Chapter 1

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Jaiden's POV:

So boring. I could do a collab, or hang out with someone...maybe Adam? No...Tim? Not today...James-J-James would be great to hang out with. He is probably one of my closest friends that I feel safe with. Not saying Adam and Tim are bad friends...defiantly not. It's just James has a certain vibe that attracts me to me. He is so handsome, his blonde hair and his amazing character.


Hi  James! Or should I say the Odd1sout! Either way, I'm bored. Can I hangout with u?

Yeah Sure!                                                                                                                               's 3pm now, I can get there at 3:30. That ok?

Yeah see ya there!                                                                                                                                                   

Alright bye!

Back to Jaiden's POV:

I decide my clothes are fine, a purple shirt and jeans. I take my phone, wallet, car keys, and off I go. I get into my car and listen to 'Empty' a new song I was included.

Although it is a good song, it makes me remember about my anorexia and my mental difficulties in the past. 'James doesn't like me...I am overweight, useless and ugly. He has no feelings for me...I will never be with him.' I thought. I arrive 2 minutes late, however, I am sure he won't mind...I knock on his door.

No one's POV:

James answers the knock and opens the door. 

''Jaiden! It's good you're here! Come on in! '' James said in a friendly and enthusiastic tone. James steps aside for Jaiden to come in.

 '' it okay that I am late? '' Jaiden said in a sad tone. James looks at the watch: 3:32 PM.     

''Jaiden! Are you out of your mind?'' Jaiden looked down. 

'' Of course, it's fine! I'd probably be late by 10 minutes! '' 

Jaiden looked back at James and replied. '' Okay, that's good! ''

They go on the couch and Jaiden asks '' What are we watching today, Odd1sout? '' She said in a laughing tone. 

'' JaidenAnimations! How about, hmm...'' He thought for a while. '' Whatever you want!'' 

'' No no! You decide! '' 

'' No you! ''

'' Fine... Let's watch Hotel Hell.. ''

'' As you want, m'lady! '' James said.

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