Mothras Human

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Yns pov(Your a normal human)(Shes a futa)

I yawned at my desk but continued,Till a tap on my shoulder spoked me

"Calm down yn,Its just me,Come on,Its time for you to go home"

"But,Its not done,You need it by Tomorrow morning"

"Its fine,I can finish it,Go home"

I sigh and get up and collect my things and my boss hands me a suitcase,Then I leave

When I get home I go to the the kitchen and lay the suitcase down and start unpacking it

Then I start making dinner,Which was just a cop of noodles,Then i sat down and and eat then go to my room

The next day I get up,Change and leave the house and start walking through the forest next to my house

However,I noticed a moth stuck in a spider eeb,I walk over and carefully feee the moth with out destroying the web,Then replace the moth with a Fly then walk away

I soon stretche and sigh and sit on a rock and breath, then close my eyes

I groan as something grabs me and lifts me,I open my eyes to see my clothes 9n the rock in front of me,I panicking and go to hit the person only to see a giant moth,It title its head and wraps its legs around me,Then I feel something enter my area

I whinces and try to move but the moths hold on me grows tighter,I look down to try and see what it is but I cant

The moth then uses a leg and grabs my clothes and starts flying

As its flying multiple moths start join it,Carrying food,Vines,or hay

I whimper a bit then it flys to a mountain,with others surrounding a forest and a lake,I gulp a but then whimper as it flys to a hole in the mountain,It lands and drops and my clothes then flys away,I sit up and rubs my head and look around when I see a bigger moth,I whimper and back away but it uses it legs and pulls me to it

I turn around to run only for it to grab  and wrap on me,And this one has a dick,I saw it,It holds me and nudges its head against my neck,Then it forces it dick into my area making me whince,The moth makes a sound then I feel something in my shoulder making me whince,I'm then pushed into the wave of the cave,And the moth starts moving

I whince and breath as the moth does and groan feeling weird,soon the pain  disappears and pleasure hits me,I moan as the moth moves pounding me,I breath and moan,The moth puts its head on my shoulder then screeches and cums,I moan then breath,The moth pulls out then lets go of me and lands behind me,I breath and fall over then turn

The moth stands over me and pushes its dick in me and starts pounding me again

"Good girl~"

I look at the moth and breath

"Y-you can talk?",

"Of course I can,And with my but you can understand me and Any moth"

"Your female!? Yet you have a-"

"A dick,Yes,Now stay still"

I moan loudly and as the moth cums and breath

"Good girl~"

"What is your name?"

"Mothra,And yours is yn"

"How do yo-"

"I've been watching you,And now your mine"

I gulp as she pulls out and pins me with her claws

"And you will give birth to my babies,Understand"

I nod and she removes her claw then presses her face on mine then leaves,I move to the corner and sigh

I open my eyes and moan then look as mothra licks my area then pulls me to her and pushes her dick in


"What,You feel good,and your so tight"

She pushes deeper and starts moving holding me still,I moan and she moves faster,And holds me still before pushing me down and slamming in me

After a while she cums and pulls out

I breath and look up at her and she smiles

I smile back then sit up only for her to push her sick into my mouth and start pounding

"Oh my,Yn you feel so good"

She holds me still as she starts slamming before cumming,once she pulls out I breath

"Are you not having fun?"


She grabs my legs and pulls me then then rubs her face on my area

She then gently sticks what must be her tongue in my area and kicks around

I moan and lean on the wall and grab her head,Well,I put my hand on her head,She pushes her tongue deeper and deeper as I moan before I cum

Once she pulls her tongue out I collapse and she stands over me

"You good?"

"I-I never had that much fun before"

"Well,I'm glad I was your first"

"Yeah,Thanks for that"

"Of course"

She presses again me before pinning me

Few months later

I whimper as mothra holds me

"Just push yn"

"It hurts so much"

"I know,Just push"

I push then whince as eggs come out

"Why are they so big?"

"Cause I'm a kaiju,There gonna be bug"

"It hurts"

"I know,But your almost done"

I whonce then breath as the last egg comes out,Mothea pulls me and holds me to her then lays down with me

"See,I told you you could do it"

I nuzzle into mothra with a smile then look seeing a bunch of eggs and breath

"That's alot of eggs"

She blushes and looks away

"Its not my fault you feel great and tight"

I smile and kiss her and she buzzes her head under mine then starts licking my area before pushing me

"I want more of you"

"Be gentle this time,yesterday your were so ruff"

She only pins me and slams into me making me moan loudly


To be continued

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