Snapped + Aftermath part two

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Professor Red/Goggles Pov-

I watched as Sabre Fell asleep and smiled softly. I was glad that he was Alright now but I needed to talk to the Orange Leader and the Yellow leader. They Should've known that Sabre Wouldn't want to hurt anyone! Also Could they not tell that Sabre didn't want to Show his emotion? It was obvious!

I gently Released his Grip From My shirt and Got up. I needed to Talk to those two and they Needed to know that it wasn't nice accusing Sabre based off of A few Papers. For all they Knew it was a steve Name Sabre. I quickly Went to My Lab to Grab My Coat before Going to the Citadel.

I walked to the Leader's Dining area And Saw The yellow and Orange leader's separated from the Others. I was allowed here as I was Helping M quite a Lot and no one wanted to mess with M or me. I walked over to them as Orange Paled when he saw me and Nudged Yellow.

He glared at me As I stood near them. I glared in return. Orange shivered as I sighed.

"You do realize your mistake right?" I asked as Orange nodded and Yellow growled.

"I don't understand why everyone sided with Sabre! The papers had his Name!" he Spat as my glare Sharpened.

"I realized my mistake..." Orange said quietly.

"Then go Apologize to him. And Yellow, Ever think that A Steve could have the Name Sabre? Or just put it there to cause everyone to Split everyone Up?" I asked as He paled in realization as Orange got up. He jumped up as well. "Go Apologize to him tomorrow or I will experiment on you." I threatened as He nodded.

"Why not today?" Orange asked as I looked at him.

"He's Asleep right now so I'd suggest to leave him alone. Also he needs time to cool off before Seeing either of you." I decided to Tell them Before Walking away. Hopefully Yellow wont agrivate Sabre anymore.



I'll just listen in when They go apologize.


Sabre Pov-

I woke up and Looked out of the Window to see that The sun was Rising. It was Morning and I had actually Gotten a Good sleep. I got up and Noticed a Note on my desk. Picking it up I read it.

Hey Sabre, I just wanted to Let you know that Orange and Yellow Might show up sometime!

Prof. Red or Goggles

P.S. Please only call me Goggles when we're alone. I don't like letting people Know My actual name.

I smiled at his Note before getting ready for the day and Readjusting my blindfold. It had shifted when I was asleep. I just hoped that the Professor didn't see the dark Purple and Black Scar over my eye. It had been there ever since the Incident with the End Crystal...

I was startled out of my thoughts by A knock on my Door and I sighed before Putting up a Smile and Going to The door. I opened it to see the Yellow Leader and Orange Leader. They both looked sheepish as I stepped aside to let them in. After they came in I closed the Door and Looked them over.

The Orange leader looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep the Night before and I could tell he was truly Sorry. The Yellow leader I could tell he was Sorry but not as Much. Something must of happened for him to change his mind...

"I'm sorry Sabre..." Orange started as I perked up. He was actually apologizing? "I realized after you left That it was wrong of us to Accuse you when there is no way you would hurt someone without reason. I understand if you don't forgive me but I'm Sorry."

The Yellow leader Fiddled with his Sleeve as He spoke up, "I'm Sorry to. The Professor explained to me that it could have just been a Misunderstanding and That it could have been a Steve with the Name Sabre. I apologize for my actions."

I carefully Spoke after a Moment. "I cant Say that I fully Forgive you but I'll give you another Chance... Just... Never say I don't care about My friends Again okay? It hurts when People say that."

"Alright... We will." Orange Leader said as I smiled wider.

"good! Now don't you two have somewhere to be?" I asked as They nodded.

"I just wanted you to know we were sorry." Orange Said as He left. Yellow didn't say anything as he left but I could tell with his face that he was sorry. I took it.

"Bye! Now Professor Red Why did you make a tunnel under my house-"

"Oh shi-!" I heard him say As he ran farther into the tunnel.



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