Chapter 1 - Unaccepted

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Is it because I am a girl? Or is it because I'm born into the head family and yet I am so weak? I have yearned to feel loved and needed within the Uchiha compound. Glares and whispers floated about as I walked along, something about the devil that resides within me. This is something a mere 3-yr old should not deal with. 

I was unable to leave the Uchiha compound, outside doesn't have the protection I need, stated my father. The only sources of the fact there an outside world is pictures, things Itachi and Sasuke brings home for me and the occasional clothes my mother buys me. 

I quickly strolled home, escaping my horrendous surrounding and entering the place I call home.

I love my home.

There is always a smell of food or some tea, my mother is always there, ready to greet any members of my family with something nice to eat, father is the head of the Konoha Police Force so he was rarely home, Itachi is 12 yet already trying out for ANBU. He never hangs out with me and Sasuke anymore. Sasuke is 7, in the academy. All my intelligence comes from Sasuke, he is smart, always at the top of the class. But my ninja skills comes from Itachi, he trains me whenever he is free and no one is watching. Father and mother would rather me be the fragile princess they always wanted instead of being a ninja and Sasuke will be jealous if he knew Itachi trained me more.... that's what he gets for calling me a potato. HMPH.

Anyways, as I got home, mother was already walking towards the door with a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies. My eyes brightened up at the sight of the delicious, mouth watering goodies. this caused my mother to chuckle.

"I thought you were happy to see me? Are you using me for my cooking only Yuna?" A small blush came onto my cheeks as I noticed she was fully correct, I slowly nodded my head which only caused her to laugh a bit more. I grabbed a few cookies before stumbling towards my room which was upstairs but not without mumbling a small thank you as a sign of gratitude towards my mother. 

I still don't understand why they would give a 3-yr old a room upstairs, no let me rephrase, i don't understand how they let a 3-yr old wonder the whole compound alone yet won't let me walk outside to the actual village. I have weird parents...

A small shout caught my attention as I realised Sasuke is home, "finally" I muttered before walking back down to greet my brother.

"YUNA" of course he would shout my name as if I was kidnapped... it's Sasuke.

I quietly sneaked up behind him; "Boo".

In that moment a high pitched scream was heard coming from the house that held the most important Uchiha members. And along with giggles.

Later that night, Itachi finally came home from his mission causing me and Sasuke to annoy the hell out of him, well mainly Sasuke, I'm the more reserved one. Anyways father also came home, he stayed his usual self, emotionless. Father is only emotionless infront of his sons to set a good example but infront of me or mother is a whole different story.

Itachi seemed more distant, tense and quiet. the whole dinner table practically felt the tension rolling off Itachi.

"How was everyone's day" yeah, great going mother, do you not feel the awkwardness right now?

"Alright" answered father, maybe i was the only awkward one.

Sasuke was also acting like his usual self, eating all the tomatoes. I just ate whatever mother put in my dish.

The night went on, and soon I was in bed unable to sleep. Past and present events kept replaying in my mind. The villagers/ninja's hatred towards me, like I'm 3, what did I ever do? 

'Absolutely nothing my dear, it's all my fault' a voice rang out in my head. I jumped up startled, looking around the room and saw nothing, am I crazy now?

'No child, I'm in your head' the voice is sweet, almost angelic.

'who are you?' i thought, hoping they can read my mind.

'Ah, so the well reserved Princess of Uchihas can reply to someone' an overly sarcastic voice answered back, this one was more normal, deep but not raspy. it had more of an edge to it though.

'shush up' muttered the angelic voice before disappearing, the edgy one also muttered something before receding back to the depths of my mind. 'Well that was weird, I'll ask father about it later' 

Then I slowly drifted off to sleep.

My life is utterly boring, the same thing goes on everyday, i got out in the morning, take in hate given by the villagers, take a stroll in the forest behind the Uchiha compound, head home in the afternoon, wait for Sasuke, Itachi and father, eat dinner, play around abit and then sleep. there is the occasional moments where i give up on the forest and train with Itachi instead or hang out with Sasuke. 

I still don't know why people won't accept me as the head of Uchiha's daughter, maybe it's because I'm crazy and can hear voices, speaking of voices, the two never came back, its been like almost a year now.

Maybe I should stop going out..? HAHAHA jokes.

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