chapter 10 - christmas

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Y/n's pov:

After the next couple of days everything was amazing. I would help Molly clean and cook whenever I felt like she was struggling. Ron would stuff his face and talk at the same time, even though he spits everywhere. Molly still yells at him for that because "that boy needs to learn manners now that he has a girlfriend". I totally agree Molly. Later during the day me and the twins would always hangout and plan pranks on Harry. Finally, when Molly and Arthur would go to their room because they were tired, we would all just play games, talk or get high. Every night and all night we just laughed.

I missed Hermione very much, and today was the day she would finally come to the Burrow since she was only here for like a day then left to go see her parents. Just in time too, it's Christmas morning.

"Y/n! Wake up!" I opened my eyes, still squinting because of how bright it was outside and Ginny was shaking me with excitement.

"Whattt Ginny, I'm tired" I say putting the covers over my head.

"Hermione's downstairs, now get up. And it's Christmas!"

The thought that it was Christmas surprised me a bit. I had totally forgot about Christmas because of how much fun I've been having with everyone. How could I forget? I bought Ron the Nimbus 2000 since he was thinking about playing Quidditch next year. It took a lot of my money to pay for it, but I knew he really wanted it, so I just got it without even looking.

I was super excited to see Hermione finally, and I'm pretty sure Fred was too. Me and Ginny ran downstairs and saw Hermione talking to Molly while taking off her coat. Hermione looks up the stairs and we make eye contact.

"Hermione!" I said as I ran to go hug her.

"It's only been a few days y/n" She says shaking her head while smiling at me.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I see Fred standing there, smiling at Hermione. Fred had to explain to his mom that him and Hermione were now together and Molly had the biggest smile on her face and welcomed Hermione to the family.

"Breakfast everyone! Dear can you get Ron, Harry and George to come downstairs?" Molly says to me while placing the last piece of bacon onto the plate.

"Of course Mrs. Weasley, also Merry Christmas" I gave her a smile and headed upstairs.

Once I got to the floor where the boys sleep, I heard whispers coming from Ron's room. I walked slowly over to the door which they left open and stood in their doorway while their backs faced me. The three boys were all huddled over in the corner of Ron's room, looking at something that Ron was showing them. I couldn't make out what it was, but Harry and George looked at it and their eyes just lit up.

"Ahem. Breakfast is ready boys" I said glaring at them.

They all turn around and give me an awkward look. The boys looked at each and Ron nodded at them and the two boys left the room leaving me and Ron alone.

"What was that all about?" I said chuckling and looking up at Ron.

"Well, they just saw what I got you for Christmas" Ron put his hand on my cheek and put his other hand in his pocket and pulls out a small box. One of those jewelry boxes. He slowly opened the box and inside was this emerald green ring that I've been talking about forever.

"Oh my Merlin! Ronald Weasley, how much did this cost?!" I say while Ron gives me the box and I just stare at how beautiful the ring is.

"Don't worry about the cost. But I'm giving this to you to show you how committed I am to this relationship. And no matter what happens between us, I'll always love you. I promise you that" He says grabbing the ring out of the box and putting it on my index finger.

"Oh Ron I love you, you mean the world to me even when you can be a git sometimes. Also, I got you something too, but it's in Ginny's room. Come on let's go get it" I grab his hand and we head towards Ginny's room.

I grabbed the paper wrapped broom that hid under Ginny's bed and plopped it on a small table she had on the other side of the room.

"Go on, open it already Ron"

Ron looked at me with excitement, walked over to the table and slowly unwrapped the present. When he finally unwrapped it, his jaw fell open.

"Bloody hell y/n! I just know this was expensive, now I feel bad" Ron said still examining the broom with the biggest smile on his face.

"Don't worry Ron, I know a guy and he gave me a discount on it" Of course that wasn't true, but it's Christmas and he deserves to be happy for once.

Ron turned around and gave me the biggest hug, squeezing me and almost tipping me over.

"Merry Christmas Y/n"

"Merry Christmas Ron"

I really hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! I created a new schedule for myself so that I can post a new chapter every other day and be organized with school. Thank you for all the support and messages you send me. I appreciate it!

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