Start of a New Life

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Yoona's POV

I can't believe that it has already been 2 years since Cha Eunwoo has left me. I have been a lot harder and I have become a stronger person. I just got done with college and I finally got offered a job in Korea for one of the most famous airlines which is Incheon International Airline. My parents are staying in New York while I'm at Korea. I am already on the plane and I am almost to Seoul. My house in Seoul that I bought is being rebuilt to my liking and will take a while to be built, so my dad is having me stay at his closest friends house. Hopefully they will like me and that they will accept me to live there for a while until my house is finished being built. One of my dad's friends son is picking me up from the airport which I think is pretty awkward but we'll see how it goes. I finally got off the plane and now I just have to take my belongings and look for the person picking me up. I saw a sign that said my name and there was a guy standing there and he looks like he has a baby face, medium height, and light brown hair.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Im Yoon Ah (Yoona)." said Yoona while she bowed her head.

"Annyeonghasayo, my name is Oh Baek Hyun." said Baekhyun while he bowed his head.

"Are you the one picking me up?" asked Yoona.

"Yes, this way please." said Baekhyun as he showed her the way.

"Yes." said Yoona as she followed Baekhyun.

In the Car:

"Do you work for Incheon Airlines?" asked Yoona.

"Yes, my father owns the company so I've been working there for 4 years already." said Baekhyun.

"Oh really, I am also going to be working there as well." said Yoona.

"Wow, I guess we should get to know each other then since we'll see each other on a daily bases. I mean, we live in the same house and we work at the same company." said Baekhyun as he laughed.

Yoona just laughed with him. They finally got to the mansion and Yoona was surprised because it was just as big as her house in New York. The mansion really looked nice and it looked really peaceful and quiet. Baekhyun opened up the car door for her and he directed her into the house. Right when they walked in there were a bunch of maids lined up and waiting for my arrival I guess.

"Everyone this is Im Yoon Ah and she will be living here in this household and I expect you guys to treat her how you guys treat us." said Baekhyun while looking at the maids.

"Welcome Yoon Ah." said the maids as they looked at me and smiled at Yoona.

"Thank you and please take care of me." said Yoona.

"This way please." said Baekhyun as he took me into a room.

When we walked into the room, there seemed to be two elders and about 10 other guys sitting at the table. Baekhyun directed me to the front of the room where the two elders were sitting at and told me to sit next to them so I did. But before I sat I bowed down and introduced myself of course.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Im Yoon Ah." said Yoona as she bowed down.

"Annyeonghaseyo, you can call me uncle and you can call her aunt." said the Baekhyun's dad.

"Yes, it's very nice to meet you. I have always wanted a girl inside the house to talk to because I am the only one in this family." said Baekhyun's mom as she smiled at me.

"I am Kris." said Kris as he bowed.

"I am Luhan." said Luhan as he bowed.

"I am Tao." said Tao as he bowed.

"I am Suho." said Suho as he bowed.

"I am Chen." said Chen as he bowed.

"I am Kai." said Kai as he bowed.

"I am Chanyeol." said Chanyeol as he bowed.

"I am Xiumin." said Xiumin as he bowed.

"I am Lay." said Lay as he bowed.

"I am Kyungsoo. said Kyungsoo as he bowed.

"It's nice to meet all of you and please take care of me." Yoona said as she bowed.

"From now on she will be living in this household for a while and starting tomorrow, she will be working at the company so your guys job is to introduce her and to help her get used to the place and help her get her job done." said Baekhyun's dad.

Another guy walks in with his shades on and he comes and sits next to the rest of the guys. He sat down and took off his shades.

"Sorry that I was late." said Sehun.

"I am Sehun. It's nice to meet you." said Sehun as he looked at Yoona with his charming eyes.

"Yes, my name is Yoon Ah." said Yoona while looking at him.

"Sehun-ah, to make up for being late at an important guest's welcoming, you wouldn't mind showing her around right?" said Baekhyun's mom.

"Of course not." said Sehun.

"You are all dismissed." said Uncle.

The boys and I walked out of the room. Sehun showed me around the house and then we walked to the backyard.

"This is our backyard and pool area. Be careful because it is quite slippery around the pool." said Sehun.

While walking my the pool, I wasn't paying much attention when all of a sudden I almost fell into the pool. Sehun grabbed my arm but we both ended up falling into the pool.

"Aish, are you okay?" asked Sehun.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." said Yoona.

Sehun got out of the pool and he grabbed a few towels and he gave Yoona one.

"Dry up before you go." said Sehun as he dried himself off with the towel.

After I dried up, I walked to my room and all my belongings were already organized and placed to where it should be so I decided to take a shower. After my shower, it was already around 7:00 in the afternoon so I decided to cook. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw a few maids already starting to cook.

"Can I help with anything." said Yoona.

"Oh no it's fine we like to cook so you don't have to help us." said one of the maids.

"Are you sure?" said Yoona.

"Of course and you guys aren't allowed to cook." said one of the maids.

"Ok." said Yoona as she smiled at them but when she walked away she was really confused and walked up to her room.

"Not allowed to cook?" said Yoona while talking to herself.

Yoona heard a knock on her door and so she opened it and saw Baekhyun.

"Oh, hey. Did you need something?" said Yoona.

"Oh no I just came to check up on you because i heard that you and Sehun fell into the pool. But it looks like everything is alright so I'm gonna go and check up on Sehun." said Baekhyun.

"Oh no its fine, i'll check up on him. I still have to apologize too because i feel bad." said Yoona.

"Oh ok then." said Baekhyun as he walked away.

"Um, do you know where his room is? Sorry there are a lot of rooms and a lot of you guys so i don't quite remember where everyone's room is at." said Yoona.

"His room is the one next to yours on the left side." said Baekhyun as he laughed and smiled.

"Right, and thank you." said Yoona.

Baekhyun nodded and walked to his room. Yoona walked to Sehun's room and knocked on the door. There was no one unlocking the door and so she opened the door and walked in. She saw someone at the side of the bed and so she walked over there and saw that Sehun had collapsed.

"Sehun, wake up." said Yoona while trying to wake him up.

Sehun wouldn't wake up so she called Baekhyun. Baekhyun helped put him on the bed.

"Is he okay?" asked Yoona.

"He has a high fever. He gets sick once in a while and gets weak but since he fell into the pool, I think it made it worse but no worries, he'll be fine." said BaekHyun.

"I'll be right back." said Yoona as she walked out of the room.

Yoona came back with a bowl of water, a small towel, a cup of water, and some medication.

"I'll take care of him since I'm the one who made the situation worse." said Yoona as she started to wipe him with the wet towel.

Baekhyun walked out of the room and his brothers were all by the door listening. All the boys went to a huge room which is kind of like a living room and just chilled there.

"So what do you guys think of the new girl?" said Chanyeol.

"I think she's cute." said Kai.

"Same here." said the rest of the boys.

"Did you guys see when Sehun and Yoona fell into the pool?" asked Suho.

"Yeah we were all watching from the window." said the boys.

"All of you guys?" asked Suho.

The boys just shook their heads.

"Wow, you guys must like her alot." said Suho.

"I think they were meant to be. I mean they both fell into a pool together and now she is in his room taking care of him." said Chanyeol.

"But you know how Sehun is. He pushes away every girl that gets close to him." said Xiumin.

"But the way I see it, is that he isn't calm like that towards other girls." said Chanyeol.

The boys looked at him and nodded.

"I can see your point now." said Chen.

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