"I swear, I have no idea what's going on!", Lucy whispered to make sure Spencer couldn't hear her. They were at Rossi's once again and she and Penelope had taken in a part of the huge couch, having a glass of rosé.
"What do you mean with you have no idea what's going on?", Penelope whispered back. Lucy quickly glanced at Spencer just to make sure that he was distracted and wouldn't listen. Then she turned back to Penelope.
"Spencer's acting weird lately", she said and couldn't hide that she was a bit worried.
"Weird? Lucy, our genius boy has always been some kind of weird", Penelope replied, shaking her head. She clearly didn't get what Lucy meant.
"No, I know that, of course!", Lucy hissed before taking a sip from her glass. "I mean that sometimes he just disappears, saying he would go grab some stuff from the grocery store around the corner but then comes back an hour or so later – with no grocery stuff! And when I ask him what he's been doing he just rambles or stammers without clearly telling me what's the matter."
While Penelope listened, her eyes widened more and more. She grabbed Lucy's arm. "Do you...do you think he...no. Nope, Spencer Reid wouldn't do that."
"Do I think he's cheating on me? I can't imagine that neither...but...what the hell is it then?" Lucy let out a frustrated groan and leaned back into the pillows. She emptied her glass of rosé quickly and felt like getting another one. She stood up and dragged Penelope into the kitchen with her.
"Do you want me to find out what's going on? You know, I'm good at those things", Penelope said as she poured Lucy and herself another glass.
Now Lucy grinned, but shook her head. "No, it's okay. I trust in the fact that he'll tell me when something's wrong. He knows he can talk to me about everything."
The two women went back to the others and for the rest of the evening, Lucy could put away those questions about what was going on with her boyfriend.
But as the days passed, nothing changed. Spencer seemed to be nervous from time to time and he still disappeared without telling Lucy where he was going or he used an excuse. Lucy slowly started to get mad at him. And as if this wasn't enough already, Lucy realized that Luke and Penelope had started to act weird around her as well.
Biting her bottom lip, Lucy roamed through the apartment while Spencer was in the office doing some paper work. She was thinking about calling Penelope and forcing her to say what was going on. Should she do so or not? That was the question. But Lucy couldn't bear it anymore. She grabbed the phone from the couch and called Penelope's number.
"Hello sweet girl!", she got greeted from her friend.
"Penny, what's going on with Spencer? I know you and Luke know something! And it drives me insane to not know anything!", Lucy burst out and couldn't stop her voice from sounding desperate.
"Oh, sweetheart. I...I can't tell you. Spencer would kill me if I'd do. Please don't hate me", Penelope whined.
"But...is it something bad?", Lucy asked hesitantly. She knew that Penelope wouldn't say anything and she didn't want to force her anymore. Her friend already sounded kind of desperate as well. She wanted to tell Lucy but she couldn't.
Now Penelope laughed. "Oh no, dear, it definitely isn't something bad!", she exclaimed and Lucy couldn't hold back a smile at the sound of her friend's voice. Penelope seemed to be excited now.
"Okay", Lucy sighed. "I don't have any other choice than to wait, right?"
"That's right, doll", Penelope replied and Lucy could hear that her friend was smiling.
Please be ready at 7pm. I'd like to take you out for dinner.
Lucy had received that message from Spencer an hour ago and was more than confused. Since days he'd been acting strange and Lucy was now afraid that Spencer only took her out for dinner to tell her that maybe he would break up with her.
Taking deep breaths, Lucy shook her head. No, that wouldn't happen. He loved her, she knew that. Those feelings couldn't just disappear within days. She tried to shake off that feeling and started to get ready.
At six, Spencer arrived back home, took a shower and then got dressed as well. When he came to the living room, where Lucy was waiting for him, he was wearing some of his finest clothes. Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Wow. You...you look great." She stood up from the couch and ran her hands down the gray pants she was wearing. She had decided, she didn't want to wear a dress for once when they went out for dinner. Now Lucy was wearing a ruby long sleeved and elegant top that matched the gray pants perfectly. To finish the outfit, she'd found some ruby high heels and oval, ruby earrings that she was wearing now as well.
Spencer smiled and reached out a hand towards her. He pulled her closer to him and she let out a little squeal out of surprise. "And you look absolutely beautiful", he whispered before kissing her lips.
"Thank you", she murmured against his lips. Butterflies were waking up in her stomach and she felt some kind of relief. If Spencer would want to tell her it was over, he wouldn't have just kissed her like that. He wouldn't have complimented her looks.
When they arrived at the restaurant, Lucy realized it was the Italian one they had visited on their first date. Since then, they hadn't come back. One of the waiters led the couple to a table that was in the back of the restaurant, where Spencer and Lucy would have a bit privacy. Why that was, Lucy couldn't figure out.
"Do you want some wine?", Spencer asked when they sat and Lucy nodded. They ordered one of the red wines they knew from Rossi's parties and then got the menu. After they'd ordered, Lucy examined Spencer. He looked nervous. Why the hell was he nervous? It was a just a dinner. They already had some of those during their relationship.
"Spence? Are you alright?", she asked.
He nodded. "Yeah, I am." In that moment, the waiter came to their table, putting two glasses of red wine in front of them. "Thanks", Spencer said and took his. Lucy did the same with hers.
"Why this dinner?", she asked. There was no way she could hold back her curiosity anymore. Spencer's eyes widened and he swallowed hard. He started to move his glass from one hand to the other. A nervous gesture. "Come on, tell me, Spencer." Lucy leaned in a bit.
Spencer sighed and then cleared his throat. He started to rummage in his pockets and suddenly, he was holding a dark blue satin box in his hands. Lucy's breath got caught in her throat when Spencer stood up and came over to her.
"I wasn't sure if I should do this in here but...well..." He kneeled down in front of Lucy's chair and she gasped.
"No, please...just listen to me", he interrupted her. "Since Maeve died, I never even imagined falling in love again. But then you suddenly showed up and from the moment I saw you for the first time, I started to fell for you. And now...now I can't imagine my life without you in it anymore. There's no one else I'd...I'd rather want to spend the rest of my life with. I feel like home when I'm with you. You're...you're my home. Lucy Alvez, will...will you marry me?" With those words, Spencer opened the little box with slightly shaking hands and the most beautiful engagement ring Lucy had ever seen appeared.
"Yes! Yes!", she exclaimed and couldn't hold back the tears of joy that were now streaming down her cheeks. She had never expected something like this and now she felt so overwhelmed, her heart almost exploded in her chest. Spencer put the ring on her finger and then lifted her up from the chair to wrap his arms around her and swing her around. They both laughed out loud, not thinking about the other guests in here. And as they had their first kiss as an engaged couple, waiters brought their dinner and a bottle of champagne.
"Oh, we haven't ordered that", Spencer said with the biggest smile while he was holding Lucy close to himself. The waiter smiled back and put the bottle on the table.
"That's on the house. Congratulations to your engagement." He shook their hands and then Spencer and Lucy were alone again to enjoy their dinner. Lucy's heart was pounding fast and hard in her chest; she was still so excited and the happiness she felt was almost unreal. Instead of eating, Lucy first had to have a closer look on that ring. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry she'd ever seen. It was made of silver and red gold and in the center, there were three diamonds. In the middle, a bigger one, around it two smaller ones. It sparkled when it hit the light and Lucy smiled widely.
"Do you like it?", Spencer asked with a smirk as he examined her.
"Like it? Spencer, I love it!", Lucy exclaimed and they both laughed again. The happiness they both felt, was bigger than anything else ever.
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