Strange Asking

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Next Day



I woke up naked in DeVante bed. Y'all this wasn't my intention but come on y'all can't tell me y'all ain't a sucker for him. But I didn't cheat because Dalvin and I aren't together anymore and DeVante and I aren't together either.

So I got up and went into the room where August was and he was looking at me with the same eyes he got from DeVante. He had a smile on his face when he saw me

"Hey.", I smile at him as I picked him up

August planted a big sloppy wet kiss on my cheek. I didn't happen to see DeVante there until I turned around and he was smiling hard.

"Morning girl.", DeVante smiled as August didn't know what was going on

"Morning, um look De I gotta go and get mine and August things. We going to be staying at Aaliyah's.", I say as he scrunched his eyes up at me

"Are you sure?", DeVante questioned

"Yeah, last night wasn't supposed to happen and it did.", I sigh as he looked


I think Selena does have feelings for me she just don't wanna admit it. But it's fine though cause I got my child right but I am gonna have her. As long as she ain't with my brother it's cool. Shit was backwards anyway

"Look Selena-.", I say but was cut off

"I gotta go.", Selena said as she and August left


I was about to go over Aaliyah house but I needed to get some things from Dalvin's that belong to me. I knocked on Dalvin door with August attached to my hip, I couldn't leave him in the car. Dalvin open the door revealing his bare chest. Dear lord give me strength

"I knew you'd come back.", Dalvin smiled in warmth

"Dalvin I came to get some of August things.", I say as I walked inside and I knew Dalvin was watching closely

"Look at Daddy's big man.", Dalvin said taking August out of my hand as I glared

"Dalvin stop with that, its best for him to know you as uncle, it's the truth.", I say as he looked and August looked comfortable and happy in Dalvin arms

"But who's name on his birth certificate as father and who was with you every step of the way.", Dalvin said as I did make that mistake and now it's coming down on me hard

"You right but.", I say and he stopped me

"You cheated on me with DeVante, therefore this should have been my baby and it is. Did De tell you but all the women he still fucking since he wanna play happy families huh or his mental disabilities. I love my brother but I refuse to have you and August in danger it's a reason De has to see Dyana ad Justin under supervision because he's mental.", Dalvin revealed

"Ok I get it, but he's your brother and my child father.", I explain

"And, do me this one favor and I'll let everything go.", Dalvin said as I had a feeling I was gonna regret it

"What.", I asked

"You have to give me a baby. I only want one with you.", Dalvin said as I looked at him

"Are you stupid that would mean that the baby will be August brother or sister and his cousin. What!", I said cause everybody is dumb

"So. The Jackson family is cool with it. I can see it a pretty lil girl or boy with your smile.", Dalvin said sitting August down on the floor on the carpet which became August favorite playing position

"Dalvin no its-.", I say but he cut me off with a kiss

"I'm asking you this, I love you and want you to have my baby.", Dalvin said but the only thing keeping me from doing this is August and DeVante

"Dalvin bye.", I say giving him the final kiss as I retrieved August. I'll get Chris to come and get our belongings


Ya girl was cleaning up. Waiting for my fav Latina and bambino baby. I'm just playing I love my nephew and all. Hell Selena like my sis but she playing with niggas emotions to me

"Aaliyah open up.", Speaking of Selena there she is

"Aye girl and give me my nephew.", I say as August squealed. He loves his aunty Liyah y'all

"Girl I just left Dalvin's house.", Selena said sighed and I knew something happened

"What happen.", I ask taking my necklace out of August mouth

"He asked me to give him a baby and yesterday DeVante and I slept together.", Selena said as I sighed

"Honestly if August wasn't here I'd be telling you to stick with Dalvin. But DeVante is August father and that's nasty for Dalvin to asked that.", I say in disgusts

"Exactly.", Selena sighed

"Look you need to break contact with Dalvin and focus on co parenting with Donnie boy.", I say cause DeVante ain't all that

"But here's the problem I can't.", Selena said as I scoffed

"Why not?", I asked

"Because I think I might be in love with both.", Selena said as I damn near had a heart attack

"Look when love is involved see who makes ya happy but it's wrong because they brothers. Poor cute August shouldn't have to suffer.", I say as his tiny hands cupped my nose

"So you think DeVante cute cause he looks like him.", Selena smirked

"Hell nawl, I think you cute. DeVante bug eyed ass still pissed me off when he called me a bitch and a hoe.", I covered August ears so he wouldn't hear me

"Girl you too much.", Selena laughed as I grinned


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