Chapter 94

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"Ouch." Lucy shifted around in bed and rubbed her bump. She had just felt an extraction in her abdomen, a quite painful extraction. That can't be, she thought and reached for another gossip magazine from Penelope to distract herself. No, she had been having bed rest for one and a half week now and it was still too early for her babies to be born. Those couldn't be labor pains. But there it was again! And this time, even stronger. So strong, she let out a little scream.

"Lucy? Lu, are you alright?" Spencer, who had been in the kitchen to make his wife some pasta, now came rushing into the bedroom. With eyes wide open and sweat, that started to form on Lucy's forehead, she tried to find the right words. While she did so, she could eventually see a large wet spot under her legs. Her waters broke. She hadn't even realized until now!

"I...I guess that I'm...I'm in labor", she whispered and then bit her bottom lip when new pain rushed through her whole body.

"W-what?" For a short moment, Spencer just stood there, staring at Lucy before he finally reacted. "Oh, my god! We're going to have babies!", he gasped and ran around the bedroom.

"Spence! bag's just over there!" Lucy interrupted him. Now all she wanted was to get to the hospital. This pain was beyond everything she had ever experienced so far. Spencer helped Lucy walking down the stairs and as soon as they sat in the car, another contraction started to rush over Lucy's body. She gritted her teeth and her fingers clawed into the seat as she tried to hold back a scream. "Oh, my god", she moaned. "Spencer, DRIVE!", she shouted and the young agent hastily started the engine.

He drove as fast as he could – faster than he'd ever driven so far – while Lucy was trying to remember everything from the prenatal classes. "Come on, baby, breathe as you learned it in the courses. In and out. In and out", Spencer tried to help but Lucy felt the urge to punch him in the face.

"Shut...up", she hissed and groaned again when the pain came back. This was hell. She wanted it to be over already. How was she supposed to go through that birth when she was feeling like she'd die by now? This could go on for hours and that thought didn't help her at all. But she just couldn't stop thinking about how long all of this might take.

Arriving at the hospital, Lucy was brought into the delivery room. Spencer ran behind the wheelchair they had put his wife in and repeated more than once that he wouldn't leave Lucy's side. "Mrs. Reid, we have to make a C-section", her gynecologist said after making an ultrasound.

"What? Why?" Lucy's eyes widened and she searched for Spencer's hand. He rushed to her side and took her hand, gently stroking it.

"One of the babies isn't laying in the right position", the doctor explained calmly. "I know you're afraid but we have to bring those babies into the world as soon as possible." Lucy nodded and gritted her teeth as another labor pain built and she felt like her insides were going to rupture.

"I...don't care what you have to do, it", she moaned.

"Can with her during the C-section?", Spencer asked but the sound in his voice told everyone that he wouldn't accept a no. So, the doctor nodded.

What happened in the next twenty minutes, Lucy could barely remember. She got prepared for the surgery and was told repeatedly that everything would be alright. During the preparation, Spencer had left the room to call the team. He wanted them to know that he was about to be a dad within the next hour and was overly excited – but also scared. A thousand thoughts were not only running through Lucy's head but also through Spencer's. First of all, a surgery was always a risk. No one could ever say that nothing would happen during it, even if it was just a C-section. And then...would they be good parents? How would anyone manage two babies at once? Would everything be alright with them?

"Spence? Where are you?", Lucy called right before she got moved into the OR. She was scared, so scared. And she couldn't do this without her husband by her side.

"I'm here!" He came rushing through the door and right at her side, taking her hand into his. "I'm here. Everything's okay." His low, soft voice helped Lucy to calm down. Yes, he was right. Everything was okay.

"We're parents in a few minutes", she said with a smile. Spencer smiled back at her.

"Yes, we are", he replied and leaned down to kiss her forehead. But then he remembered he was wearing one of those surgical masks and stood up straight again.

"Mrs. Reid, we're starting now", one of the doctors said. Lucy didn't care. She couldn't feel her body from her breasts down anyway. Everything was numb. Her hand was clenching on Spencer's harder than ever, but he didn't complain. Fascinated, he watched the surgeons work. And Lucy watched him. She tried to find out what was going on by only looking at his face, but since almost all of it was hidden behind the mask, she couldn't figure out anything.

"Can you see one of the babies already?", she asked him and he slowly nodded.

"Not yet..."

For a moment, Spencer and Lucy both remained quiet, before Spencer started to talk again: "I've called your brother and the rest of the team. And he's calling your parents."

Lucy smiled. "Thank you." She couldn't wait to see her family and the rest of the team and introduce them to their newborn twins. And just when she had thought about this, the first loud scream filled the room. Lucy felt tears filling her eyes at that sound.

"It's the girl!", one of the surgeons said and before Lucy could ask to see her, a midwife brought her away.

"Wait, can't I see her?", Lucy begged and Spencer squeezed her hand. Was something wrong with the baby? Why couldn't she see it? But another midwife came to Lucy to calm her down.

"Don't worry. Your little girl's alright. She just needs some special treatment now, she's been born earlier than expected.

"Okay...", Lucy murmured, while tears were running down her temples. She could feel Spencer's thumb stroking the back of her hand and held back a sob. Their babies would be alright. They just had to be alright, although they were born too early. Lucy could watch the midwife bringing the second baby, the little boy, away as well.

"They're alright?", Spencer now asked the surgeon.

He nodded. "Don't worry, they're fine as far as I could see. They get checked now and put into the incubator for a few days."

"See? Our babies are okay", Spencer told Lucy and stroked her head. She had finally managed to calm down again. "Do you mind if I'll go outside to tell the others?"

Lucy was okay with that. The doctors and surgeons would still need some time to stitch up her abdomen now and she was tired anyway. So, she nodded.

"I love you, so much", Spencer said with a smile behind the mask and after squeezing Lucy's hand once more, he left the OR.

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