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I arrived at Jae Eun's school and now I'm just waiting for Jae Eun and Sehun to arrive.

"Mommy!" Said Jae Eun.

"Did you two stay up yesterday night?" Said Yoona.

Jae Eun looked at Sehun and they both pointed at each other.

"Jae Eun, what did I say about staying up late on school nights?" Said Yoona.

"Sorry, I won't do it again." Said Jae Eun.

Jae Eun became sad and put her head down. Yoona felt sorry for scolding her. Sehun bent down and held Jae Eun's hand.

"Since your mother scolded you, shouldn't she apologize for making you sad? Shouldn't she make it up to you?" Said Sehun.

"Yes, I'll do whatever you want me to do for the whole day." Said Yoona.

"Ummm, I want you and appa to spend the whole day together." Said Jae Eun.

"Ya, you did this on purpose." Said Yoona.

"I didn't do anything. She said it." Said Sehun.

Jae Eun just laughed at them. Sehun smiled at Jae Eun and he nodded his head. Yoona gave the deadly stare at Sehun and then she turned to Jae Eun and gave her a smile.

"Shall we go?" Said Sehun.

Yoona sighed and she nodded her head. Sehun grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. Yoona didn't want to hold hands with him, but it was for Jae Eun.

"Ya, let go now." Said Yoona.

"Why?" Said Sehun.

"We are already in the car." Said Yoona.

Sehun looked at their hands and he released her hand. They both went to the coffee shop near by.

Sehun wanted to ask her something badly.

"I'm going to take Jae Eun today and introduce her to my parents and brothers." Said Sehun.

No matter how much Yoona didn't want them to know, they had the right too.

"Ok." Said Yoona.

"Umm, you have to come as well." Said Sehun.

"I have an appointment today." Said Yoona.

"Well cancel it cause you're coming." Said Sehun.

"Ya-" said Yoona but she was cut off.

"No more excuses." Said Sehun.

They didn't notice but paparazzi was taking pictures of them secretly and were following them since morning. Sehun and Yoona went to pick up Jae Eun after a few hours.

"Jae Eun-Ah, are you excited about meeting your grandparents?" Said Sehun.

"Of course." Said Jae Eun.

"We are here." Said Sehun.

They parked the car in front of the house and walked in.

"Sehun-ah, are you home?" Said Sehun's mom.

She then saw Yoona and Jae Eun. Yoona then bowed.

"Yoona, what are you doing here?" Said Sehun's mom.

She then looked at Jae Eun and then Sehun. They went and sat in the living room where Sehun's parents were at and his brothers as well.

"Eomma, Appa, Hyungs, this is Jae Eun, my daughter." Said Sehun.

They all looked at Sehun and Yoona and were shocked but happy.

"Yoona, you were pregnant?" Said Sehun's mother.

Yoona shook her head.

"She didn't find out until after we divorced. It isn't her fault." Said Sehun.

"Yoona, you took care of Jae Eun, all by yourself?" Said Sehun's mother.

"Yes." Said Yoona.

"Oh my, what to do? It is hard without support by your side." Said Sehun's mother.

"Come here Jae Eun-Ah." Said Sehun's father.

Jae Eun went towards Sehun's father and she bowed down. When she got back up, he hugged her tightly.

"My beautiful granddaughter is so polite." Said Sehun's father.

She then went up to Sehun's mother and bowed. Sehun's mother hugged Jae Eun for a long time. Jae Eun sat beside Sehun's mother and father. After spending the rest of the day with Sehun's family, they decided to head home.

"Mommy?" Said Jae Eun.

"Yes." Said Yoona.

"Can we move in with daddy?" Said Jae Eun.

"No." Said Yoona.

"Why?" Said Jae Eun.

"Because, we aren't together anymore." Said Yoona.

"But you guys are together right now." Said Jae Eun.

"Im Jae Eun-Ah, if I say so, then you have to listen to me." Said Yoona.

"Ya, it Oh Jae Eun." Said Sehun.

"Oh, yeah." Said Yoona.

"By the way, your staying at my place." Said Sehun.

"Who said I will?" Said Yoona.

"Me." Said Sehun.

"No, I don't want to be a burden." Said Yoona.

"You aren't." Said Sehun.

"Still." Said Yoona.

"Too late, I had your stuff moved into my house while we were gone." Said Sehun.

"Ya, you don't have the right to." Said Yoona.

"I wasn't asking." Said Sehun.

"You-" said Yoona but was cut off.

"Don't argue or else," Said Sehun.

Yoona sighed.

"Fine." Said Yoona.

They finally arrived at Sehun's place.

"You can take the room next to mines." Said Sehun.

"You still live here?" Said Yoona.

Sehun nodded his head. Yoona then got a flashback of when they used to live together at the same house.

"Where is Jae Eun staying?" Said Yoona.

"The room next to yours." Said Sehun.

"Oh, ok" Said Yoona.

Sehun was about to walk downstairs but Yoona grabbed his wrist.

"Thank you." Said Yoona.

He turned around and smiled at her. She then let go and he continued walking downstairs.

Yoona unpacked her things and placed them in the room. Jae Eun helped unpack her belongings and placed them in her room. Yoona cooked dinner and they all ate together.

"Mommy." Said Jae Eun.

"Yes." Said Yoona.

"Can we sleep in daddy's room tonight?" Said Jae Eun.

"You can, I'm sleeping in my room." Said Yoona.

"But I want us to sleep with appa. In plus, the day isn't over yet so you still have to do what I tell you to." Said Jae Eun.

Yoona sighed and looked at Sehun.

"Now I know who she got that from." Said Yoona.

Sehun looked at her and laughed.

"Ya, why are you laughing." Said Yoona.

"It just shows how much he we are alike." Said Sehun.

They finished eating and cleaning. Jae Eun fell asleep while Sehun and Yoona were cleaning so they decided to put her in Sehun's room. Yoona walked off to bed in her room.

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