Queen callist x owl reader

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Yns pov(🍋)(futa callist)

I yawned and stretched then opened my wings,I looked around for callist but couldn't find her,And what's worse is I'm in heat,I whined and laid down on the floor,It hurt to much to move,I soon heard a roar and looked at the door,I stood and went to it,Then went out and to the throne room,And there,I see callist arguing with Ghidorah,Kevin and ni playing card games with eura and Io,I groaned and screeched,Getting everyone attention"Oh,Love,Did we wake you"Calist asked,I go to her and laid under her and whine"Love?"I hear callist ask"Im tired"I say,Io and eura look at me,Then Kevin and Ni"Is it me or is her tail the wrongs color?"Kevin asked,The other three nod,Callist licks me"Go wait for me in the room,I'll be there in a minute"callist said,But I only cuddled under her"Your soft"I say and close my eyes,She sighs and moves me so I'm by her by still close to her,She then wraps her tail around me and kisses my head

I yawned once again and looked up at callist,She was talking but much quieter,So was ichi,Ni and eura and io and kevin were still playing cards,And by the looks of it,Kevin was winning,I yawned again and cuddled Into callists tail,Her tail moved around me more

I whimper as callist lays me on our bed,she then closes the door and walks to me"That meeting was longer then I expected"She said,I whine"Dont worry sweetie"She said and turns me over,I whine and she licks me head,I then fell her dick rubbing against my area,I moan and open my wings,She nips my back"Close the wings sweetie"she says,I close my wings and she moves her dick and pushes it in"Is this better them my tail?"She asks"Yes"i moan out,She smiles and starts moving,I moan and lay my head down,She giggles and startes thrusting,I moan and she grabs one of my wings that opened in her mouth,I moaned louder and she starts pounding and slamming,I moaned louder and flap my other wing,Her feet get on mine holding them down,I moan and she pushes her dick all the way in,I moan and she giggles and let's go of my wing then nips my back"Ill keep nipping you back if those wings open"She says,I close my wings but reopen then,Making her nip my back"I-im sorry my queen"I say,she sighs then nips my back and licks me"You tried"She says then slams harder,I maon and she giggles"You love it when I slam or pound you harder dont you"She asks"I do"i say making her slam and pound me harder and harder,I moan louder and she giggles again the growls and bits my neck,I maon louder and louder everytime,she soon growls again then slams me and cums,I moan and she growls,Once shes down she breaths and lays next to me,Of course theres a knot,I lay down with my back towards her,That way shes not hurting her self,she wraps her wings around me"Did you enjoy that?"she ask"I did"i said,she licks my neck and breathes"When my knot is done,My tail is going in,Whike my dick is in your ass"She says licking my neck then nipping it,I moan and she smiles,"Who's a good girl~?"she asks"Me"I say,her dick then comes out and she turns me over and smirks"Mine~"She says kissing me and rubbing her dick on me

I was breathing into her chest,She had probably fucked me 7 more times and all in my area,but she did fuck my ass like she said she would,I breathed and nuzzled into her,she started humming and nuzzled her head on mine"Sleep love"She says,I breathe again and close my eyes falling asleep to her heat beat and humming

"Don't worry love,I'm here to keep you safe,I won't let them lay on claw on you"

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