"What are you doing? Did you call the cops?", he screamed at Lucy. She shook her head, trying everything to stay calm. It wouldn't help her nor her babies or any other person in this room if she'd freak out now. This man was desperate. He wasn't thinking clearly.
"I...no. No, I didn't", Lucy hurried to say, her hands laying on her baby bump, as if she was trying to defend the babies inside. The man's gaze wandered down to her hands.
"What will you have?", he asked; his voice calmer now.
"I'm...I'm having twins. A...a girl and a boy", Lucy replied and hoped, that she could distract Mister Summers until the FBI would arrive.
"I had a boy too", he whispered and she could see tears filling his eyes. With the gun in his hand, he shortly rubbed over his head. A little sob escaped his mouth but he controlled himself almost immediately again. He pointed the gun at Lucy. Her heart skipped a beat and she gasped.
"Please...don't hurt me or my babies", she whispered as she could feel cold fear creep up her chest. "I'm so sorry that you lost your boy. I...I can't even imagine what this must feel like. But...those people...and I...it's not our fault." Lucy had no idea how she managed to talk to this man while a gun was pointed at her. But she just did it. She thought, if she wouldn't, he'd shoot. She could feel tears filling her eyes and fought them back.
"I'll never get to see my boy again!", Mister Summers cried out, fidgeting with his gun.
"Please...Mister...take down the weapon", Lucy calmly said but her voice was terribly shaking. The man didn't listen to her. He was lost in his desperation again. Where are Luke, Spencer and the others? Lucy thought while she examined the man so she'd be ready if he would want to start to shoot.
"Mister Summers! Here's Agent Prentiss speaking! I'm with the FBI! Come out with your upraised hands!" Lucy sighed in relief when she could hear Emily's voice from outside. But Mister Summers didn't seem to want to do what the FBI wanted. He was still walking up and down in the corridor, with scared patients, doctors and nurses around that were watching him.
"It won't get better", Lucy dared to talk to him once again. "If you give up right now, it won't be too bad for you." Mister Summers just stared at Lucy, pointing the gun at her once again.
"Come here!", he shouted. Lucy winced but then she moved. She knew, if she wouldn't do what he said it might end bad for her. And for her unborn babies. Mister Summers grabbed her shoulders and turned her around to wrap an arm around her shoulders and her throat. The gun was held towards her again.
"Please...", she begged. He was taking her hostage to get out of here unharmed, Lucy realized and the fear in her grew bigger. When they walked out of the hospital, she could immediately spot Spencer and Luke. They were wearing bulletproof FBI vests and looked shocked when they saw Lucy. Luke clenched his fists and Spencer's face clouded over.
"Let her go", Emily said with a calm voice. She was trying to hold back her emotions, as did the rest of the team. Everyone was afraid that something could happen to Lucy and the twins.
"You're going to shoot me when I do so!", Mister Summers exclaimed.
"No, we won't, Mister Summers. Please let this woman go. She's innocent and so are her unborn babies. I know you don't want to hurt her. We'll come to a solution if you let her go." Emily's calm voice was the only thing that Lucy could hear in that moment. She hoped that Mister Summers would listen to the unit chief.
Minutes passed that felt like an eternity to Lucy. But then, the arm around her shoulders finally released her and she could escape from him. Spencer hurried towards her and Lucy clasped her arms around Spencer's torso. "Oh, my god", he breathed and then gently pulled her away. His hands cupped Lucy's cheeks and he examined her face. "Are you okay? Are the babies okay?" He sounded more than worried but Lucy nodded.
"We're okay. All three of us", she replied with a slight smile. She just felt so relieved that she was finally out of the hospital, out of Mister Summers' reach. While the police arrested the desperate man, Spencer brought his wife to one of the SUVs, followed by Luke who wouldn't left his sister's side. They two men drove Lucy home.
"Shouldn't we go back and let you get checked by a doctor?", Spencer asked while Luke drove the SUV through the streets. Lucy was leaning against Spencer's shoulder; his arm was wrapped around her, holding her tight. She shook her head.
"No, I'm alright. I just...want to take a hot bath and then sleep for a while." Lucy indeed sounded and felt incredibly tired. Those last three hours had felt like the longest in her life and she just felt exhausted.
"Okay", Spencer murmured and pressed a kiss on his wife's hair. He obviously was worried but he also knew there was no point in discussing with Lucy. She was as stubborn as he was and it would all just end up in a huge argument. None of them could need something like this right now.
At home, Luke asked his sister repeatedly if she was alright or needed something while Spencer had gone to the bathroom to prepare a hot bath for Lucy. "Luke, I'm okay, really", she sighed as she sank down on the couch, putting her hands on her baby bump.
Luke didn't seem to fully believe her but eventually gave in and said goodbye with a kiss on Lucy's cheek. "Please take care." She nodded.
"Spencer, I'm gone! Take good care of my sis!", he shouted so Spencer could hear him.
"I will, don't worry!", Spencer's voice was heard from the bathroom.
Shortly after Luke had left, Spencer appeared in the living room. He had rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and now reached out a hand into Lucy's direction. "Your bath is ready, love." She grabbed his hand and let him help her getting up. Her baby bump was growing with each day and it got more and more difficult to get up and getting some things done.
"Thank you so much", Lucy sighed as she let herself glide into the hot, bubbly water. She closed her eyes and smiled. This was good. When she opened them again, she could see Spencer sitting on the toilet lid, watching her with a loving smile "Why don't you join me?", Lucy suggested. She didn't have to tell Spencer more than once. He got up immediately and started to undress before he glided into the water. His arms wrapped around Lucy and he placed his hands on her bump. He gently stroked it while he started to kiss Lucy's neck.
"I was so afraid to lose you today", he murmured against her skin and Lucy slightly shuddered.
"I was afraid too", she quietly said. "But I'm fine. And the babies are too. So, please stop worrying, okay?" Lucy turned her head to be able to look at Spencer. He frowned.
"I guess I can't just make this stop", he admitted, what made her laugh.
"I know you can't. That's you. And I love you for this." She smiled and kissed him before she snuggled more into his arms.
"I love you too. More than you can imagine", Spencer whispered back, a smile on his lips.
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