Chapter 33

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     "Come on.. come on.. RUN THE DAMN PLAY WILL YA?" Nikki shouted at the TV from the booth.
     "That pass is about to get intercepted" I respond
     "YOU DUMB FUCK!" He yells again, making me laugh. As I predicted, the pass was intercepted by one of those sleaze ball Cowboys, making the bar loose it's shit.
     "Fuck you and your slutty fucking cheer whores!" I yell too, slamming my empty beer glass on the table. Nikki laughs at my comment.
     "Ya know I didn't take you for a girl who knows about football."
     "I'm full of surprises Sixx. What else was I supposed to do growing up in the middle of nowhere?" I shrug my shoulders. "I can't believe they lost the first game of the season!... and to the fuckin Cowboys" I cringe.
     "It could be worse.."
     "How's that?"
     "They could have lost to the Bears..."
     "Fuck the Bears! They suck dick" I take a sip of my fresh beer while Nikki laughs.
     He tightened his grip around my shoulder "How bout we get of here huh?" He smiles sweetly.
     "Yeah sounds good" I smile back. Nikki waves the waitress over for the check and places it on the table. I go to grab it but Nikki slaps my hand. "The fuck you think you're doing?" He asks ripping it to the side.
     "I was gonna-"
     "I asked YOU on a date.. and you think you're going to pay for dinner?"
     I blush, not knowing what to say, and also charmed that he is actually willing to pay for the tab that definitely had more beers on it that we needed. "I feel weird when people pay for me."
"Well too damn bad!"

"Whatever, let me freshen up in the ladies room real quick and then we can hit it. Sound good?"
"Don't take too long!" He shouted as I walked away. I smile back and him then disappear into the bathroom. I take a minute to reapply my lipstick and take a few deep breaths in the mirror. Everything seems to be going well. Really well. Which is really good.
"Alright Sixx, let's go"
"Ah, bout time"
"Hush pretty boy." Nikki smiles at my comment and takes my hand, leading our way out the door. "Sooo, where we headed?"
     "Just for a little walk on the strip. Sometimes it nice to just..." he takes a deep breath "take it all in, ya know?"
     "Don't have to tell me twice." I look at Nikki, who's attention seems to be on all the lights surrounding us. "Hey, look at the stars!"
     His attention turns to the sky "I can only see one?"
     "I know. But think about it. No matter where you are in the world, everyone will always see that one star that shines. And everyone will always see the same moon." I say looking up.
     Nikki looks down at me "You like the sunsets right?"
     I look back at him "Like 'em? I love them. You seriously have no idea."
     "Where's your favorite sunset?"
     "Montana. I love the mountains. And the sunset behind them is absolutely breathtaking. I used to watch them with my grandpa while we fished on the lake. Only one of my few memories with him." I say not taking my eyes off the sky.
"I used to fish with my grandpa too. He taught me a lot of stuff like that. He then passed when I was really young too, so... I get it." He looked down at me with a sympathetic smile.
I leaned my head on his shoulder as I held his right hand with both of mine. "I don't know how.. or why I ended up here. It's not like me at all. I love the outskirts and middle of nowhere. I just hope I end up back there if I ever make it out of here."
"You will. And you know how I know?"
"Because I will too. And if fate has it, we make it out of here still standing side by side like we are right now."
Of course that caught my attention. Does Nikki really see a future with me? Did I actually picture Nikki in mine? "I-" I pause, stopping myself from saying something I might regret.
"What?" He asked sweetly
"I-... I don't know" I laugh
"What? Scared to fall in love with me or something?" He says cockily and laughing.
I playfully punch his arm "Stop it" I sigh.
There is then a moment of peaceful silence before Nikki says "What was the real reason you came into my room that night... when we first met..."
"Which time.." I laugh nervously
"That very first time. After I left dinner."
"Oh when you were a major asshole?" we both laugh. "I honestly just.. I wanted to make sure that I didn't piss you off. I wanted all of us to be on good terms."
"Yeah I know that. But it must've have been some other feeling deep down- that maybe you don't even realize, that made you want to fix things. Most people would have called me a dick and just ignored me and let both of us live our lives but you,... you wanted to keep me in it."
"See now why would you ask me, if you already knew that answer." I laugh.
"Because I never knew if you felt the same way that I do"
"Well how do you feel then?"
"Right now? I'm actually really.. really happy. And that's because of you." We both smile at each other and share a passionate kiss. This kiss felt real, in what way, i'm not sure. But it felt like a different kind of real. Oh shit. That's a love kiss. Fuck.. i'm in love. "What do you say we head back to the apartment, it's getting cold." He offers.
"Sure" I smile at him as he wraps his arm around my shoulders and turns us the other way, back to the apartment.

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