Chapter 97

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One and half a week after giving birth, Lucy and the twins could finally go home. Spencer drove them and when he opened the door to the apartment, there was a huge banner saying Welcome Home Lucy, Tessa & Mateo. Lucy's parents were there to greet them and Lucy's mother had even cooked some lunch for them all. But first, the babies needed to be fed.

While Spencer hurried to unpack the bags, Lucy's mother offered to prepare the bottles for Mateo and Tessa. Lucy was glad. She handed Mateo to her dad and then tried to calm down Tessa. But the babies were screaming and crying in desperate need of food. "Shhh, shhh, you'll get your bottle in a few minutes", Lucy cooed while she walked through the living room, rocking the baby in her arms.

"Oh, thank god", Lucy sighed when her mother returned with two warm milk bottles. Spencer had come back as well and took Mateo from Lucy's dad.

"Here, the bottles". Smiling, Lucy's mom handed them to the couple. Spencer and Lucy sat down on the couch and as soon as the babies had their bottles, they stopped crying and greedily drank. Completely in awe, Spencer and Lucy watched their twins having filled their little stomachs. The babies made the most adorable noises while drinking and Lucy couldn't stop looking at them. God, she still couldn't believe they were hers. But the love she felt for them was real and true and told her that they really were her children.

Shortly after finishing their bottles, the babies burped on Spencer's and Lucy's shoulders and fell asleep. Carefully, the couple brought Tessa and Mateo in their new nursery. With the baby phone, they returned to the kitchen. Lucy's mom had prepared the table and everything was ready. "Sit down, you must be hungry", she said. Spencer and Lucy nodded. They were indeed. This was something they could imagine might happen more often now: that they were so consumed by their twins that they would rarely find time to eat. But somehow, they'd manage it.

"Thank you so much, mom", Lucy said as she put some of the lasagna on her plate. It smelled delicious and Lucy only realized now how hungry she was. Her stomach was growling. While the babies were sleeping, Spencer and Lucy enjoyed the lunch with her parents and they listened to them as they gave the new parents some advice.

"I know, I only had one baby at once and not two, but I guess most of this you can use for twins as well", Lucy's mom smiled.

"Thank you anyway, I'm sure we can use some of your advice sooner or later", Lucy replied and smiled back. She was thankful for her parents to be here right now. But she also longed for a bit alone-time with her little family. And she told her parents so. Thankfully, they understood and said goodbye to Spencer and Lucy and the sleeping twins.

Sighing, Lucy leaned against her husband after he'd closed the front door. "Silence. Finally." But just in that moment, the baby phone was starting to make noises. At least one of the babies was awake and would start to cry at any moment.

"Oh, well", Lucy giggled and together with Spencer, she entered the nursery. Both twins were awake, crying because they were hungry again. Well, it's been a bit more than three hours since they had gotten their bottles.

"Okay, let's do this", Spencer murmured, as he carefully lifted Tessa out of her cradle. Lucy was already holding Mateo in her arms. She hurried into the kitchen, the baby still on one arm, and tried to prepare the bottles.

"Damn", she sighed as she realized, it had sounded easier than it was. She couldn't do this with just one hand. "Spence!"

Her husband came hurrying into the kitchen. Tessa was still crying in his arms. "What?"

"I can't do this with a baby in my arm. Here." She handed Mateo to Spencer and somehow, he managed to hold a baby in each of his arms.

"I...we'll be in the living room", he murmured, sounding a bit overextended. It was new to the couple to have twins in the house and look after them. But Lucy knew, they'd get used to it at some point. And until then...just one day after another. At least the twins were awake at the same time. This meant, they might fall asleep at the same time as well. And whenever the kids were sleeping, Lucy and Spencer could get a bit of sleep too.

With two prepared bottles, Lucy went to the living room. Spencer was pacing back and forth, rocking the babies. "Shhh, you'll get your food soon, shhh", he murmured repeatedly. When he noticed Lucy, he sighed in relief. Lucy put the bottles on the coffee table and took one of the babies. The couple sat down and started to feed Mateo and Tessa. Yes, they were hungry, obviously.

"These noises", Lucy almost squealed. The babies were making the most adorable noises while eating and Lucy was sure she would never get enough of this. It was the cutest she had ever seen and heard.

"Do you think they'll fall asleep together for the next few hours?", Spencer quietly asked while he stared at Mateo. He couldn't get enough of his babies neither.

"I hope so", Lucy replied. "I could need two or three hours of sleep."


After putting Mateo and Tessa back into their cradles, Spencer and Lucy curled up in their own bed, the baby phone on the bedside table. Lucy snuggled into Spencer's arms and closed her eyes. She knew those next weeks and months would be exhausting. But she wasn't alone. Spencer had taken some time off work – Emily had insisted that he took most of his holidays now. And Spencer had agreed. He wanted to be with his wife and his twins for a while. "Get some sleep, darling." Spencer gently kissed Lucy before he pulled her closer and took the duvet to put it over them. Sleep would be good now. The babies would wake up soon enough since they needed to be fed every three to four hours. Time would pass quickly.

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