Chapter 74

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The phone call Spencer had mentioned in the morning, was one with Derek Morgan, his former best mate at the BAU. He was living a new life, far away from any dangerous cases, together with his wife Savannah and little Hank. And since the moment Lucy had said yes to Spencer's proposal, all he wanted, was to tell Derek.

"Hey, pretty boy. How are you doing? I haven't heard from you in quite a long time", Derek greeted his old friend. In the background, Spencer could hear Hank squeal in joy about something.

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry", Spencer said as he sank down on the chair at his desk. Paper work had been done for an hour and the rest of the team had already left to get back home. But Spencer didn't want to leave until he had told Derek the news.

"And what's the reason for your call? I'm sure you're not calling just to say hello", Derek said and Spencer smirked. Although his friend wasn't with the FBI anymore, he hadn't lost his ability to profile.

"Well...I met a girl, quite some time ago", Spencer started and then told Derek everything about Lucy Alvez.

"Oh, wow. She sounds like a special and nice girl. One that deserves a pretty boy with a genius mind like you", Derek eventually said. Spencer laughed.

"Well, sometimes I have no idea how I deserve someone like her, but...I asked her to marry me and she said yes", he finally burst out.

"Pretty boy! Wow!", Derek exclaimed, laughing. He was happy about that news and when Spencer asked him to be his best man, Derek immediately agreed.

"I'll come to D.C. as soon as I can to help and finally meet your girl, okay? I'm happy for you, Reid. You deserve to be happy", Derek said and Spencer was thankful for having a friend like him.


"Derek Morgan will come to D.C. tomorrow", Spencer said a few days later, when he and Lucy were snuggling on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate. Lucy looked up at him.

"To help with any preparations?", she asked and Spencer nodded.

"Yeah. And he finally wants to meet you", he added. Lucy immediately started to get a bit nervous. Spencer had told her about Derek Morgan. About the man who had always been like a big brother to Spencer. And she hoped that Derek would like her.

"Hey, he'll like you", Spencer said, as if he had read her mind, and pulled her closer.

"Hopefully", Lucy smiled.

"You're the woman I'm going to marry, the one I love. He's happy that I've finally found someone. And I don't know any person who doesn't like you, sweetheart", Spencer encouraged her and pressed a kiss on Lucy's cheek. She smiled. He always knew how to cheer her up or make her feel special.

The next day, Derek Morgan showed up at the BAU, greeting all his former team mates. Especially Penelope and Spencer were happy to see their friend again. It had been way too long since the last time.

"Alright, pretty boy. Where's the woman of your heart?", Derek grinned, patting Spencer's shoulder.

"Oh, she should be here any minute", he replied and in that moment, Lucy walked through the glass door. She was a bit nervous, but as soon as she saw the dark, tall man standing next to her fiancé, that nervousness got blown away again. Smiling, Derek walked towards her just to pull her into a hug.

"Hey Lucy, nice to meet you", he said.

"Nice to meet you too, Derek", she grinned.

"Wow, pretty boy, she's beautiful. Good catch."

They all laughed. How the missed Derek and the way he was. After a little chat with everyone, Derek grabbed Spencer and they went to make some first preparations. Which meant, looking for a suit. Since there was currently no case, they had time for things like that. And Derek couldn't stay in D.C. until the wedding. He'd have to go back to Savannah and Hank in the meantime.

"Oh, we have a lot to do as well!", Penelope exclaimed and the other ladies of the BAU nodded in agreement. Lucy looked at them a bit overwhelmed. She hadn't planned any wedding preparations today. But Penelope didn't want to hear any protest.

"July will come soon enough! And just imagine your wedding day is close and you still don't have a dress! Noooo way!", she said while she dragged her friend towards the elevator. Lucy glanced at Luke, seeking for help. But her brother just laughed.

"Have fun, sis!", he shouted before the doors of the elevator closed.

Half an hour later, Lucy found herself in a shop full of wedding dresses. She was obviously overwhelmed as she slowly walked between all the tulle, silk and other textiles she couldn't even name. "Alright. Here are...some...dresses you should try on." Penelope had disappeared the moment they came in. And Lucy now knew why. She had been gone to grab dresses for her. And she wanted Lucy to try on a lot of dresses. Lucy held back a sigh. There couldn't be a real wedding without trying on dozens of wedding dresses, right? Tara, JJ, and Emily all looked excited and were already holding a glass of champagne in their hands.

Knowing that she didn't have any choice, Lucy grabbed the first dress and closed the curtain of the changing room.

Three hours later, Lucy had tried on at least 10 dresses and three of them she really liked. She put the favorites on once again while Penelope took pictures from every imaginable angle so Lucy would have the chance to look at them for a while before she'd decide.

"You look amazing in every dress!", Penelope said. Lucy laughed.

"She can wear only one dress for the wedding, Garcia", JJ grinned as she wrapped an arm around the technical analyst.

"Well, I know that", she said. "And now, let's go have some drinks somewhere!", she added and dragged the ladies with her.


During the next weeks, Spencer and Lucy were busy with planning their wedding. They had to decide in which church they'd want to marry, they had to collect all the necessary documents for getting the permission to marry and next to that, they also had to look at wedding rings and figure out, what kind of invitations they wanted to send. Oh, and let's not forget the guest list.

Whenever they both didn't have to work – thank god, Lucy still got Phoebe to help her out at the bookstore – they were sitting at the table in their apartment, discussing wedding stuff. "Alright, we finally have our guest list", Spencer sighed and leaned back in his chair, stretching his limbs. "Have you got any idea how to create those invitations?" He looked at Lucy. She was scrolling through some website on her laptop.

"I...guess I actually do", she eventually said and looked up; a grin on her lips. Spencer grinned back and leaned forward again.

"Tell me."

Lucy turned the laptop towards her boyfriend. "Those invitations look nice", she said and pointed at a picture she'd found online a few minutes ago. It had a plain silver background and there was written Be Our Guest with two hearts underneath. It was very Disney-ique and fitted Spencer and Lucy. They both loved Disney and thought invitations like this would be great. Spencer agreed with her. They were simple but beautiful. Lucy saved the picture and then closed her laptop. Questioning, Spencer looked at her when she got up.

"Come on, we've done enough wedding stuff for today." She reached out a hand towards him and Spencer grabbed it.

"You're right", he grinned as he followed his future wife into the bedroom. It was quite late already – they had barely noticed – and all Lucy wanted was to be close to Spencer now. And maybe have a pizza with peperoni, extra cheese, ham and olives.

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