corazon cojuangco aquino

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gianna was walking to her desk. hotch gave them an extra 15 minutes. she got a call, her face lit up. "hey how are you?" she asked excitedly. "he-he hit me again" a girl cried. giannas face fell along with her falling into her chair. the team noticed. "okay, i uh-." she turned and saw them staring at her. she got up and walked to the elevator.

"what happened?" gianna asked. "i came home from school at 4:26 instead of 4:20." the girl started to sob. "honey ssh he might hear you okay? i'm gonna get you out of there I promise." she said. the girl kept crying. "hey don't. i will." she kept crying. "alessia!" gianna said. the girl stopped. "i will, i promise. just give me sometime. keep calling me day or night." she turned and saw morgan waving her over. "i gotta go, okay alessia i will." she hung up and caught up to the group.

they got on the jet. gianna sat by herself then reid sat next to her. "who was that on the phone?" he asked shyly. "if you're wondering-." she paused to look around and whispered "i'm not cheating." he smiled. "i know you're not. if you don't want to talk about it, it's okay. just wanna make sure you're okay." gianna smiled at him. "thanks spencer."

they got to the vermont pd. "reid work on geographical profile, gianna work on victimology, morgan rossi go to the ME, emily and jj go to the crime scene." hotch said. they all went their ways. gianna and reid set up in a conference room. reid started puting up pictures. gianna started looking at the women. she sat there thinking.

gianna picked up the phone and called garcia "speak and be heard my angel, well non-angel." garcia joked. "hey, is there any connection between the victims?" gianna asked. "yes! they were all last seen at the grocery store off of carl street. they went home, then found dead." she said. "okay thank you." she hung up. gianna turned to reid who was listening.

"you get that?" she asked. he nodded and turned around to work on the map. gianna grabbed his arm and started pulling him. "what where are we going?" he asked. "uh to the grocery store?" he grabbed his bag. "why?" he asked. "because he's obviously scouting there. and you've been staring at that board too long." she smiled at him and he chuckled.

they got to the grocery store. she pulled reid to the back. "what are we doing in the back?" he asked. she found a closet, "oh what's in here?" she said. he walked in after her, she shut the door and kissed him. her hands were in his hair, his hands were on her face. she pulled away and smiled. "what was that for?" he asked. she smiled and pulled him out of the closet.

gianna and reid got to the front. "hey i need a worker!" she yelled by the lines. reid laughed at her. one walked over "what is it you need ma'am?" the boy asked. "is there anyone in this store who helps pregnant women a lot. too much?" reid asked. he nodded. "do you know his name?" she asked. "yes. it's billy gartur. he's always helping them, always walks them out too." gianna looked at reid.

she pulled out pictures of the women. "yea, those are all the women he walked out with." he said. "great thank you." she smiled and turned around. they were walking out when both of them got a call "gianna" "reid" reid's was about the case. gianna, not so much. "gianna, he's mad. i don't know what happened today. but he's extra mad, what do i do." alessia asked. "can you go to a friends house, or just sit outside." gianna said.

"okay, my knee hurts." she said. "okay. get some ice, and lay off of it. i have to go bye." she turned to reid. he had been listening. "what?" she asked. "who was that?" he asked. "not important right now, we have a case." she hopped in the car.

they got back to the station. the group was in the phone with garcia. "okay. so why doesn't he like pregnant women?" hotch asked the team. "garcia, does he have an ex, sister, or mom that was pregnant?" gianna asked. "alright g, he just recently got divorced, she's pregnant fits the discription." a cop walked in. "there were reports of shots being fired near billy's ex wives house." "let's go." hotch said.

they hopped in the car and went to the house. hotch send everyone different ways. reid and gianna went to the side window, she climbed in, reid climbed in after. they quietly walked around to find the ex wives new boyfriend laying in the floor dead. "shit." gianna said. they walked further, the ex wife started to yell. gianna saw them and took a step back bumping into reid. "what?" he whispered.

"he's there." he looked over and saw him. "oh no!" gianna whispered. "what?" reid asked. "she's going into labor." gianna didn't have a choice, both the mom and the baby could die if she didn't give birth. gianna walked forward. "billy, fbi." she said calmly. billy pointed his gun at her. "put the gun down. i'm here to help." she put her gun away. "she's mine!" he yelled. "okay, i know. but she's going to have to deliver the baby. so i need you to put the gun down, it's putting to much stress in both of them. they both will die." she said stepping closer.

"what why?" he asked as his hand started to shake. "because of the gun." she said getting closer. "well put your gun away!" he shouted. "i did, put yours away. she might die because of you." as she said 'because of you' he shot her in the leg, and she hit the gun out of his hand. the team busted in and cuffed him. reid ran to her. "are you okay?" he asked. she nodded. the mom yelled.

"we need to get her to the hospital now!" hotch said. "we don't have time." gianna winced. the mom looked frightened. "what?!" she panicked. gianna scooted closer to her. "it's okay. you and your baby are not going to die okay?" she reassured her. the mom nodded. "spencer?" she said. "yea?" he said quickly. "i need a bucket, gloves, scissors, a lot of blankets. also i need your tie." she said. he nodded taking off his tie.

"why do you need that stuff?" he asked giving her the tie. she wrapped it around her leg and tied it tightly. "because i'm gonna deliver the baby." she said. the team looked at her thinking she can't do it there, she shook her head "we don't have time." she said. they all grabbed the stuff. gianna got on her knees wincing at every motion she took. gianna got ready and took a deep breath.

gianna felt her belly to see where the baby was. it was moving. it started to pick a spot. "no no no." she said. "what?" morgan asked. "the baby is about to pick a position to come out, needs to be head first, if it's feet first. i'll need to open her up." she sighed still felling where the baby was. "you can't open her up." reid said. she let out a sigh of relief "lucky for all of us, baby is head first." she smiled at the mother.

"i'm gonna need one of those suction thingys." gianna said. luckily jj knew what she was talking about and got one. gianna looked up at the woman "you ready?" she asked. the mom nodded. "okay, push." gianna saw the head come out. "morgan get blankets ready, the baby is going to need warmed up." she said. "what why will she need warmed up?" the mother started to panick. "calm down ma'am. all baby's need warmed up after coming out, it's normal you're baby is healthy." she said.

the shoulders came, then the belly, the legs and then feet. she pushed the rest out. gianna cut the umbilical cord. morgan held blankets, gianna set the baby in them. took her and wrapped her up. "ready?" she looked at the mother while rocking the baby. the mom had tears rolling down her face and nodded. gianna handed the mother the baby. "she's beautiful." gianna smiled.

she turned to the team, gianna had on a weird face. "what's wrong?" emily asked. gianna looked down at her leg, she couldn't feel the pain. "spencer catch me." she passed out. the tie had basically did nothing since she was moving around for the baby. she lost a lot of blood. reid caught her, picked her up. they heard the ambulances coming.

reid rushed gianna in one and got in the truck. the rest of the team helped the new mom into another one. everyone waited in the waiting room. the surgeon came out. "the bullet had hit a major artery in her thigh. amazing how she lasted that long but she will be okay, she's a bit drowsy but you can see her." they stood up and went to her room.

she woke up to them sitting down. "you knew" hotch said. "what did i know?" she groaned. "that it hit the artery." morgan continued. she sighed with her normal bitchy attitude "yea and?" reid looked at her and said softly "you could have died." she looked at him. gianna looked back at the team to make it not seem suspicious. "do any of y'all know how to deliver a baby?" they shook their heads.

"well then. both of them would be dead." she said. gianna started to stand up. "what are you doing?" emily asked. "give me my go bag." she held out her hands to emily who had it. she took it, went to the bathroom and changed. gianna came out and got back in bed, her phone started to ring. only emily, jj, morgan, and reid were in there now. she picked it up. "gianna!" alessia cried. "what did he do?" she sat up. "h-he h-he." she went in. "calm down a. just uh, call me back and stay quiet. sneak out the window. sleep outside, just be careful. call me back when you calm down."

they saw the worry on her face. "who was that?" reid asked. gianna cleared her throat. "just a friend, she's in a situation right know." she got up. reid grabbed her arm to keep her stable. jj held out crutches. "no thanks." they all rolled their eyes. she convinced hotch to let her on the plane to go home.

"give until it hurts."- corazon cojuangco aquino

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