Chapter 27

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"I can't decide what I want to eat", Spencer groaned and passed the phone to Lucy. Chuckling, she took it and glanced at the display. Lucy would spend the evening and the night at Spencer's apartment and since almost twenty minutes they were trying to decide what kind of take-out-food they wanted to order. Without any success, so far, obviously. Sitting on the couch, both dressed in comfy PJs, they were watching at all the food that could be delivered home in and around their area.

Lucy scrolled through all the different meals. Almost everything sounded delicious, she understood why Spencer couldn't decide. "Well...", she murmured, "I can't decide neither...What about we just order different things so we can try everything?"

Spencer agreed and so they ordered some Asian, Italian and Mexican food which would be delivered within the next forty-five minutes. Sighing, Spencer put his phone away again and leaned back on the couch. Lucy snuggled against his chest and wrapped her arm around his torso. She loved to be close to him. It didn't happen often that they could have one evening to themselves without a case coming in. So, she wanted to enjoy it.

"So, what do you want to watch tonight?", Spencer asked. Oh, that was something Lucy could never decide. Even when she was home alone and wanted to watch TV, it took her an eternity to decide. She just loved movies and TV shows way too much and watched way too many of them. She shrugged and looked up to Spencer. He was examining her with such a loving look in his eyes, she couldn't help but press a kiss on his lips right now.

"That's your decision", she then said grinning. Spencer got up from the couch once more and rummaged through his DVD collection for a moment, before he came back with one.

"I hope you like scary and horror movies", Spencer grinned when he slumped back on the couch next to Lucy. She took the DVD from his hand to see what it was.

"A Nightmare on Elm Street?", she asked with raised eyebrows. Spencer shrugged and gave her the most innocent look ever. She laughed. "I like horror movies as much as I love Disney ones...but since you don't own any Disney movies...okay, let's watch it."

"So...Disney and horror movies, huh?", Spencer asked as he got up to put the DVD into the player. Lucy chuckled.

"Yeah, why not? I like a lot of different movies, Mister Reid." She reached out a hand to pull Spencer back beside her. Although she'd never admit it, A Nightmare on Elm Street was one of those horror movies she didn't dare to watch in the evenings. She always was afraid to dream of Freddy Krueger afterwards. Well, now it'd be the first time. She'd survive it. It wouldn't be as bad as she had always thought.

Just right before Spencer could press play, the doorbell rang. "Ah, just in time", he said as he got up to open the door and grab the food. When he came back, Lucy had already started the movie. Soon they were sitting there, all the cardboard boxes spread on the coffee table, munching on their food.

Occasionally, Lucy winced at some scenes and Spencer glanced at her in amusement. "We can watch something else if you want", he suggested more than once, but Lucy shook her head and snuggled deeper into Spencer's chest. She had gotten remembered why she had never watched that movie in the evenings. But she didn't want to stop right now. They were already in the middle of the movie. And Lucy liked to lay so close to Spencer and she knew, he enjoyed it at least as much as she did.

It was past midnight when the movie was over and Spencer and Lucy finished all their food. "Oh god, I guess I ate too much", Spencer groaned as he leaned back on the couch, patting his stomach. Lucy chuckled and put a hand over his.

"You were okay with me deciding what and how much food", she grinned and then kissed him. Spencer smiled at her.

"That's true. I regret nothing", he admitted before he couldn't hold back a yawn. He stretched is limbs and then got up. Lucy grabbed the hand he was holding out to her. Suddenly, she felt incredibly tired and couldn't wait to snuggle under the duvet. The thought of sleeping in the same bed as Spencer for the first time, didn't make her nervous at all. She just felt too comfortable and safe with him.

"You okay?", he asked when Lucy had slowly scooted closer and Spencer had wrapped an arm around her as soon as they were lying in bed. Lucy sighed and buried her face in Spencer's neck.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Spencer turned out the light and not even five minutes later, Lucy could hear his steady breathing that told her that he'd fallen asleep. Wow, she thought, he falls asleep pretty quick. She wondered if it was because he wasn't alone. She remembered that he told her he was one of those persons who had trouble to fall asleep at night. But now it didn't seem so. And Lucy smiled at the thought that she might be the reason why.

An hour later, Lucy was still awake. She was tossing and turning around, trying to get that damn movie out of her mind. Of course, she couldn't fall asleep because she was afraid. Afraid of some stupid horror movie. She liked the horror genre, but that the evening...nope. Not even with Spencer, she had to realize right now.

"Lucy?", Spencer's sleepy voice came from next to her and a second later the light of the bedside lamp lightened up the bedroom. "Are you alright?", he asked as he turned to the side to look at his girlfriend.

Lucy bit her lips and pulled the duvet a bit higher, so only her head wasn't covered right now. Spencer smirked at her. "Come on, talk to me."

She sighed and then scooted closer to him again. "It's the movie", she murmured into the fabric of his shirt. Spencer chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. "I know it's silly, it's just a stupid movie! But...ugh." Lucy felt a bit embarrassed by her fear and wished Spencer wouldn't have woken up.

"The next time, we'll watch Disney movies or something else, okay?" He pressed a kiss on her dark hair.

"Now I feel like a little child", she murmured but Spencer put a finger under her chin and made her look up to him.

"To be honest, it's the movie I think is the creepiest one", he confessed and Lucy punched his shoulder.

"And of course, you had to decide for this one tonight, right?", she exclaimed, but he just laughed.

"Come on, let's try to sleep", he then said and reached over to turn out the light again. Lucy wrapped an arm around Spencer's torso and closed her eyes. Never ever would she watch that movie again, she promised herself as she finally fell asleep – thankfully without any nightmares.

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