you again.
He says, causing her to giggle.
Professor Juniper : Is that so? Did you miss me that much?
[Y/N] : Honestly? Yeah, I did.
Hearing this causes the brown haired woman to blush.
Professor Juniper : That's very sweet of you [Y/N]. I missed you a lot too.
Now it's his turn to blush as the eldest Juniper gets an idea.
Cedric Juniper : Say, are you still looking for a new assistant Aurea?
Professor Juniper : Well, having some extra help around the lab would certainly be appreciated.
[Y/N] : Hold on, what happened to your old assistant? What was her name? Bianca?
Professor Juniper : About a month ago, Bianca moved to Aspertia City to be closer to her fiancé Cheren, her childhood friend and the current gym leader there. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy for her, but at the same time I miss having her around.
Cedric Juniper : In that case, how about you take on [Y/N] as your assistant?
He proposes as both Aurea and [Y/N] look at him in surprise.
Professor Juniper : But papa, isn't he your assistant?
Cedric Juniper : Yes, and a fantastic one at that, but I feel he'd be even better working for you.
Realization hits Aurea as she gives her father a stern look.
Professor Juniper : Papa, I know what you're trying to do. This is your way of helping me get together with [Y/N] isn't it?
Cedric Juniper : Heh, you caught me red handed dear.
Shaking her head, Aurea turns to a confused [Y/N] and lets out a small sigh.
Professor Juniper : Alright [Y/N], it's about time I told you this, so here it is. I have feelings for you.
[Y/N] : Y-you do?
He asks with a blush on his face as she nods.
Professor Juniper : I do. In fact, I....I love you [Y/N]. If you don't feel the same way, can we at least remain friends?
A momentary silence occurs before he speaks up.
[Y/N] : Aurea, I love you too, and have for quite a long time.
He tells her as she wastes no time and pulls him into a loving embrace before the two share a passionate kiss, Cedric smiling widely out of being happy over his daughter finally getting together with the man she loves.
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