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"Come on, Dad! Teddy is responsible enough for the both of us!" The light skinned, messy haired boy stared up at his father with impossibly hazel eyes. Harry wasn't sure if his son's eyes looked more grey or green today, but as he flipped the pancakes he was determined not to find out. He glanced at the boy quickly before looking away. His hair was dark brown but flecked with patches of pure Malfoy blonde that had originally made Harry burst into laughter, because Of Course. He had Draco's pointed ears and nose with Harry's thicker lips and rounder eyes. It had been more than 7 years since Malfoy left and Harry was fine. Thank you very much.

Then again, he was pointedly not thinking about it. That part was made difficult when his almost 8 year old son was whining about going to a 'DL Black' concert.

"Let me think about it," said Harry as he set a plate of breakfast in front of his son. "You still have another 2 weeks until your birthday, remember? Now eat up so we can make it to the apparation point in time. You have school in..." he checked the clock. "45 minutes. 'Mione will kill me if you're late again."

James grinned and continued to stuff his mouth with food.

"When you say you'll think about it, does that mean yes? Please, dad."

Harry picked up his son's bookbag that was covered in stickers and buttons. One of the largest being a DL Black sticker he got from Teddy.

"What's so special about this DL Black anyway?" He ruffled James' hair as he walked by.

"Well he's a muggle musician, but Teddy says that he's really a wizard in disguise! Do you think that's true, dad? Teddy's always saying stuff like that. He swears this time it's true though."

"You never know, Jamesie. Now come on, you can eat the rest after school."

"It's going to be c-"

Harry set a preservation charm over the rest of the meal.

"What was that?" He asked goofily with a grin as his son threw on his bookbag and smiled while gripping his hand and preparing for the walk down to the apparation point.

They arrived at the Primary Wizard Academy and ran up the path to the door. Once inside they rushed James as quickly as possible towards his class. He took a deep breath and walked through the door just as the bell rang to signal the beginning of class. Harry sighed in relief and turned to leave the building, but just as he was about to pass the office door Hermione caught his arm and turned him back around.

"James is late again?" She questioned with her hands on her hips, shorter than him, darker skinned and pregnant, but still looking every bit like his mother.

"No, mum. We walked in right on time."

"Then he was almost late. What's the excuse today?" She raised ab eyebrow at him.

"No excuse." He shrugged in an effort to look nonchalant. "He was asking about going to that concert with Teddy again."

"Oh, Harry..." He edged around her before she could start crying or worse: hug him.

"You'll drop James and Teddy at my place on your way home, right?" He didn't wait for an answer before thanking her, running to the nearest apparation point and disapparating home with a pop.

Lucky for him though, the conversation continued that afternoon when the kids got home.

"Did your Aunt Hermione leave already?" he asked a moment too soon.

"No. I was just taking a break. You didn't tell me that the baby soaked up so much magic energy."

"Well in the later months, of course. But you did all that research for me, remember?"

"Not at the moment. Can I have a seat?" She asked already lowering herself down into the lounge chair in the living room. Harry answered in the affirmative, but still shook his head understandably at his friend.

"We aren't having this conversa-"

"You have to talk about it at some point."

"Fine. Teddy you and James go chuck the gnomes." The two looked at each other with wide grins before racing out the back door. Since Draco left Harry had gotten a new place. Something a bit more home-like. It was still in a muggle area, but as he watched his son and his godson toss gnomes into the air he realized that he couldn't run away from magic. It seemed to follow him. "What do you want me to say Hermione? That I'll take him to the bloody concert? It'll kill me and you know it."

"Harry it's been almost 8 years. I think it's time for you to be in the same vicinity. Even if it's just for James' sake. At least tell him about James."

"Hermione I just can't..."

She nodded before he could give her a real reason, but still handed him three tickets to the DL Black Concert.

"Even if you don't talk to him, You are taking both of your sons to see him, because they are excited already and the rest of us need time to set up Jamesie's party."

He sighed as he helped her stand, but agreed all the same. He led her to the fireplace and helped her through the floo. Once she was gone he sat down and tossed his head back against the couch.

"We still have two weeks. I can do this," he breathed to himself. He pushed himself up and made determined strides into the kitchen before snatching a menu off the fridge and screaming for the boys to come back inside.

They both came to a screeching halt in the kitchen covered in mud and dirt and gnome bites, effectively humouring Harry enough to force a laugh from him.

"Go take a bath. Both of you. I'm going to order in. Is the usual okay?"

"Extra curry for me though," yelled Teddy as he and James raced up the stairs.

"Sir, yes, sir," Harry muttered back before picking up his mobile and placing the order. He hung up the phone and waited for delivery. Just another day, he insisted to himself, but the DL Black tickets burning a hole in his pocket were really begging to differ.


hey futher muckers
second chapter so you can
get a better feel of this fic

love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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