The End...

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Hello everyone! This has been a bit weird, as normally I like to pop in every now and then and connect with my readers, but I've kinda neglected that in this story (oops) in favor of adding in my two cents on archive of our own.


I have loved writing this story so so so so so so so much!!!!! It's been so much fun to read your awesome comments and see that you love this story as much as I do. It's been very encouraging, and it's inspiring me to write more and more.

Unfortunately though, all good things must come to an end.

Soon, on my account, I will be posting more My Hero drabble type things, but this time following the stories of Greek and Roman mythology. The first one will be coming out some time this weekend, so look back at my page or follow me for more info!

I have loved to write for you all, and I hope do do more in the future.

Thank you all for reading!

With all the love ever,

Ota <3

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