"Baby, I have no idea when we'll come back", Spencer sighed at the other end of the line. For two days, the team was out in Lincoln, Nebraska, to catch a serial killer that murdered his victims in the way Jack the Ripper used to. And it seemed as if this was quite a hard case. Spencer sounded tired and Lucy could imagine that the whole team felt the way Spencer sounded. "Did you think about my question?", he then asked and Lucy smirked. She grabbed the fluffy unicorn blanket she'd gotten from Penelope and spread it over her legs.
"I did, indeed", Lucy said.
"Aaaand? Did you make a decision already?", Spencer continued asking and Lucy laughed now. Only two days ago, on the morning after her birthday, Spencer had asked her if she'd like to move in with him. First, she had been overwhelmed by that question, but Spencer had a point. She mostly was in his apartment or he was at her place. Theoretically, they didn't need two apartments anymore. Lucy had asked him to give her some days to think about it. And the more she was thinking about it, the more she thought that this could be a good idea. She loved the thought of living with Spencer. They wouldn't have to move from one apartment to the other, they could just stay at one place. No more packing overnight stuff and all these things. And when Lucy had told Penelope, the technical analyst had said that this was a huge thing for Spencer to ask. He had never lived with somebody except for his mother. It meant a lot that he asked Lucy to move in with him.
"Yes, I did. And...I agree with you. It seems to be a great idea", Lucy eventually told him and she could literally see his face lighting up at her words.
"Seriously?", he said – the excitement was clearly heard in his voice.
"Yes, seriously", Lucy laughed.
"That's...that's great news! Let's talk about it more precisely when I'm back, okay? I have to go now, or Emily is going to kill me and there's no moving in together.", he chuckled.
"Keep your head up, babe. You're going to catch that killer", Lucy said and then told him how much she loved him before they had to end their call. Sighing, she put the phone away and leaned back. Alright, they'd move in together. And Lucy felt that she was getting overly excited about this right now. A huge smile formed on her lips when she thought about what it would be to live with Spencer.
"We really need to catch that guy. Those murders are terrible", Luke groaned and let his hands run over his face. He was tired and so was the rest of the team. There was a guy going around killing women in a Jack the Ripper manner. The bodies were found in side streets, their abdomen slit wide open, bowel spread on the ground or on their bodies. The forensic doctor had told Luke and Spencer, that some organs were missing in all six bodies they've found so far. It was an overly bloody case and everyone on the team was sick and tired of getting the news that there was found another female body, deformed in the same way as the others. But they still didn't have any idea who it could be they were looking for.
"Who could be that crazy to commit murders like Jack the Ripper?", Tara murmured, while she turned page after page in the file.
"I wish we'd have a clue", Spencer murmured and stood up to get himself another cup of coffee. He wished that this case would finally end so he could get back to D.C. and plan Lucy's move into his apartment building. Yes, not into his current apartment but in one that was on the other side of the building. There was a free apartment and it would be bigger than the one he was living in now.
He shook his head. No, there wasn't time to think about such things right now. They had to catch a terrible, brutal killer before he'd murder any more women.
"Alright, Roxy. Do you feel like joining me on a horseback ride?", Lucy asked her brother's dog. She'd went to the BAU office to pick up the Roxy because Penelope just couldn't find the time to go for a walk with her during that current case. So, she'd called Lucy to ask her to take the German Shepherd. The dog barked and Lucy laughed. "I take that as a yes."
Forty-five minutes later, Lucy was standing in the stable, getting Lucky ready for a ride. While she did so, Roxy and Lucky were getting to know each other. And it looked like the dog and the horse were quickly becoming friends. Lucy smiled. That was just the place she wanted to be right now. Here with Luke's dog and a beautiful horse. "Alright, let's go", Lucy said as she brought Lucky out of the stable and sat on his back. Roxy, who first looked up at her owner's sister, knew after some seconds what was expected from her. She ran and walked beside the horse and seemed to have a lot of fun.
While she was horseback riding, Lucy let her thoughts flow. And they immediately traveled to Spencer. She couldn't wait to finally move in with him and wanted to be living with him already. She was so excited and curious how it would be like. Of course, they'd spent most of their time together whenever he wasn't out for a case. But it would be on a whole new level as soon as they'd officially lived in the same apartment. She'd be home most of the time when he would come back from a case. They'd wake up next to each other every morning when he wasn't at work. They'd finally have a life together, one that didn't presume to run from one apartment to the other.
A smile crept on Lucy's lips when she imagined it. She was so lost in her thoughts, that at first, she didn't realize Roxy had disappeared. "Roxy?", she shouted when she couldn't see her anymore. The dog was gone...where the hell did she go to? Lucy looked around, trying to find the German Shepherd. She couldn't have run away too far, right? Suddenly, Lucy's heart started to pound faster against her chest. If she'd lose her brother's dog...he'd kill her.
"Roxy, where the hell are you?", Lucy now shouted, letting her eyes wander over the open field. There were some trees and a forest near, maybe she'd ran there? She led Lucky towards the trees and felt a wave of relieve when she saw Roxy running towards her again. "Oh, thank god", Lucy murmured as she got off the horse to stroke Roxy. "Don't ever do that again!", she said and Roxy looked at her as if she wanted to say sorry. Lucy smirked. "Come on, you two. It's about time to turn around and go back."
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