Lucy was pregnant twenty weeks now and another ultrasound would be done today. She was excited since Spencer had told her that there might be a possibility to find out the sex of the babies. She hoped that he'd been right and they would find out today. It was so hard to buy clothes when she didn't know what she was expecting. Two girls? Two boys? Or one of both? She had absolutely no clue although people always said that the mother had a feeling even before she knew the baby's sex. But Lucy didn't even have a clue what she was expecting. Although she would have loved to have a little boy and a little girl. One of each. But she'd love her children anyway, no matter what. The most important thing was, that they were healthy.
Lucy was now waiting for Spencer and her appointment to start. He had said he'd join her for that ultrasound again, but he still wasn't here. There had been a case for three days and there was still no news if he could make it on time or not. Nervously, Lucy was walking through the waiting room. She knew how much Spencer wanted to be here too to have a look at their babies.
"Oh, thank god I'm not too late!" Spencer came rushing into the waiting room and Lucy let out a sigh of relief.
"I thought you wouldn't make it!", Lucy exclaimed before kissing him.
"I thought so too", Spencer breathed. "As soon as the jet landed I drove here."
Minutes later, Spencer and Lucy were seeing their babies on the monitor once again. And they were both in awe. The twins had grown, obviously. And now Lucy could see their fingers, toes and noses. She couldn't wait until the day she'd finally be able to hold them in her arms. "Would you like to know what you're expecting?", the gynecologist asked. Both, Spencer and Lucy, nodded. Of course, they wanted to! For a moment, the doctor stared at the monitor.
"Alright, you're expecting a girl and a boy", he then said with a smile.
"Oh, my god!", Lucy squealed. They would have both! A girl and a boy! She couldn't believe it. Spencer beamed at the monitor first and then at Lucy. He leaned down and kissed her. "A boy and a girl. A son and a daughter", he whispered and he looked as if he would tear up any moment.
"I guess you'd like to have the pictures", the gynecologist said and made Lucy and Spencer look at him. They both nodded.
"With those pictures, we can tell the team the news during dinner tonight", Spencer said. Lucy raised an eyebrow at him.
Spencer nodded. "Yeah, the team has decided to have dinner tonight, at our favorite Chinese restaurant. Will you join us?"
What a question. Of course, Lucy would join them! She couldn't wait to tell the others about the babies. Penelope would freak out, for sure. With a next appointment and the ultrasound pictures, Spencer and Lucy left the hospital and drove home. There was still time for a shower and getting ready before they'd meet the team at the restaurant.
"And? Any news about those genius babies in your tummy?", Penelope asked as soon as she had hugged Lucy. They'd arrived at the restaurant five minutes ago and were now settling around the huge table Luke had reserved.
"Oh, we have news indeed", Spencer said with a grin as he sat down next to Lucy. His hand searched for hers. He shortly glanced at her as if he wanted to say that Lucy should tell the news.
"Are you going to tell or continue torturing us?", Matt laughed. He wasn't the only impatient one, obviously. They were all looking at Spencer and Lucy, expecting them to spit out the news.
"We're having a girl and a boy!", Lucy eventually exclaimed with the biggest grin on her face. Everyone cheered and Penelope almost fell from her chair, she was way too excited.
"A girl! We'll have a baby girl!", she cried out and tears were shimmering her eyes. JJ put an arm around her shoulders. Matt had girls as well but it was something special to Penelope and to all the others that they'd get to see Lucy's and Spencer's baby girl growing up from the first minute.
Rossi raised his glass now. "Let's drink to Spencer, Lucy and their baby twins!" The others followed – Lucy raised her glass of still water. Shortly after they had clinked glasses, the food was served: Rossi had ordered literally the whole menu so everyone could have whatever and mix the foods however they wanted. As the last few times, Lucy put some fried fish on her plate. But only the smell of it made her feel sick to her stomach suddenly.
"Spence, you want my fish? I...guess I can't eat it. Ewww."
With a little grin, he moved the two pieces on his own plate. Lucy had forgotten that there was some food she'd loved before her pregnancy and now couldn't even smell anymore. After checking all the plates of food, she decided to have some roasted cashews with fresh vegetables and rice and a bit of the sweet and sour chicken. Yes, that worked fine for her. It was only now that she realized how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten a lot throughout the day.
The team had a fun evening at the restaurant with all the foods and drinks. JJ, Matt, Lucy and Spencer were the first ones to leave right before midnight. JJ and Matt wanted to be with their families and Lucy started to feel a bit uncomfortable. "Is it the food?", Spencer asked and when Lucy shook her head, he explained her that it must come from the fact that the babies were growing and her organs were now moving inside to make space for the growing humans then. It was cute how he rambled down all the information he had read in the at least twenty pregnancy books that were laying around at home. He would never forget all these things anymore.
"Let's just go home", Lucy said as she slowly stood up. "I could need a hot bath and a massage." She grinned at Spencer.
"Alright, let's go", he said, got up as well and they said goodbye to the rest of the team. Lucy now couldn't wait to let her body sink into the hot bubbly water of a bath. Her back was starting to hurt the more the babies grew and she had a slight feeling of what was still waiting for her during that pregnancy.
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