"Lucy? Oh, my god, it's three in the morning", Luke groaned after Lucy had stormed into his bedroom and woken him up. He was everything but pleasured by that disruption. But Lucy didn't listen. She was way too excited.
"I know how we could prove that I'm telling the truth!", she exclaimed and let herself fall on the edge of Luke's bed. He sat up now, rubbing his eyes and then looked at his sister frowning.
"Oookay...tell me", he demanded and a slight smile had now found its way on his lips. Lucy took a deep breath. Her heart was racing in her chest. The thought had come to her out of the blue and she didn't even know if it would work, but...it was a chance. The only chance. She pushed a strand of her dark hair behind her ear before she finally started to speak.
"When I came to D.C., I also brought a plastic bag with the clothes I wore that night. I...I barely remember getting home and putting my clothes into a bag just in case...but they are there. And...maybe there's something on them that could prove that I k-killed that man in self-defense?" Lucy could see Luke's eyes widen at her words.
"That's a good idea! A really good one!", he then said excitedly before he pulled Lucy into a hug. "Let's get those clothes and then we'll drive to the bureau tomorrow morning", he suggested and Lucy nodded. It had been clear to her that Luke's team will be informed about what had happened back in New York City and she was okay with that. She couldn't go back anymore, once she had told her brother. She could just hope that it had been the right thing to do.
After the night – in which Lucy had finally gotten some hours of proper sleep – she and Luke had hurried to grab the plastic bag in her apartment and then drove to the BAU. The rest of the team was already there and Luke explained them Lucy's case straightforwardly. There was no time to lose, everyone knew that, although they couldn't hide that they were shocked by what had happened. But they had to find the guy that was still walking around D.C. and was a threat to Lucy and possibly to others as well.
Eyes laid on Lucy after Luke had finished. With slightly shaking hands she rummaged for the plastic bag and held it up. "Maybe...this can prove what happened", she quietly said and did her best to not let her voice shake as well. She was nervous. What if the team didn't believe her? It wasn't enough if just Luke and Spencer believed her. But with a slight smile, JJ took the bag from Lucy's hand.
"We'll let your clothes being checked. Maybe the labor will find something we can use. Don't worry, we got your back." JJ squeezed Lucy's shoulder before she walked away. Lucy let out a sigh of relief.
"How long will this take until we've got results?", she asked, looking from her brother to Spencer. The genius boy would know that for sure. "Might take one or two days. It depends on if there's enough DNA on your clothes." He gave her an encouraging smile and Lucy smiled back. Well, she didn't have any other choice than waiting then.
Nervousness crawled up her body one day later. Lucy hated it to wait and she was afraid that the labor wouldn't find any DNA that could help the FBI or police to find the man who was threatening her. She hadn't found any sleep the night before because it drove her crazy to wait for any results. What if she'd end up in prison for what she had done? What if the BAU and the labor couldn't do anything to prove her words? Those thoughts kept returning, no matter how much she tried to get rid of them. Biting her nails and whipping up and down with her right leg, she was sitting on the couch in one of the rooms at the bureau. The team had disappeared in one of the other rooms to discuss Lucy's case just right after she had arrived at the BAU. And Lucy felt everything but good right now. What if they couldn't help her? She bit her bottom lip and then stood up. She would go insane if she'd keep sitting around.
"Lucy!" Spencer's voice came from the other side of the door and Lucy hurried to open it.
The smile on Spencer's and Luke's faces told her that there must be good news before one of them even said anything. "There was some DNA on your clothes", Luke explained then, "even your blood was found. It isn't much, but enough. And they can use it to try and identify the men. Or one of them. That's good!" Luke hugged Lucy and she let out a laugh. Another wave of relief rushed through her body. They were getting closer. It was possible that she'd be totally free again soon.
The days passed while Lucy couldn't do much to help the police. They were trying to find out who the dead man was and to find his friend, who must still be in the city. Lucy had assured them, that he must be somewhere here. She had received more letters and calls since she had told Luke and Spencer everything. Not a day passed without her finding a letter in her mailbox. Or a call where no one said a word when Lucy answered it. Only heavily breathing was heard. But not even Garcia could find out from where the calls came. "Must be some prepaid phone", she had said with pity in her voice.
Although Luke and Spencer had suggested that Lucy would stay home the next days, she had refused. "He wants to scare me. Now that I told the truth, he wants me to step back and say that it was all a lie. And he tries to bring me to exactly do that by what he's doing right now. But I won't be scared anymore. I won't let him ruin my life anymore." Lucy folded her arms in front of her chest. She looked as though she wouldn't give in now.
Luke smiled proudly and hugged Lucy. "That's my sis!", he exclaimed with a laugh. Even Spencer came over to hug her and Lucy welcomed that. She liked Spencer's hugs and wished he would give them more often. But knowing that he was everything but a hugger, he had given her a lot of hugs already.
"Is there...something else I could do to make all of this go faster?", she asked as she slowly pulled away from Spencer again.
"You could talk to a sketch artist and help her getting the guy's face on paper", Luke suggested and Lucy nodded immediately. She'd do everything to finally see this man in jail. Even if that meant to remember his face in detail repeatedly.
Half an hour later, she sat next to an elderly looking woman, who had a scratchpad on her laps. She waited for Lucy to tell what she needed to hear for drawing an identikit picture. Lucy took a deep breath and a sip of the water that was standing on the table in front of her. "Can you tell me something about the man's facial structure?", the woman asked when Lucy didn't say anything. She was lost in her thoughts again, trying to remember anything. Lucy looked up at the sketch artist.
"Uhm...he had...dark blonde hair, quite short. And...a beard."
"Like a three-day beard?", the woman asked. Lucy nodded and rose one of her legs to place her foot on the chair so she could put her chin on her knee.
"And his eyes were blue. Like...ice." Suddenly, she could see the face in detail and swallowed hard. But Lucy stayed strong and continued describing him to the lady. After three hours, she could finally look at what the sketch artist had created with her help. And Lucy held in her breath when she saw the black and white drawing.
"That's him", she whispered as she felt a shiver running down her spine. It seemed to her as if those cold, icy eyes were staring at her, threatening her. Lucy turned around and stormed out of the room.
"Hey, hey, Lu!", Luke exclaimed when he saw his sister running out of the office. He followed her, just to find her downstairs, outside of the building.
"You alright?", he asked as he slowly approached her.
Lucy nodded. "I just needed some fresh air", she explained. "I did it", she then continued, "I could describe him with all the details. The picture looks exactly like him."
"I'm so proud of you", Luke said and pulled Lucy into an embrace. She buried her face in his shoulder and closed her eyes. It was only now when she realized how tired she actually was. "We will catch this guy. With your description and the DNA that had been found on your clothes, we'll get him", Luke encouraged Lucy. She gave him a tired smile.
"I hope so. I really hope so. But...do you mind if I go home now? I'm tired." Luke nodded and went back inside with her to grab her stuff.
"I don't want you to be alone at home. Garcia should come with you", Luke said as they made their way to the elevator. Lucy looked surprised, especially when she saw Penelope walking towards them. She had a bag with her and looked as if she was prepared to even stay over-night, if necessary.
"But...who does all the technical magic for the team then?", Lucy asked, what made Penelope squeal in awe.
"She thinks I'm doing magic!", she exclaimed beamingly and immediately linked arms with Lucy. "Don't worry, my precious darling. Kevin Lynch will do that. He's amazing. Well, not as amazing as I am, but...he's pretty good."
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