Mothra's lizard kaiju

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Yns pov(Your like godzilla,but darker and red eyes)(a bit of 🍋)(mothra and moonhidora are futas)

I yawned and stretched as I woke from my slumber,My brother still slepein,I growl and stand and go to the water,Me and my brother godzilla were always at war with each other,Reason?we love the same kaiju,Mohtra,She so beautiful,Moonhidora has tried to help me but I'm just to shy to talk to her,Mean while godzilla talks to her all the time,I get out the water and on the land,I stretch and roar,I then walk around the city making sure nothing is broken,The humans like to call me chillzilla or lightingzilla,cause of my ice beam and lightning blast(like Godzilla's but lighting)i growl a bit noticing there trying to love something very heavy,I grab it and follow them to a something from being built,I put the thing down and they thank me,I roar and start leaving,Once I get to the other side of the island I'm met with the beautiful eyes of mothra,She smiles at me making me blush"Moaning Yn,I've been looking for you"she says"Y-you mean godzilla"i said"Nope,You"shes says walking to me,I back away a bit basically getting stuck by her her cave being behind me now,I look at her and gulp,She smiles,I look away and she uses her claw"Ive been wanting to see you for weeks love"She says,I blush and move my head"Your talking to the wrong kaiju mothra"I say"Your jealous,You now what,I told your brother I was in love with a lizard,She got exited then I mentioned  your name and he stared,then he said he loved me but I said I loved you,and he walked away"she says pinning me into the back of her cave,I blush and look away"Starting the party with us?"ihear,I then see moonhidora walk over,I gulp,"You see,Both me and moonhidora have a crush on you,And seeing that mating season is here we decided were gonna share you"Mothra said,Eura licked my head,I gulped and they smiled"See,shes a shy lizard"Io grinned,I whimper and mothra licked me"Dont worry,Your gonna feel so well"callist said

I was moaning and laying on moonhidora,Eura and io were licking me while callist held me down,mothra was pounding in and out of my area while moonhidora was pounding my ass,I whined a bit as eura nipped my nipple,I whined again as io nipped my other one,they then sucked on them,I whimpered"Stay still love"Callist says licking my neck"I said dont touch her neck"Mothra says,I whined,callist then licks my head,"S-s-slow d-down"I said moaning,mothra only picked up her pace,I maoned and tried to move my arms,But eura and io held them down,mothra growled a bit then cummed,I moaned and sighed,mothra grinned"Good girl"Shes says,she went to kiss me when a sound was heard,We all looked at the entrance to see godzilla,Her had flowers,he was staring at us then dropped the flowers"Hey godzilla"Mothra said,I looked at her"C-can you pull out?"I asked"sweetie,Who is dominant here?"she asked,"you"i saidshe smiled and kissed me"Whos a good girl?"Callist asked"Me?"I question,Mothras dick suddenly moved out,I maoned louder and she smirked"Mine"she said and kissed me,Moonhidora pulled out and help me up,mothra got on my back,godzilla continued to stare then growled and walked away"I gotta go home"I said,I felt mothra brush against me"You cnat leave,we just mated"she said,I blushed and sat down"She smiled and got off me,moonhidora left,I pinned mothra and she squeaked,I smiled then she moved and pinned me,I smi led but she only glared,I whined an d gulped,she smirked and moved me

I was leaning on the wall while mothra moved things around,I wanted to help,But after she gave me a punishment I couldn't move,She looked at me and smiled,I smiled back but frowned afterwards,I wanted to help so bad

I open my eyes feeling something against me,I look and mothra was cuddled into my chest,I blushed and kissed her head,She smiled and I smiled to,She is so cute,but.....godzilla.....hes gonna kill me,even tho I loved mothra alot like him,He was older,And probably more able to protect her and her cave.....or nest,i was brought out of my thoughts when mothra kissed me"Whats wrong love"She asked"My brother is gonna kill me"I said,She growled"Iwont let him"She said,I then felt her rub against me,I blushed and looked but she used her claw and made me look at her,She smiled and kissed me the moved her claw to my sides

I was hiding in mothras cave while she and her and godzillas friends augured"you guys dont even know my sister and your defending her!?" "There doing what you should be doing,And from one brother from another,Having a sibling may be annoying,But what until the day everyone of us is gone,Your not gonna have anyone with you,but her,So you need to drop this"i heard them all,I haven't heard most of the voices so I was scared".....but she stole" "if you gonna say she stole me from you,She didnt,I never loved you,Maybe as a friwnd but nothing more"I hear more shouts,I got scared and ran out the other exit,but of course there was a edge and I fall,I roled down the mountain and hit another ledge,I tired to grab it but failed and fell off,when I hit the bottom my back hurted so bad,and my arms,my legs,my tail,everything,I whined and opened my eyes a bit to see some other strange fly over me then something stand over me,I growled a bit then fainted

Mutas pov

Me and scrawl(Skull crawler)were walking when we heard something,A helicopter,we followed it till we saw godzilla laying down and bleeding,and some rocks in hi-wait,this isnt godzilla,godzilla is a lighter then this,I stood of the....female creature and looked at her eyes,She was not going so well,She growled a bit then fainted,scrawl walked over and grabbed her and slowly started dragging her,I grabbed the females arms and started flying to help my friend

I was pulling a fishing net when I heard a groan,I stopped and turned around,The female was walking,Cralw and kongs sister Vona walked in,they dropped there fishing nets and looked,I turned back to the female,She groaned then whined and looked around,Her eyes widened and she started freaking and a lighting beam pasted me,I moved and looked at her,battra then flew in and to her"Hey hey,Calm down"He said,The female whimpered and covered her eyes,I walked over and nudged her,I then grabbed a shark and gave it to her,She stared at me then slowly grabbed the shark and eat it,I walked away and grabbed something then went to her,she was still eating the shark,But so.....slow,I wrapped her leg up and she whinced"Its okay,Dont worry"i say,She breathes as I continued,"Ypur friend must be worried"I say"........" "Why so quiet?" "..H-hurt" "you'll be better soo-"oh my god.....SHES IN HEAT!?oh hod,I need to find her mate and fast,And probably keep battra away"someone get battra away from her"I say quietly,Battra stares then sniffs the air and looks at the femalw,Vona grabs him and lefts"Why fid you do that"Battra is a male,And you are in heat,So...."I say,She whinced"what about you and the other 2"She asked"2 of us are mates,And vona......well.......she has a crush on godzilla,But she cant talk to him,to shy to"I say"Like me"Shes says,Right as vona and battra come in,vona grabs him and the females speaks"I felt like that towards mothra"she says blushing,battra stayed"You love my sister?"He asked"Hmm,I dont know your sister,Buti know my mate mothra"She says,Battra glares"You better be nice"He says"Uhh,shes more dominant"the female says"Whats your name?"Battra asked"Yn"the female said"Wait,As in,Godzillas twin sister"He asked,she nodded,we were shocked,vona started to blush then hid her face"Hey,If your in love with my brother,just talk to him"the female said,scrawl nuzzled against me"Hes gonna be mad to find you here"She said"Why?"yn asked"Cause we fought and lost to your brother,Or have sibling who are enemies to him"Vona said leaning against the cave walls,yn looked down"Well,My brother doesn't really like me much"yn said messing with the sharks tail,a screech was heard and battra gasp,Scrawl whined and hid,I moved and hidto,Battra hid with vona,yn whimpered now knowing what to do,Then mothra walked in,She gasped and ran to yn and nuzzled"My love,I was worried"She says"please dont let godzilla in here"Yn whines,Mothra titled her head,godzilla then walked in and growled,Yn whimpered and hid behind mothra"KEEP HIM AWAY FROM ME"she whined hiding her face,godzilla titled his head but left,mothra nuzzled yn and shushed her,Battra then stepped out"Hey....sis"He said,Mothra groaned"Brother"She said and petted yn who was crying".....I-you know what,you hate me to much,So I'll just"He says and flys to the top to leave"Get back down here"Mothra growls,battra sighs and does so and lands behind her"Where are they?"She asks"Who"Battra asked"Your friends?"Mothra looks at him,yn leaning on her a bit"There out"He lied,Mothra growled"Dont lie"she says"evening if I told you,You would kick them out,Right?,that's all they are to you,monsters"He said,mothra only glared then nudged yn a bit,she hummed then laid down around mothra,Her tail making a u,Mothra walked around"Godzilla isnt here,And you dont know anything about healing scars,only muta does,And if she left I would have seen her,And her friend is never to far behind"Mothra says,scrawl moved a bit"So where is she?"Mothra said,She stepped on my claw and I held my breathe to not scream in pain"I cant tell you,cause you'll only yell at her for touching your mate"battea said,vona had moved and walked in"Hey ba-......never min-" "get back here"vona steps back into the cave and sits down"No one is leaving till I see muta"Mothra yells,scrawl had moved and flinched,my eyes widened,mothra looks to where see was and glared"What was that?"she asks"idk"vona says holding her legs,Scralw moves from her stop and then runs off,I gulp and look,Mothra was focused on that spot"Hey mothra"yn speaks"C-can we go home?,That why I dont see godzilla"yn asks,her tail is wrapped around her leg,and she was shaking a bit,Mothra looks and sighs and goes to her and nuzzles her then she and yn leave,Once there gone I breathe,vona comes back and to me,she nudges my claw,since mothra stepped on it it hurtled a lot,she helped me out my spit and we laid down

With mothra and yn

Yns pov

I was watching mothra pace around"I dont see why you dont trust them"I say as kevin pulls on,the bandage a bit"Yn,Theres something different about E/V to F/H(enemies to friends/Villains to heros),Enemies can become friends,But a takes a a hero.....take ichi and ni,They both hated godzilla,Everytime we pasted him it was a fight,But day.....Your brother was in a horrible fight and was about to be killed,But then ichi and ni stepped in"

Kevin's memory

I watched as ichi and ni attacked the strange 3 headed beast,Its other head didnt seem to move much,I went to godzilla and nudged him,He growled and stood and looked,he had something in his arms,I looked but didnt want him to hurt me so looked at my brothers,They pinned the 3 headed beast and ripped there heads off then ripped the body apart,I gagged a bit,godzilla chuckled a bit,then moved her arms,looked and in his arms,Was a small darker cord lizard kaiju,I titled my head a bit"he smiled"My sister had to have a rebirth"He said sadly"i didnt know lizards had rebirths"I said"We do,But...she disnteven get to live when that beast attacked"Godzilla said,ichi and walked over"You okay mate?"Ni asked

End of memory

Yns pov

"The rest is blurry,But he was so protective then"kevin said,Ichi and no nodded,They were also tiring bandages"But that's why we dont trust mutos" "skull crawlers" "iron monkeys" the 3 said together"What about battra"iasked looking at mothra,io growled"We dont speak of that traitor"she growled,I flinched a bit,eura pulled her away from me"i-i was just asking"I backed away from them,mothra walked to me and nuzzled me"Get some sleep love"she said,I nodded and laid down"good night love"I said,and kissed her cheek,She smield and kissed my cheek,I wrapped my tail around her,She laid with me and my tail went around her more"I love you yn"she said kissing my head,I nuzzled my head under hers"I love you to"i said

To be continued-

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