The Party

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1 month later:

Yoona and Sehun are as happy as can be. They finally started getting along and have a good relationship. Yoona and Sehun was invited to a business party. Their company was doing a collaboration with another airline company. Yoona wasn't feeling well but she couldn't miss out since she was part of the company so she decided to go. She and Sehun attended the party and were both up and talking to others. A girl suddenly approached Sehun. Kim Soo Eun, the daughter of one of the most successful businessmen.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kim Soo Eun." Said Soo Eun.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Oh Sehun." Said Sehun.

They both shook hands and then she gave him a slight smirk. Sehun raised his eyebrow and walked towards Yoona and held her hand. Soo Eun was watching from a distance.

"Yoona?" She said to herself and scoffed.

"Always getting the guy as always. Well this time, it's my turn to take him away." Said Soo Eun to herself .

Soo Eun told one of the servers to tell Sehun that the chairman wanted to see him at the rooftop. Sehun left to the rooftop. When he got there he saw Soo Eun. She was "crying" and Sehun walked over to her.

"Ummm, are you okay?" He asked.

"My boyfriend broke up with me." She said while crying.

The waiter suddenly told Yoona that Sehun was at the rooftop since she was looking for him, so she headed to the rooftop.

"I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do about that." Said Sehun.

She then hugged Sehun tightly. He tried to make her get off of him but her grip was quite strong. Yoona suddenly got to the rooftop and saw that they were hugging and then Soo Eun tiptoes and gave Sehun a peck. Her heart dropped and she felt tears coming, so she decided to leave. She was walking away when she rolled her ankle.

"Oww." Said Yoona as she held onto her ankle.

She then realized that she didn't leave the scene yet and she turned around and saw that Sehun and Soo Eun was looking at her. She tried her best to get to the elevator and before Sehun could reach the elevator, the door closed. Yoona took a cab and left to Taehyung's place.

*Doorbell Rings*

Taehyung opens up the door and see's Yoona.

"What's up?" Said Taehyung.

"Can i stay here for the night?" Said Yoona.

"Come in." Said Taehyung.

Yoona limped her way inside. Taehyung saw and he helped her inside. Taeyoung, Taehyung's girlfriend, walked out of the room and she entered the living room.

"Hey, Yoona." Said Taeyoung.

"Taeyoung-Ah, Yoona sprained her ankle, can you help bandage her." Said Taehyung.

"Yes, of course. That's why I'm a nurse." Said Taeyoung.

Taeyoung looked at her ankle and saw that it was bruised and swollen badly.

"What happened?" Said Taeyoung.

"I rolled my ankle." Said Yoona.

"Where's Sehun?" Said Taehyung.

Yoona just looked away and pretended like she didn't hear.

"Is he the one who did this to you?" Said Taehyung with a furious way.

Yoona held Taehyung's wrist.

"Ya, i'm fine." Said Yoona.

"It still isn't acceptable." Said Taehyung.

"Can i spend the night here?" Said Yoona.

"Yes of course." Said Taeyoung.

Taeyoung finished wrapping Yoona's foot and Yoona got changed into some of Taeyoung clothes.

"Taehyung, can you leave the room for a bit. I want to talk to Yoona, alone." Said Taeyoung.

Taehyung nodded and left.

"So what happened at the party?" Said Taeyoung.

"It's nothing." Said Yoona.

"Spill it." Said Taeyoung.

Yoona sighed.

"It's saw Sehun hugging another women and surprisingly, she was my enemy is highschool. They even kissed." Said Yoona.

"Sehun must be worried about you. Especially at this hour." Said Taeyoung.

"If he really cared, why would he do that to me?" Said Yoona.

Taeyoung patted her on the back.

"Don't think too much." Said Taeyoung.

Next Morning

Even though Yoona didn't want to go back home, she had no choice. Taehyung dropped her off at the house and she saw a strange car outside. She walked into the house and put her things on the side table. She then walked to the kitchen and saw Sehun and Soo Eun cooking. Yoona just stood there and watched them. Sehun turned around and looked at Yoona.

"Where we're you yesterday? I was worried about you." Said Sehun.

"I was with Taeyoung." Said Yoona.

"So you were with Taehyung and Taeyoung." Said Sehun.

"Yes." Said Yoona as she nodded.

"Come eat with us." Said Soo Eun.

"No thanks, i'm fine." Said Yoona as she walked upstairs limping.

Sehun was about to help her when Soo Eun grabbed his wrist and she wrapped her arm around his.

"Sehun- oppa, come eat with me." Said Soo Eun.

"Go home." Said Sehun as he pushed her hand away.

Soo Eun scoffed and left the house. Sehun walked up to the room and back hugged Yoona. She tried her best to keep her tears in.

"What happened to your foot?" Said Sehun.

"It's nothing." Said Yoona.

"Go eat, I'll be down in a bit." Said Yoona.

Sehun left downstairs and Yoona suddenly went to the bathroom and she threw up because she wasn't feeling well. She has been feeling like that for the past few days. She went downstairs afterwards and she sat down on the couch and she decided to watch a movie while Sehun was eating. After Sehun was done, Yoona was already in deep sleep. Sehun fixed the blanket and fell asleep on the other couch. When Sehun woke up, Yoona was gone. He walked over to the table and saw a note.

I went to the store to grab a few things. -Yoona

Sehun suddenly heard the doorbell ring. It was Taehyung.

"Taehyung." Said Sehun as he was about to shake Taehyung's hand but then Taehyung walked in without shaking his hand.

They both sat on different couches and Taehyung looked furious.

"I know what you did yesterday." Said Taehyung.

"What did I do?" Said Sehun.

"You and Soo Eun were hugging and Yoona saw. She even saw the part after that. She even twisted her ankle after seeing that." Said Taehyung.

"You know Soo Eun?" Said Sehun.

"That's not the point. Do you know how much Yoona trusts you and for you to break that trust and love is unbearable. Just looking at her, I can see the pain, the tears, that she holds back so much. You're lucky that she didn't beat you up, because if I were her I would have beat you up." Said Taehyung.

"I didn't come here to ask for anything. I came here to tell you that if you hurt her again, I won't let you go." Said Taehyung.

Taehyung stood up and left the house.

Sehun clenched his fist and got upset.

1 Month Later

"What do you want? Ya, can you leave me alone." Said Sehun.

"Oppa, I just wanted to talk to you about something." Said Soo Eun.

Sehun sighed and let her into the house. Yoona was at Taehyungs helping them plan out Taehyungs wedding. She walked to the kitchen and made Sehun a drink and she put in sleeping meds in the drink. She gave the drink to Sehun and Sehun drank it all.

"Oppa, i'm sorry for making your wife misunderstand." Said Soo Eun.

Sehun suddenly got light headed and then he suddenly blacked out. After awhile, Soo Eun heard the front door unlocking so she made it look like her and Sehun were cuddling on the couch. Yoona got to the living room and saw Sehun and Soo Eun hugging and sleeping. Yoona dropped her bag and Sehun woke up.

"What is this?" Said Yoona.

"It's not what you think." Said Sehun as he walked over to Yoona.

Yoona grabbed her bag and she left the house. Sehun followed her out and he tried to follow her with his car but she escaped pretty fast and Sehun had no idea where she was heading towards. Yoona was heading towards an apartment. Sehun lost track of where Yoona went and he was going crazy. Yoona stayed there for the past few days without anyone knowing. Sehun suddenly received a letter for divorce. And trust me, Soo Eun came over more than 2 times to bother Sehun. Sehun messaged Yoona.

S: Ya, are you crazy. I'm not gonna sign the divorce papers.

Y: You have no choice.

S: Do you not love me? Why?

Y: Don't even ask.

The conversation ended and she was still hiding in the apartment. She then started to feel sick and unwell. Sehun wanted to meet up with her and she had no choice but to agree because it was about the divorce papers.

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