"Can we watch Disney movies, please?" Henry was literally jumping up and down in front of Lucy and Spencer, looking all excited. They had arrived at the LaMontagnes only ten minutes ago and Will and JJ had already gone. Now Lucy and Spencer were alone with the two boys. Michael was in the living room, playing with his toys and didn't seem too impressed that his parents were away and someone else was looking after him.
Lucy laughed. "Of course, we can watch Disney movies. Would you like some of my self-made chocolate cookies while watching?" Henry's eyes lit up as he nodded and then ran into the living room to tell his little brother what they were going to do. Lucy followed him while Spencer went into the kitchen to bring the cookies, two classes of milk for the boys, a cup of tea for Lucy and a coffee for himself.
"Alright, which movie do you guys want to watch?", Spencer asked as soon as they all had settled on the couch. Henry was snuggled up to his uncle Spencer while Michael was sitting in Lucy's lap, cuddled up to her chest. God, those two boys were just so cute, she thought as she gently rubbed the little boy's arms.
"Jungle Book!", little Michael screamed almost immediately.
"But I wanted to watch Peter Pan...", Henry murmured.
"Guess what? There's time to watch both movies if you promise to go to bed and fall asleep immediately after that, okay?", Spencer said and both boys nodded.
"Promise, uncle Spence!"
While munching their cookies, the two boys got lost in Peter Pan and The Jungle Book from the first moment on. And so did Lucy. She had always loved Disney movies and she knew, she'd always love them. She could sing along with every song and those movies and songs made her happy. "Will Shere Khan eat Mowgli?", Michael suddenly asked with eyes almost as big as teacups when the tiger and the little boy met each other in the movie. Lucy smirked and shook her head.
"No, the human boy is much cleverer than the evil tiger", she calmed Michael down and watched him turning to the TV again. She knew, Michael must have seen this movie more than once so far but he was a child, it was normal for children to ask those questions repeatedly.
During Peter Pan, Michael fell asleep on Lucy's lap while Henry fought against his tiredness. Spencer and Lucy saw it and smiled at each other. Henry wouldn't give in until the movie was over. So, they let it run until the end and then Lucy gently put Michael in her arms and brought him into his room. "Come on, buddy. Time for bed. You can barely keep your eyes open by now", Spencer said and grabbed Henry's small hand. The boy followed him immediately and without any protest.
After putting the boys into their beds – in which they fell asleep within seconds– Spencer and Lucy snuggled up on the couch and let run some old TV show. "Michael woke up when I put him into his pajamas but thank god he fell back asleep not even a minute later", Lucy quietly said. Spencer sighed and then kissed her temple.
"The boys are amazing. I always love it when JJ asks me to look after them. But...being two who babysit makes it easier, to be honest.", he chuckled.
"Well, they can be exhausting, I'm sure", she replied and leaned her head against Spencer's chest. "Will you make a Disney movie evening with me at some point?", she then asked and looked up at her boyfriend. Spencer frowned at first but a little smile was on his lips already.
"Sure. Are you gonna sing along with the songs?"
A huge smile appeared on Lucy's face and she nodded. "Oh, you can bet your life on that", she laughed and Spencer joined her while he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. Lucy snuggled into his embrace and leaned against him.
"Then this is going to be a lot of fun, I'm sure", he said what made Lucy frown.
"Why so?"
"Because as much as I love to see and hear you sing, I'm sure, hearing you sing Disney songs is going to be funny", Spencer admitted, what made Lucy smile even more.
"You better not laugh at me during that Disney movie night", she said, putting up her finger.
"No way, I wouldn't dare!", Spencer laughed and kissed her. For a moment, they got lost in that kiss, forgetting everything around them. But then they could hear Michael cry and pulled apart.
"I'll go", Lucy murmured against Spencer's lips and before he could have said anything, she already went off to the nursery. It seemed as if Michael has had a bad dream.
"Where's mommy?", the little boy asked – his eyes watery and red and he looked as if he'd start to cry again any second.
"She'll be back very soon, sweetheart." Lucy sat down on Michael's bed and reached out her arms. The little boy crawled towards her and snuggled against her chest. "It was just a bad dream, everything's alright", she cooed as she stroked his blonde hair. Michael nodded and buried his face in her chest. Lucy smiled and rocked him back and forth until he fell asleep again. When she put him back under the duvet, she realized that Spencer was standing in the door frame. "How long have you been standing there?", she quietly asked as she went to him.
"Only two or three minutes", he said, smirking.
"Why are you smiling like this?" Lucy frowned at her boyfriend as gently closed Michael's nursery door.
Spencer just shrugged but then murmured: "I...I just thought that it is a beautiful sight, you and a child." Lucy bit her bottom lip but couldn't hide a smile. She loved children, yes. And she loved being around them. But she didn't think that it was time to talk about children. Not yet. She and Spencer still needed much more time for themselves. And they still had a lot of time to talk about such a topic. Instead of saying something, Lucy stopped in the middle of the corridor, turned around and wrapped her arms around Spencer's neck.
"I love you, you know that?", she quietly said before pressing her lips against his.
"Yes, I do know that. And I love you too", Spencer said between some kisses and Lucy chuckled. She couldn't remember that she had ever been this happy. Well, she most likely hadn't been. Spencer was the reason she was as happy as she was now. "By the way...what do you want for your birthday?"
That question took Lucy off guard and she might have looked a little bit shocked since Spencer started to laugh at her facial expression. "How do you know it's my birthday soon?"
"I asked your brother", Spencer said grinning. "And it's November 19th, if you were just wondering I really know."
"Aaah, of course you asked him. And I was sure you really know", Lucy smirked but secretly was quite happy about that. She hadn't expected him to know when her birthday was since they had never talked about this. But she had found out when his birthday was as well, by asking Penelope. "I have no idea, to be honest", Lucy then sighed. "You don't have to give me something, really."
Spencer shook his head. "Don't be silly. You'll get a great present, although I don't know yet what it'll be", he grinned.
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