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Next Day

Corpus Christi


After that whole Dalvin thing yesterday. My dad arranged an interview for which I have to do today. I'm really not ready to publicly to discuss my pregnancy with the world. But according to my dad and the record company I had to save my image. So now I'm sitting down with Mexican journalists Christiana. (Doing it an English and not Spanish)

"So Selena the world even your fans wants to know, what's the deal with you and Jodeci member Mr. Dalvin.", Christina asks as I tense but kept it neutral

"Well Christina, I am in fact dating Mr. Dalvin.", I say calmly as I lie but the truth is it was eating me up inside

"So he was telling the truth when he publicly said you two are in a relationship and that you are expecting his child and congratulations by the way.", Christiana said as the audience coo over my stomach

"Thank you and Mr. Dalvin and I unfortunately is and I am expecting his child at all.", I say as I force the words out my mouth as my dad look at me and mouth words I can understand

"So it's all facts?",Christina ask

"Yes my child father is Mr. Dalvin and I am with Dalvin and we are in a relationship.", I lie as my dad smiles. This was making him happy but not me. I felt entirely bad for DeVante

"The younger DeGrate.", Christina smile

"Yes.", I said with a fake smile

"Now a lot of people are wondering how you didn't say anything that involved the baby.", Christina says

"Cause it was private. I am a very private and protective person That have flaws too I'm not perfect and I'll leave it at that but I was protecting my child revelation until it's birth.", I say

"Well Selena I'm glad your here to clear that up cause it caused a stir.", Christina says as I nod


I had just woken up after falling asleep on the studio couch. I was still pretty pissed with Dalvin. Anyway I lay there on the couch. I didn't feel like going home at all.

"Mr. DeGrate you have mail.", My assistant say handing me a envelope

"Thank you.",I say taking the enveloped

"Your welcome.", She says as she leaves

As I open the envelope. I see a paper with a white rose . That rose is Selena favorite. As I fully opened the squared letter. I see the letter is in face from Selena.

Dear DeVante,

I'm so apologetically sorry over everything. I should've been told Dalvin the truth, now it has ended horribly wrong, and for that I am sorry. But now I have more terrible news. My father wants to me to cut ties with you and have you known as our child uncle. Tomorrow,which would the day you received this letter, I appeared on "The Christiana Show". Where my father has forcibly made me announce that Dalvin and I are together and how I am happily with him etc and how he's the father of the baby. If your reading this I'm sorry. I will think of you everyday cause I know I have a piece of you. Like every other girl I was Feenin' for you and Dalvin both. But now I should've chose you. Please Forgive me Donald

Love Always,


As I fold the letter back up. I'm numb. Her dad made her go on national tv and say she's married and having his kid. Why can't things go right for me.

"DeVante.", Lashawn walks off

"What.", I sigh

"You ok.", Lashawn asks with a girl standing beside her and I instantly recognized her

"Hey DeVante.", Aaliyah waves

"Hey babygirl.", I say cause although we haven't started working on it her parents wants me and Timbaland to produce her next album

"Look me and babygirl about to head out with Missy and Kidada, see ya and take it easy.", Lashawn say as they left

No One:

In Corpus Christi Selena cries in her bed. She couldn't figure out how her life became complicated. Now so many were hurt, her, DeVante and the baby. She wanted nothing to do with Dalvin but truth to be told she still loves him. But she didn't want to lie to the child it's whole life about his father identity.

Her father had even arrange for Dalvin to fly down to Corpus to carry out the plan. Selena felt her father wanted to protect her image and brand but not her or her baby. His own daughter and grandson

"Mr. Quintanilla.", Dalvin says outside of the door as Selena kept in her room not ready to face Dalvin at all

"Dalvin come in, sit down.", Abraham said as Dalvin sat in the lounge chair

"You said you wanted to talk to me.", Dalvin starts off

"Yes, well today we just had Selena to go on the Christina show where she confirmed her pregnancy and said you two were together.", Abraham smiled

"Did she say I was the father.", Dalvin said with hope in his eyes

"Yes.", Abraham said proudly that he protected Selena fan base image

"My manager booked a gig where she wants me to attend with Selena in a few weeks.", Dalvin smiled

"She will.", Abraham nod

"Can I go see Selena.", Dalvin ask

"Yes.", Abraham said

As Dalvin went upstairs in Selena room. He saw her lying peacefully on her bed rubbing her stomach. She was a humming a beautiful tune he couldn't quite reach. For a moment he started to feel bad. He understood that the baby was the victim in all this. But he loves her and the baby both to have the fly so easily away from him to his brother. He didn't care if his brother was the child biological father he considered the baby his regardless.

"Selena.", Dalvin knock lightly on the door

"Hum.", Selena said as she didn't look at Dalvin. She couldn't and she wouldn't

"Look I'm sorry but I love you and maybe we can be a real family.", Dalvin starts

"Dalvin love is when you want the person happy but it's not about me.", Selena said as she starts to cry

How Of instincts Dalvin rushes over to her and pulls her close. She didn't push him away. Her mind wondered why DeVante didn't call. Even if it wasn't for her the baby at least. She would've thought that DeVante would've fought for his child after she sent the letter. She had already a feeling he read it.

"I'll protect you and the baby Selena.", Selena heard Dalvin whispered

Everything was messed up. For Selena, Dalvin, and DeVante. All because in the end she was Feenin' and she had it bad.

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