Fated Love - Part 28

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Bangtan Mansion:

All sitting in living room after changing their dresses...

Kookie sulking at his hyungs sitting in single chair...

Others controlling their laugh at sulky bunny...

"What happened Mr. Bunny??? Don't you like your surprise" Tae asked with cute pout but smirk internally...

"Yeah... Bunny... You are making my angle sad..." Jimin said with concern voice but smiles at bunny internally...

"Yes... Yes... Don't make him sad bunny... Look at our cute taetae..." Others said with teasing smile...

Kookie Pov: "O My God... My drama family... 1st they didn't tell me about Tae as our new model... Now making fun of me..."

"Don't talk to me... 1st you all lied to me, now teasing me... I am angry with you all..." He said while turning his head to otherside.

"We are sorry bunny... Please forgive your hyungs..." Except Tae all Said in unison.

"I want compensation... You should come with me wherever I go tomorrow" Kookie said demandingly.

"Ok..." All agreed instantly.

"Fine then... Go to sleep hyungs... It's already too late... Good night..." At last he showed his bunny smile.

"Good night baby " all leaves to their room, minimonie to guest room...

When Tae ready to leave, kook hold his wrist from back...

"Where are you going... You think I will leave you that easily..." Kook said while turning him around to face him.

"Ohhh... What will you do Mr.Bunny???" Tae asked him.

"You want to know what I can do with you darling..." He said in Tae's ear which gives chills down his spine... But he quickly composed himself... Kookie smirks internally by his effect on Tae...

"What if I want..." Tae said while staring into kookie eyes, kookie lost in those almond eyes... Tae took this chance and escape from kookie's grip... "See, u can't even hold my hand properly... I can escap from you easily... U are not soo strong to hold me Mr.bunny..." tae said more like challenging... Before kookie reply tae runs away to guest room...

Kookie just stare at his hand then thinka himself... "Ahhhh... Am I not enough to hold my angel??? But hyungs told me my grip is sooo strong...",a confused bunny went to his room & slept.

Next day morning:

All gathered at dining table for breakfast except namjoon, he is attending a cl, when he came back all settled in their chairs, only head chair which is reserved for jin's future husband is empty now...

(A/N: Actually no-one will seat in that chair till now... They have more than sufficient chairs at dining table, but naughty hobi take away all extra chairs with the help of kookie & suga...)

"Hyung... Sit there..." Hobi pointed at head chair for namjoon, while looking at Jin with side eyes, who is looking down, too embarrassed to show his tomato red bread cheeks... Namjoon surprised then nervously looked at jimin, who noded his head as it's ok... But Still he didn't sit there... But hobi being hobi dragged him & make him sit & whispered in his ear... "Don't worry hyung kookie's mama bird is too shy to look at his appa hyung..." Joonie chocked on the air... Jin hurriedly give water to joonie but when his hand touched joonie's hand, he feel shy again & retreat his hand...

All completed their breakfast with little chit chat but whole the time Jin avoided any conversation & eye contact with joonie... After breakfast all gathered in living room.

Hyungs... You all promised me to come with me wherever I want... I want to go to ammugement park... Kookie asked his hyungs...

Yeahhhh.... Wowwww..... Let's gooooo... Vmin said excitedly...

Ok... I too need a break... Let's go... Joonie said.

All went to ammugement park... Kookie wants to do all rides...

1st they do horse ride... Everyone enjoyed it like kids...

Then they go for small Columbus ride...
They sit like... front row sope, 2nd row Vminkook, last row namjin...

Chimmy admiring his love from back seat during entire ride... Taekook are in their own world (teasing & flirting)... Namjin are took shy to talk, when ride starts Jin hold joonie's hand due to fear, joon just enjoyed jin's touch... About Sope, Hobi held Suga hand tightly out of fear & cursing Suga for not to tell kookie about tae in the 1st place, Suga wrap his hand around hobi's shoulder bearing his tantrums...

Then they moved to roller coaster... Everyone enjoyed it, except hobi... He is too afraid & shouted entire ride...

Then they went to slider... Hyungs are not in a mood to ride any further, chimmy also don't want to go, So only taekook go for that...

Kook wants to slide 1st but naughty bear wants to tease kookie, so he sit after kookie & back hugged him during the ride, not to mention both enjoyed that too much...

After that they went for lunch... After lunch hyungs wanted to go home but kookie, not in mood to go home early so he requested for one last ride... Hyungs said ok to that, then regret their decision... Kookie dragged them to big Columbus... Taekook,sope are sit one side & opposite side Namjinmin are settled...

(Imagine namjin in taekook place beside jimin)

From amusement park, they went to a mall to celebrate Tae's new journey as model in Korea... Kookie already booked private hall with decoration for that...

All except kookie: wow... It's looks so beautiful... Kookie did you arrange this... They looks at kookie, who smile at them...

Kookie: Ofcourse I did this for my an... Mmm... Our cutie taetae...

All except tae: Oooooooo...

Tae: Mr. Bunny boy... Thank you so much... Why don't you join as my manager, then you can arrange my all schedules, my success parties... Said with a naughty smirk...

Kookie: Ahhhh... Baby taetae I am glad with your offer, but it's not good for you to make your boss as your manager...

Tae: Ohhh... U... My boss... Very funny... How???

Kookie: Ohhhh my cutie pie do u forget I will be the future CEO of Jeon Industries... Said with a teasing smirk...

Tae: Baby kookie... I am ur taetae right... U are not going to make me work hard... Shows his puppy eyes...

Kookie surrender for those puppy eyes... My baby... How can I make my baby to work hard... He lift tae & spin him, who is laughing loudly...

Hyungs are watching their drama with so much of love & care...

"Hyung... Learn from your brother... See how he is flirting... U are not even talk properly with Jin hyung... Make a move man..." Jimin whisper with joon...

"U shorty... U didn't even told me who is ur love, atleast I brave enough to told you about my love..." Joon whisper back...

"Yeah... Yeah... After I presure to confirm your feelings... Ungrateful hyung of mine..." Jimin said with done tone.

After celebration then did their dinner in the mall... At dinner tae posted a pic of his hyungs while dinner in his Twitter account1... Within minutes it goes viral like why not that's not pic of every day, all young famous people among Korea in a single frame that too in childish way with a caption... "It's hard to handle My Bratty Little Ones... Kim Taehyung)

(A/N: seriously tae... U are the Little one here...
Tae: Ohhh shut up admin... My FF... My rules...)

When they step out after dinner... Some non popular local channel making a random chitchat show in the mall with visitors... When they saw our gang, they are rushed to them & introduced their channel to them asked for some live chitchat with them for broadcast... 1st they politely denied but tae is exited for that, so they accepted it...

Anchor: Today we are so lucky to have Korean heartthrobs here... You all know them but let me introduce them once again... 1st Worlds Most Handsome Man Mr.Kim Taehyung with his little ones...

All except Tae: What??? (All are utterly shocked for how she introduced them...

Anchor felt nervous with their reaction, think she may said something wrong or they may angry for not to introduce them all by their names...

Anchor: I am sorry sir... I just want to stretch today's trending topic, so I just made introduction like that...

Jungkook: What trending topic...

Anchor shows them the pic

All are looked at tae, who smiles sheepishly.... They signed but wants to play along with tae...

Jimin: Ohhh... This one... Yeah it's very difficult for our hyung to handle us...

Anchor laugh nervously because of his tone, but composed herself.

Anchor: Today our topic is some questions about behaviour... You guys just needs to point towards the person, who is related to that... No talk, only point your finger towards the person...

They all nodded...

Anchor: Who is the hyung of the group???

All pointed towards Tae, who launched loudly...

Anchor: Who is most caring person of the group???

All again pointed towards Tae...

Tae pov:Me... But chimmy is most caring person, anyway enjoy the show...

Anchor: Who is more talkative person of the group???

Again all pointed to tae...
Tae pov: It's not right... Hobi hyung is more talkative...

Anchor: Who is most sassiest person of the group???

Same result...
Tae pov: anyway... It's me only...

Anchor: Who is more matured person of the group???

Again same result...
Tae pov: They are playing with me... It's namjoon hyung, who is most matured person...

Anchor: Who is the most childish person of the group???

Again same result...
Tae pov: Ahhhh... It's Jin hyung, idiots...

Anchor: Who is looks more scary, when he is angry???

Tae Pov: It's suga hyung... If they again points towards me... They will finish...

But as usual same results, all pointed towards Tae...

Anchor pov: Are they playing with me??? Anyway I can't question them about it just like any common person...

Anchor: Who is most dangerous yet baby of the group???

Again all pointed towards Tae
Tae pov: I know you guys are playing... Let's see, who can save you guys from me at home...

Anchor: Who spend more money for gifts???

Again same
Tae pov: Again me, when did I even buy  last gifts for them🤔... It's hobi hyungs, who always buy gifts for everyone one... Stupid hyungs of mine...

Anchor: Last but not least... If your group is a body, which organ suitable for each one & why???

Tae: I will answer it...

Kim Namjoon: Brain, he is too intelligent with 148 IQ, which is highest among us... But sometimes less common sense & he a heart sergent with 100% heart sergent, but also called as God of distruction... He always acts like a father but always likes small & cute things, which are opposite to his well built body...

Kim seokjin:  Hands, he is a fashion designer along with a quality of great chef... He always prefer to cook for us,  make sure of everyone eat & sleep well... He always acts like a mother... Nothing is more important than our health, but his health is least important...

Jung Hoseok: Face... All shine & bright just like sunshine... Allways try to make everyone happy, no matter what... If he is there, means happiness is there... You can't seperate him from Yoongi, his best friend, who has to bear his all tantrums...

Min Yoongi: Looks like a scary person but in reality he is so kind & caring... But never try to touch his loved ones, they will be in danger, but he is in danger if hoseok is extremely happy or extremely sad...

Park Jimin: All important internal organs... He is an introvert, very kind & caring... Never said NO to others, even if it leads to his sadness... Always ready to sacrifice... Very soft, always ready to take blames to save his loved ones... Not so brave to voice out his concerns... Very very obedient kid... His works can't see, they are most required things... But don't test his patience to the core, you will regret it later...

Jeon Jungkook: Legs... Always ready to kick everyone, who look at his loved ones with other thoughts... Too easy to read his thoughts just by his face... too strong personally & mentally... Baby of the group...

All are too stunned to make any comment... he is the real maknae but understand others so well, that no-one can disagree with any of his statements...

Anchor: That's so nice... What about you???

Before he answer, all shouted in unison... He is Heart of the group...

Namjoon&Jin: Our existence depends on him...

Tae: Heart is also included in all internal organs...

Jimin: That doesn't matter... You are the heart, which will make us alive...

Jung kook: There is no replacement for it...

Tae pov: Don't say like that... What will you do, if oneday I leave???
And tae face becomes gloomy...

Hoseok: Ahhh... My heartuuuu... (Dramatically put his hand on his left side of the chest)

Tae: What happened???

Hoseak: your pumping blood slowly, we need more energy... Buy gifts for us... We will work more properly...

Yoongi: Yes hyung... Please buy us gifts...

Tae pov: OMG... My dramatic family... They put me in tight situation, the cameras are still running... Let's buy them some gifts... I will make them pay in other ways... go for it Taetae...

Tae: Yeah... So much of interview... Lets go for shopping...

Anchor: Thank you so much for accepting this live broadcast with our channel sir...

Tae: Not to mention... Bye...

When they completed that, other media also gathered there but they left to buy some gifts for themselves without giving any answers to other reporters...

After shopping they went to bangtan mansion, bid their good nights & slept...

Next Day Morning :

There is full of chacos early in the morning....

All are laughing looking at eachother....

"Ahhh.... My World Wide Handsome face..." He screamed, when he went to washroom to fresh up...

Namjoon: Jin... What happened???

Joon entered in his room & laughed hard after watching his face... scetch marks are there all over his face...

Jin: Hyung... Don't laugh at me... Buy the way what happened to your pants... Why are you cut them infront??? to show your underwear or to show your thighs...

"What???" He looks down & realised his pants are cut in round shape on each thigh, which are showing his little bit of underwear & his thighs...

"Ahhh... What is this???" He hurriedly cover it & try to run away from there... But when he running... Jin again shouted from back... "Hyung... Ur back side also on show...."

Meanwhile with jikook:

Jimin: Ahhhh... Who the hell put colour in my perfume bottle... I don't even have extra formal shirt to ware for office...

Kookie: Jin hyungggggg... Who the hell shuffle all my formals & casuals.... My watches and other accessories also...

He come out with towel wrapped around his waist to go to Jin's room... But stopped by jimin...

Jimin: Kookie... Why are you roaming like this???

Kookie: It's because... Wait... Did you forgot to die your hair, so you die your shirt...

Jimin: Stupid bunny... It's because someone put die colour in my perfume spray... Can you lend me your shirt for today...

Kookie: Hmmm... Forget about for you, i didn't even find to ware for me & Just see yourself & mine it will be oversized for you... Just go and ask hobi hyung, his shirts will be perfect fit for you...

Then they heard hobi screams & went to there...

Meanwhile with sope:

Hobi: Ahhh... I hate snakuuuuu.... Ahhh.... Save meeeeee.... Ahhhhhh.....

Suga: What happened hoba??? Why are you shouting in high pich tone... & Why are you standing on dining table... Get down...

Hobi: No... There is a snake on my bed... I won't come...

Suga: What... stupid, snakes won't come here... There is no snake there, get down 1st...

Hobi: No... No... No...

Suga: Ahhhh... Wait let me check in your room

Suga went to check hobi's room and came with a rubber snake& some papers are attached to it... He come back to dining hall

Suga: Yeah... Idiot, get down 1st, it's just a rubber doll, not a

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