Studio Time

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Three Days Later


New York


After I gave birth to August it was time for me to head back to work. I wasn't ready to leave my baby at home with anybody. So I decided to bring Auggie along with me. They didn't mind, but my producers was the best. I had Kenny, Greg, Red and of course they brought along DeVante cause months prior he signed along to help produce the album.

"Selena why have multiple songs we want you to sing but this is one song that fits you perfectly remember that tape I gave you.", Kenny ask

"Yes I listened it and it was beautiful.", I smile

"Thank you we want you to sing it since we already got Dreaming Of You out the way.", Kenny said as I held Auggie in my arms as his tiny hands played with my necklaces

"I don't want to be too loud cause it might upset Auggie.", I say as I put in his baby carrier next to my dad and put the baby blue fluffy headphones over his ears

"Hey.", DeVante said dryly as he walked in

"Hey.", I say as Kenny past me some headphones and I go into the booth


To say I don't feel comfortable is in understatement. I feel so weird, then she got the baby so I gotta pretend to not even look at it cause if I do look at the baby I know I'm a go off. So my thing is get these tracks down perfectly.

"Ight you ready.", I say putting my shades on

"Yes.", Selena said

"Ok.", I say as I hit the record button

"I could lose my heart tonight
If you don't turn and walk away
'Cause the way I feel I might
Lose control and let you stay
'Cause I could take you in my arms
And never let go"

"She sounds like an angel.", Greg say an amazement

"I could fall in love with you, (baby)
I could fall in love with you, (baby)"

As Selena sung, DeVante couldn't help but be shock. After all they've been through together it's like he felt she was singing to him

"I can only wonder how...
Touching you would make me feel
But if I take that chance right now
Tomorrow will you want me still
So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know"

"I could fall in love with you, (baby)
I could fall in love with you, (baby)"

"And I know it's not right
And I guess I should try
To do what I should do
But I could fall in love, (mb)
Fall in love with you, (baby)
I could fall in love with you, (baby)"

"My god.", DeVante muttered to himself

"Siempre estoy soñando en ti
Besando mis labios,
Acariciando mi piel,
Abrazandome con ansias locas
Imaginando que me amas
Como yo podria amarte."

"So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know.", Selena smiles

"I could fall in love, (I could fall in love,
I could fall in love, (fall in love)
With you!, (baby)... (mb)..."

"I could fall in love, fall in love with you! (baby)...
I could fall in love, fall in love with you!, (baby)..." Selena sang as she hit that high note

"My good god damn.", Kenny says rubbing his face in shock

"How was that.", Selena ask

"A hit.", All of us say

"Whew, I need water.", Selena said while fanning herself as all of us laugh


I feel really great. Just singing the song was amazing and it's an amazing itself. I gave that song everything I had in me. It was fantastic. Anyway my little boy is being fussy.

"Sel he's crying.", Greg say

"I can tell, it's ok Auggie.", I say rocking him back and forth to calm him down

"He ok.", DeVante ask

"Yes he's fine, my little boy is just cranky.", I say rocking him

"He has my eyes you know.", DeVante said turning his attention back to his equipment

"Huh?", I ask turning around and looking at him

"August has my eyes.", DeVante repeated

"Derek and you both have the same eyes.", I say

"But Derek isn't August father nor Dalvin isn't that right.", DeVante smirked

"I'm not having this conversation with you.", I say sternly

"Just saying.", DeVante said in defense

"Selena it's auntie nephew day.", Aaliyah say coming in

"I know.", I smile

"Hey baby girl.", DeVante waved

"Sup Swing Set.", Aaliyah giggled as he glared

"Got jokes with yo skinny ass.", DeVante said which caused Aaliyah to laugh herself

"Whatever c'mere auntie baby.", Aaliyah said taking August

"If he got fussy you know the routine.", I say

"Put a little kid mini piano in front of him.", Aaliyah said as I giggled and DeVante turned around

"Yo ass gone now.", DeVante said while chuckling

"Come on Selena.", Aaliyah said as I grab my jacket and went with her a bit confused


It was supposed to be me and August. But if DeVante was left alone with Selena by himself. Who knows what could happen. Plus I still don't understand either of them. Or Selena no way in the world I would've sleep with two brothers and got pregnant by the oldest one. But she a straight hood Mexican chick for that.

"I know what you did and thank.", Selena said referring to how I got her how of that alone time with DeVante

"Girl it's all good, so does Dalvin know you and DeVante working together for this album.", I ask

"Yeah, he ok with it.", Selena said

"Girl wouldn't it be cool if me and you work together for this new joint I'm doing with Timbaland.", I smile

"Totally.", Selena smiled as I look she looked truly genuinely happy.

But I knew just like the rest her happiness wouldn't stay for long

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